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Walker issues in KOTET


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In Chapter 1 on Voss when you pilot the Walker to get to the Shrine of Healing, the Walker is using player health, that mission alone was fine, as I could just use the Field Technicians to get through the mission. However when I got to Chapter 5: Ascension to use the big Droid, it also uses player health, and I can't get past the fight. I have also heard of similar issues in later chapters, I hope this is addressed soon as I can't progress to the newer content until this is fixed. Edited by -Athelion-
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I think it's scaling in general. I'm also stuck on the droid fight in Chapter 5 right now. I've tried way too many times.


I ran into another quest where there's some sort of weird scaling issue from KOTFE. It's a side quest called "Freedom Fight" where you need to fight in the Arena Grand. The first fight requires you to destroy her two droids so she doesn't kill you while they buff her but I can't even get one droid down because she hits me for 65k. I checked youtube videos out and it's definitely not that way for other people.


I'm hoping there's some sort of response soon. I have a ticket open in game from last night so I'll try to remember what their reply is when I get it.

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They said they would fix it on Tuesday. How they leave a game breaking (stopping?) bug for a WEEK is stunningly pathetic. I can't play that toon for days because they won't do a daily hotfix!

and here i was wondering why the heck this droid seems squishy af. didn't have this problem on first play through, but that was ... at least a year ago. :eek:

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I was hardly able to finish KOTET by using hit and run tactics or finding place to hide but Iokath Sentinel bosses are impossible to beat they melt you in seconds and you cant run anywhere They should fix this as fast as possible. Story quest is unbeatable :/ Edited by MetusZero
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They said they would fix it on Tuesday. How they leave a game breaking (stopping?) bug for a WEEK is stunningly pathetic. I can't play that toon for days because they won't do a daily hotfix!

You're right, but then again, all evidence points towards their competence for managing Swtor being just that, stunningly and completely pathetic and atrocious beyond comprehension or sense. I'm starting to think they've been pushed into doing so just so someone over at Anthem's devs can say "At least Anthem wasn't that much of a dumpster fire compared to the recent Swtor launch."

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They said they would fix it on Tuesday. How they leave a game breaking (stopping?) bug for a WEEK is stunningly pathetic. I can't play that toon for days because they won't do a daily hotfix!


Real pathetic they should have fixed it by now, but they haven't

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