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Good afternoon all, in RL everyone either calls me Chazz or Sword depending on how you know me. I am eighteen years of age and starting my first semester of college in January, I plan on majoring in theology and minoring in writing (would that be called english?) and eventually working my way up to a doctorate.


I found out about the game a little less then a month before it was released when some the people I played with in DDO were talking about it. (yes, I live under a rock :p ) I've been hooked on it ever since, much to my best friends amusement.


I play out on the Ven Zallow server. I liked the idea of a PVP server and I love RP'ing. I've been Roleplaying for four years now in Dungeons and Dragons, specifically the Star Wars rendition (I grew up on star wars so it was really a dream come true) Hopefully Ven Zallow will have a lot of RP once everyone finishes leveling -fingers crossed-


In any case I hope to see you all in game -bows-

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