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How to turn off right click auto purchase?


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Can't seem to find it in the options anywhere, and since I can't turn around and immediately sell something back to the vendor for what I payed before even leaving the vendor (especially commendation items!) I'm trying to find out how to remove the 1-click purchase option with right click. (Got a new mouse and the right click is very sensitive, it seems like at last once I day I'm accidentally buying something just mousing over items to read their stats)
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It has nothing to do with remembering. It's nothing more than having a new mouse, and the right click being extremely sensitive, to the point where it clicks when you're mousing over stuff at times.


Turning of 1 click buy is something nearly every game has, it's not a crazy thing to ask for. (or the ability to re-sell for what you payed before exiting the vendor would work as well, but would be more work to implement I think)

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