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Remaking the classes.


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What if any jedi or sith could choose his or her style and lightsaber?

Sith warrior or jedi knight with double saber?

What if player could fully shape his fighting style?

Remove class restrictions.

Any sith could have both force chocke and lightning

Also all starting planets need to have access to personal storage and legacy storage.

Also Tython still has only one heroic.Korriban has two.Why?

Needs to be fixed.

Also still heroics issue where player has to wait for the objective to respawn.

All those heroics need to be phases.

Also more female romances please in the expansions atleast.

Like major Anri.Plz make her romancble.

Edited by Oreget
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Also still heroics issue where player has to wait for the objective to respawn.

All those heroics need to be phases.

OK, sure. But first tell me where they should put the phase wall on Ord Mantell, especially given that the bonus mission for one of them involves killing Scavenger Lookouts on the mainland, which is actually part of a class mission objective.


(Blue clickable = the transmitter/jammer pylons, but there is also competition over the gold-star Savrip Chieftains, and there's a datacron in the area as well.)

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I would've been happy if from the get go....when you get to the forge ( as a Jedi, not a Sith) you could decide what kind of lightsaber to use . Like 1 normal or dual..or double-blade lightsabers (They are my favorite) .


But not change the class though . I like some more then others, but there are things that always baffled me .


Like getting Throw lightsaber..so LATE! :rolleyes:

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I would've been happy if from the get go....when you get to the forge ( as a Jedi, not a Sith) you could decide what kind of lightsaber to use . Like 1 normal or dual..or double-blade lightsabers (They are my favorite) .


But not change the class though . I like some more then others, but there are things that always baffled me .


Like getting Throw lightsaber..so LATE! :rolleyes:



I would love that.If they gave a player a choice what kind of lightsaber to make.

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What if any jedi or sith could choose his or her style and lightsaber?

Sith warrior or jedi knight with double saber?

What if player could fully shape his fighting style?

Remove class restrictions.

Any sith could have both force chocke and lightning


Couldn't agree more. In my opinion, they should remake their current skill/passives trees into two things. One would be passive tree, that would define your role (Through stat bonuses and utilities) and combat style (Tank/bruiser, dmg, heal) in which you could also choose your weapon proficiency.


Second would be a skill/passives tree where you choose what sort of abilities you'd like to have and in what sort of combat would you specialize in(Ranged, mid ranged/melee, full melee, dot,burst, area, single target etc.) by modifying the way your abilities work(Something like Adventages in Champions Online).


Example: Imagine a Sith Jugg DPS, build 40% around lightsaber single dmg combat, 20% lightsaber area combat and 40% around mid/close hybrid range force combat.


I know it would be complicated at first, and maybe hard to pull off for players, but that kind of system would allow to personalize your toon's combat gameplay to the fullest extend. Which would also open new ways to play the content and put way more flavor into the game. IF done right


Honestly, what we have right now is well... Bad. Character's combat customization is close to none. There is no freedom, nor variety if it comes to combat in this game. (No, combat specs are not solving the problem here) It's too... Restricted, no inbetween advenced classes nor specs (Also, shared specs are also not solving the problem here as well).


So yeah, this is the best idea I have for the moment. If you want me to give you a full and more elaborate example of a toon build in this system, I can make it in another post to give you a better insgiht on what I have in mind.

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well it would've been fun , but....if they did something like this nowdays , they will have to tweak alot more . Abilities would have to be changed for some of them .


And yes...I know..*Insert here the usual can't do-won't do-cose of yada yada* . But that make me wonder, if they really can't....(which I believe they just won't), then how could they take our old abilities...give it to the ennemy (whose idea was that anyway?), and give us something new and bland.....


Oh well..doesnt matter now .

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The thing that bugs me about some classes are the weapon locks. And the classes that use blaster rifle but are melee oriented.


Bounty Hunter and Smuggler should be able to use blaster rifles or single pistols for the single pistol spec. I don't like that they only get one pistol. Plus they should give the single pistol spec a melee and ranged option. And the Imperial Agent and Trooper should have one melee spec and one ranged spec for blaster rifles. I don't play any of those specs, even though I want to, because they are melee and takes away from the blaster rifle fun and the single pistol I don't enjoy/use.

Edited by Darth_Vainous
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