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turn off xp gain


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Whatever happened to the suggestion box? Am I not seeing it or did it not make it to the new version of the forums?


Anyway, I'm mentioning this sort of tongue-in-cheek, though at the same time, I might just use the option if it were available.


Sometimes I wish there were a way to temporarily disable or even slow down XP gain. For example, I have no idea how I even did this, but by the time I finally finished my class storyline on Dromund Kaas and got my ship, I had basically outleveled all of the Balmorra content. Similarly, I wound up having to abandon a bunch of quests on Dromund Kaas, because my level was going to completely trivialize them. That was especially disappointing for some of the heroic quests that I never had enough time to form a group to attempt.


I'm not in any rush to get to 50 (my highest level character is level 21), and I'd rather just enjoy the story at this point without feeling as though I'm wasting my time doing quests that are five levels beneath me.

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Probably one of the best suggestions to come out of the cess pool that is the forums.


I completely agree - this would be a great addition to the game for those of us who want to explore all the story elements and have it be challenging. About the only complaint I have had yet is that I level too fast. Amazing that.

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