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It might be helpful if they actually gave us a 4th crew skill to learn if they are going to cross over so much,


What would help with QOL :


1. Learning a 4th crew skill on the same character

2. Allowing 12 companions to do missions when you reach lvl 75


Since I have so many companions can I send them all out? Each gathering or mission crew skill has about eight missions so being able to send them all out would be about 24. I think treasure hunting has more than eight per level.


Unrestricted missions and I am sure it will not tax the system too much to and the timers and tracking for the missions.

The 4th crew skill would be nice but not a useful if still limited to eight missions, so no point to get that without the other.

If anything history states we should gain 2 more mission slots to send out.

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Eric, thank you for the update on crafting. We appreciate knowing that this is on the team's radar, and appreciate knowing the changes you're planning.


I know perceptions can be dangerous because they're often wrong, but I have to say that the feeling I get from your post is that you are carrying the message on changes the team may have started working on weeks ago, and unfortunately that implies (perhaps erroneously, but the perception is very much there) that you / the team stopped reading the crafting feedback threads some time back, maybe because you were already working on changes.


The problem, if that's accurate, is that your players have continued to provide you with solid testing data up to as recently as yesterday, and a lot of it speaks directly to things you specifically cited in your post, in which you presented them as if they were issues you were still waiting to hear feedback on. The net result makes it feel like the team is still very much behind the curve on the changes that are needed, and I can't stress enough how important it is that the crafting feedback thread still be read.


  • Dramatically reduced the credit cost of the supplemental crafting materials on vendors.


This is nice, but a little bit concerning because it implies that the root cause is still being missed. The unit cost of the crew skill mats is not really an issue; yes they are more expensive than previous grades, but that's always been the case with each new grade. The issue is that you have quintupled the amount of mats required, which is what is taking that more expensive per-unit cost and skyrocketing it into something unaffordable. If you were to reduce the amount of materials for a component back down to 2/2/2 then the more expensive per unit cost of these mats would not really be an issue, and you would still be pulling credits out of the economy (just at a manageable rate).


  • Crew Skill Mission times reduced by approximately 30%.


This is nice too, but again not really the root cause of the issue. Quintupling the amount of materials required and then taking that quintupled cost and multiplying it by 3-9 layers of additional embedded complexity via 3 new rarity tiers is what sets the needle way far out at one end of the spectrum, and reducing mission times by 30% does not nudge it back even to a halfway point. The numbers just don't jive. Again, this is addressing a symptom and not the cause. The cause is how many mats are required to make something.


  • Crafting times for combining materials has been reduced by approximately 30%.


This is a nice little perk. Not something we asked for, but helpful in reducing the feel of tedium. Thank you.


But it still does absolutely nothing to address the supply vs. demand issue baked into the system due to how many materials are required to make things. Again, it's not getting at the root cause.


  • Materials required to craft Premium quality items has been reduced. Specifically, it no longer requires the Conquest crafting material and lowered the overall mat requirements.


This is GREAT news, thank you for listening! I hope this means that blue rarity mats are also being removed from crafting Premium items, because it is completely the same point and the same principle.


  • Reduced the overall crafting material requirements for crafted Set Bonuses and Tactical items.


Since I don't think any tester ever actually succeeded in reaching a point where we were able to even start crafting set bonuses or tacticals (not even with infinite mats available), I'm not actually sure if this is a good change. I'm assuming so.


But I am concerned here again, because it seems to imply that the team believes the issue is how much the final highest tier item costs to make, when what we have been saying is that the issue is that getting to the highest tier is what is cost prohibitive.


No one disputes that BiS gear should cost a lot of expensive and rare mats. The problem is not that, the problem is that we can't REACH that point. We couldn't even reach it with an infinite exotic mats terminal at our disposal, because the RE chance was awful and because the amount of base components required was so insane that that road-blocked us even in testing.


One other note as well since I know there has been concern around material costs. Although the costs are higher players should be seeing a much higher in-flow of materials as well. If you are only doing Crew Skill Missions and nothing else it may feel slower though. However you will receive supplementary materials from playing content (such as boss kills) as well as via Jawa Scrap which you will receive from all deconstruction. For players who are actively harvesting materials we actually expect that you will be able to craft even faster than you could previously (due to a large in-flow of materials). As always, please keep any and all feedback coming. If what I stated above is not what you have been seeing then more changes may be necessary.


This is the paragraph that concerns me the most and which led me to feel like the team stopped reading our feedback some time ago, because we have actually provided you data already that proves all of these assumptions are wrong. They exist in a theory-crafted thinking reality that is not supported by the actual numbers. I'm going to refer to a bunch from the second official crafting feedback thread here and again urge the team to please go back to that thread and read it through.


Although the costs are higher players should be seeing a much higher in-flow of materials as well. If you are only doing Crew Skill Missions and nothing else it may feel slower though.


For players who are actively harvesting materials we actually expect that you will be able to craft even faster than you could previously (due to a large in-flow of materials).


No, this isn't the case. Not if you haven't reverted the base cost of components back to 2/2/2, which was not mentioned anywhere in this post. Again, the issue is not how much we're bringing in, in isolation; the issue is that no amount of subtle tweaking or theoretical expectations is actually matching up with how much you have made things cost in terms of the amount of mats required.


More than one person has already provided data on the results of gathering and missions, but I am going to be obnoxious and quote myself by pointing to this post, in which I pointed out that one hour of doing nothing but node harvesting (with zero competition) and running missions only sufficed to bring in enough mats to craft three of the entry level medpac units, which is dramatically less than what I would be able to achieve in the current system.


What your nodes drop now is fine and what your missions drop now is fine - but only if you reduce how many mats are required in the schematics. Don't make the mistake of thinking that just because you have added blue and purple mats to the nodes that this amounts to faster progress, because it doesn't.


We are gated by the first step, not the second or the third; every higher rarity component requires a large number of green-rarity components, and THAT'S where supply is woefully insufficient. As I point out in the post I linked to, the average number of green mats dropping from a node was 12, which is about 2x current nodes... but you increased the amount we need by FIVE times, and then multiplied that by 3-9 for every time we need to roll them into the higher tiers. Your nodes are and will remain at a woeful, miserable deficit vs what we need, because of how much things cost to make.


However you will receive supplementary materials from playing content (such as boss kills) as well as via Jawa Scrap which you will receive from all deconstruction.


No, this is not the case. Again, I will urge the team to read the crafting feedback thread more carefully, and again I will be obnoxious and point to the same post of mine in that thread, where I provided the results of deconstructing 150 pieces of gear.


Deconstructing 150 pieces of gear did not yield enough Jawa scrap to purchase mats for ONE SINGLE BASIC GREEN COMPONENT.


If you truly do wish deconstruction to be a legitimate means of mat acquisition, you need to both lower the Jawa scrap price tag enormously and, more importantly, again: reduce the cost of components back to 2/2/2.


I could quote so much more from that crafting feedback thread, but the important thing is that the team really needs to READ it. Yes a lot of it is players responding to each other, but there is valuable testing data in there all throughout. Players like TerraStomper gave you the equations on the RE % chance , and Estelindis actually took the time to give you the math (complete with spreadsheet) about what it cost to RE four schematics in this post. (Spoiler alert: it cost 6.1 thousand prototype materials and more than one thousand isotope stabilizers.)


You can't fix those numbers with tweaks.


A dramatic, 80%+ slashing of materials cost is required to even get close to something usable.


The absolute most important place to start is reverting the cost of all components back to 2/2/2.

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Since I don't think any tester ever actually succeeded in reaching a point where we were able to even start crafting set bonuses or tacticals (not even with infinite mats available), I'm not actually sure if this is a good change. I'm assuming so.

For what it's worth, I crafted some set bonus stuff. Schematics were available from Kai for tech fragments and credits (if I recall correctly; it was a few patches ago) and did not have to be RE'd. The rate of receiving tech fragments from normal play is not something I investigated very deeply, so the time investment to get those required fragments is not something I'm sure about. (The other gate is Kai's RNG.) But my overall impression was that it was easier to acquire those schematics for fragments than to RE a full chain of items.


The schematic I learned let me craft a lockbox that generates gear with a rating based on what my crafter is currently wearing. (I commented on my experiences with that here.) I think that's part of why it's easier to get: it doesn't substantially boost the crafter's average gear rating, as (in theory) a crafted 306 would do for a character otherwise wearing low-rated gear. Though it can achieve that end if the crafter themselves is wearing high-level gear and sells the crafted items to someone else.


Otherwise I agree with your general points, as usual! It's been great to have a few people in the community putting solid work into demonstrating the issues with crafting on the PTS. I have been meaning to respond to your long post earlier responding to my long post earlier than that, but with the PTS shutting down soon I thought I should first squeeze a last bit of crafting out of it. (I made five more attempts to RE that chest to the next level, none of them successful... 23 tries at 5% to no avail. But did succeed at REing some other parts to blue. Unfortunately not all of them have unique appearances, but maybe that's just PTS and they all eventually will.) Suffice it to say, I did read your post between sending companions out on missions! Thanks for being a passionate advocate for reason and sense in crafting. And finally...


If you truly do wish deconstruction to be a legitimate means of mat acquisition, you need to both lower the Jawa scrap price tag enormously and, more importantly, again: reduce the cost of components back to 2/2/2.

We are so totally on the same boat about this. :D

Edited by Estelindis
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For what it's worth, I crafted some set bonus stuff. Schematics were available from Kai for tech fragments and credits (if I recall correctly; it was a few patches ago) and did not have to be RE'd. The rate of receiving tech fragments from normal play is not something I investigated very deeply, so the time investment to get those required fragments is not something I'm sure about. (The other gate is Kai's RNG.) But my overall impression was that it was easier to acquire those schematics for fragments than to RE a full chain of items.

I would love to know what the source for the schematics will be once this goes live. I also got a couple from Kai in the first iterations of PTS 2.0; but they removed them from the vendor. I still used both i got; at first they were just placeholders. Once PTS 3 started one (Artifice) turned into a Tactical for gusnlinger/Sniper. Just in components required 55 Purples. The other (Cybertech), was still a placeholder and after one patch just disapear. I keep searching vendor and trainers during 3.0 but could not find anything else.


The schematic I learned let me craft a lockbox that generates gear with a rating based on what my crafter is currently wearing. (I commented on my experiences with that here.) I think that's part of why it's easier to get: it doesn't substantially boost the crafter's average gear rating, as (in theory) a crafted 306 would do for a character otherwise wearing low-rated gear. Though it can achieve that end if the crafter themselves is wearing high-level gear and sells the crafted items to someone else.

The lockbox seems something interesting. But we will have to see what was the intention (and what would it eventually be) of when to calculate the rating.


All things i would have loved to test without grinding mats.

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The lockbox seems something interesting. But we will have to see what was the intention (and what would it eventually be) of when to calculate the rating.

Yeah, I am interested to see how these sets will be implemented live. They clearly can't be exactly as I experienced them on the PTS, since in that case they were a literally limitless source of items. :D But precisely how much they will change between now and then we don't know.


One thing I do think might lead to a lot of spilled tears is the issue of when to calculate the rating. As I commented in my bug thread, my first use of the lockbox (which, once 6.0 goes live, I would expect to be my only use of the lockbox) gave me 270-rated gear because I happened to open it at a sub-optimal moment. I was checking out the appearance of crafted gear, and to make it clear visually what the new stuff looked like I unequipped everything else. (Yes, I could've just applied it to an outfit, but I have the habit of checking appearances for the first time via equipped gear, to save the outfit designer cost - which does add up at max level.) And then, whoops, my lockbox finished crafting, and in a burst of enthusiasm I opened it right away, lol, and got my 270s. Once I understood how it worked, I put my 306s back on and got a succession of items filled with mods rated 302-306. Such are the whims of fate. ;)


It's... definitely an interesting choice to make the item rating depend on what the crafter is currently wearing, particularly given that the ultimate person to whom the item can end up bound doesn't have to be the crafter. The approach has upsides and downsides. I'd be very interested to hear the design rationale behind it (assuming it wasn't just a placeholder).

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For what its worth... I was pretty disappointed to find out that the phase 3 is already shut down. Didn't realize it would be down so quickly, or with little notification. Thought it would at least go through the weekend. Oh well


It's log, it's log,

It's big, it's heavy, it's wood.

It's log, it's log, it's better than bad, it's good."


Everyone wants a log

You're gonna love it, log

Come on and get your log

Everyone needs a log

log log log


But you gotta log and play to get it...

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For what its worth... I was pretty disappointed to find out that the phase 3 is already shut down. Didn't realize it would be down so quickly, or with little notification. Thought it would at least go through the weekend. Oh well


It's log, it's log,

It's big, it's heavy, it's wood.

It's log, it's log, it's better than bad, it's good."


Everyone wants a log

You're gonna love it, log

Come on and get your log

Everyone needs a log

log log log


But you gotta log and play to get it...


There was plenty of notice :rolleyes:


Like a weeks notice. Pts is a test environment, I’m surprised they kept it up until Friday. Which IMO, was only done to help people wanting to finish the achievement

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There was plenty of notice :rolleyes:


Like a weeks notice. Pts is a test environment, I’m surprised they kept it up until Friday. Which IMO, was only done to help people wanting to finish the achievement


I am very livid right now. I just came back from my autumn holidays that I booked before they even announced the PTS timetable. So I was not able to do the PTS Phase 3 testing the entire last week and beginning of this week, since I was on vacation and had no access to SWTOR.


Eric wrote "until the end of next week" without giving a concrete date and time, so I assumed sunday, naturally. Instead they already pulled the plug now and I am stuck with only 5 completed group activities instead of the required 10 for the mount reward. Thanks BioWare...

Edited by Phazonfreak
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For what its worth... I was pretty disappointed to find out that the phase 3 is already shut down. Didn't realize it would be down so quickly, or with little notification. Thought it would at least go through the weekend. Oh well

I expected public testing to be finished by now, personally. I think what was more surprising was that phase two went on for so long, and phase three started so late. By comparison to the time people had to do their phase two achievements, phase three gave a smaller window. So I feel bad for you! It is a pretty slow mount that I can't imagine people using in most circumstances, but the heart wants what it wants, even when that thing is a slowly-moving log. ;)

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For what its worth... I was pretty disappointed to find out that the phase 3 is already shut down. Didn't realize it would be down so quickly, or with little notification. Thought it would at least go through the weekend. Oh well


It's log, it's log,

It's big, it's heavy, it's wood.

It's log, it's log, it's better than bad, it's good."


Everyone wants a log

You're gonna love it, log

Come on and get your log

Everyone needs a log

log log log


But you gotta log and play to get it...


There's a song by a group called Genesis, which refrain I often rework as : "You've got to log in to log out ..."

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Most of these are just adding my voice to what has been already said, but these changes NEED to happen so here I go:


-Greatly increase or outright remove the Tech Fragment cap. The cap is ridiculous compared to the prices. And there’s no point for even having a cap, if you grind a lot you deserve the reward.


-Cap the cost of rerolling amps, maybe even add a way to directly get the amp you want spending more.


-Add a way to directly purchase the mods you want. DON’T make it expensive. If you want to make sure people don’t gear up too fast, make it unavailable for people who aren’t full 306. But once you get there you need the chance to get the mods you need. I mean the set bonus pieces don’t even come with mods, so either add best-in-slot to those or give us easy to obtain non-rng mods. THIS IS CRUCIAL.




I’m sorry, I just use caps to make sure you understand. We all agree. We don’t want rng. Rng is NOT FUN. Rng burns players out and makes them lose interest in playing. All of the above changes are needed to fight the RNG hell you brought upon us. Please fix before going live.


-Prices on the direct purchase vendor are too high. It would be okay if they came modded but they are just shells, it’s just way too much. Also, vendors are a mess, like others have suggested we need a way to find what we're looking for more easily. One vendor per advanced class plus one for general sets would be a good start, also being able to filter by set bonus name or something like that would help too.


-Bring back alliance supply crates to heroics.


Now for some more personal opinions:

-Stats needed to be tweaked that's true but I believe you went too far. It's way too easy on live to get to 110% accuracy but you made it waaaay too hard on 6.0, please consider a middle ground though I suppose it's too late for a stat rebalance.

-Dps sorcs may have too much self heal on live, but again, you nerfed that too hard. Unless you compensate with great DPS, survability was about the only good thing DPS sorcs had, and now that's gone too and we're back at being made of paper. Unnatural preservation is an ability with a long cd that can't be abused so it's supposed to heal well, now it barely tickles while using utilities to boost it and max rating gear.

Edited by sdrakulya
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I am also disappointed to see this just now. I completed my achievements on phase 2 and never even saw notification that 3 was up. First I hear of it is that I missed it YESTERDAY...… Disappointing and frustrating, even though its a silly mount. :mad:
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I had gathered some stats on level sync prior to PTS shutting down and thought it might still be useful to post them.


I did this on a Focus Guardian with mostly unaugmented 258 with main/offhand 252.

On PTS I had a second copy boosted to 75 with 306 gear. I was only looking at raw stats dsplayed on character sheet, actual gameplay would depend on other factors like set bous/tactical/amplifiers etc.


I did see some weirdness with planets of nominally the same level sync producing different stats - I wanted to recheck buffs etc, but PTS closed before I got a chance.


TL;DR On average you will have about 2/3 health and base damage of live (some higher, some lower - most in the 60-70% range)


Also a level 75 in top gear (306) synced down to 70 will have less stats than a level 70 in almost top gear (252/258)


                              Live                                          PTS
Planet                Level     Health    Damage/Bonus          Level     Health    Damage
Tython                 12           2900     181-214/116.1            10          1384      84-110/34
Coruscant            18          4010      249-296/158.2           17          2222     150-187/75.7
Taris                     22          5395      311-367/201.1           21          2879     199-247/104.1
Nar Shaddaa       26          6745      361-427/229.0           25          4040     256-313/142.2
Tatooine               30          8090      419-497/261.1           29          5172     312-380/177.6
Alderaan              34          9325      495-591/303.8           33          6626     378-460/212.4
Balmorra/Quesh  38        10810      580-695/350.9           37          7707      441-537/248.1
Hoth                     42        12265      655-787/390.5           41          8757     511-625/281.7
Belsavis               46        15045      782-934/481.2           45          9101     557-687/295.0
Voss                     48        18100      896-1057/574.5        48         13519     693-837/404.8
Corellia                52         25023      1173-1353/811.6      50         15482     775-928/469.2
Ilum, Black Hole, Section X - same as Corellia
Makeb                  56         33478     1435-1635/1034.1    55         18499    908-1053/559.0
CZ-198/Oricon      as Makeb on Live                                56         18973     930-1110/572.0
Rishi                     62        58012     2163-2393/1703.2     59         36002    1486-1678/1101.5
Yavin                    as Rishi on Live                                    60         38295    1568-1764/1174.7
Ziost (daily)          as Rishi on Live                                    60         39002    1597-1793/1203.7

Level 70 (mostly 258, main/offhand 252)
Iokath                  70       126789 4177-4283/2653            70       136704    4048-4745/2654.8
Ossus  - as Iokath

Level 75 (306 gear)
Iokath                    -             -                   -                        70        101206    2732-2986/2225.2
Ossus                    -             -                   -                        70        107668    2816-3070/2389.3

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I had gathered some stats on level sync prior to PTS shutting down and thought it might still be useful to post them.


I did this on a Focus Guardian with mostly unaugmented 258 with main/offhand 252.

On PTS I had a second copy boosted to 75 with 306 gear. I was only looking at raw stats dsplayed on character sheet, actual gameplay would depend on other factors like set bous/tactical/amplifiers etc.


I did see some weirdness with planets of nominally the same level sync producing different stats - I wanted to recheck buffs etc, but PTS closed before I got a chance.


TL;DR On average you will have about 2/3 health and base damage of live (some higher, some lower - most in the 60-70% range)


Also a level 75 in top gear (306) synced down to 70 will have less stats than a level 70 in almost top gear (252/258)


                              Live                                          PTS
Planet                Level     Health    Damage/Bonus          Level     Health    Damage
Tython                 12           2900     181-214/116.1            10          1384      84-110/34
Coruscant            18          4010      249-296/158.2           17          2222     150-187/75.7
Taris                     22          5395      311-367/201.1           21          2879     199-247/104.1
Nar Shaddaa       26          6745      361-427/229.0           25          4040     256-313/142.2
Tatooine               30          8090      419-497/261.1           29          5172     312-380/177.6
Alderaan              34          9325      495-591/303.8           33          6626     378-460/212.4
Balmorra/Quesh  38        10810      580-695/350.9           37          7707      441-537/248.1
Hoth                     42        12265      655-787/390.5           41          8757     511-625/281.7
Belsavis               46        15045      782-934/481.2           45          9101     557-687/295.0
Voss                     48        18100      896-1057/574.5        48         13519     693-837/404.8
Corellia                52         25023      1173-1353/811.6      50         15482     775-928/469.2
Ilum, Black Hole, Section X - same as Corellia
Makeb                  56         33478     1435-1635/1034.1    55         18499    908-1053/559.0
CZ-198/Oricon      as Makeb on Live                                56         18973     930-1110/572.0
Rishi                     62        58012     2163-2393/1703.2     59         36002    1486-1678/1101.5
Yavin                    as Rishi on Live                                    60         38295    1568-1764/1174.7
Ziost (daily)          as Rishi on Live                                    60         39002    1597-1793/1203.7

Level 70 (mostly 258, main/offhand 252)
Iokath                  70       126789 4177-4283/2653            70       136704    4048-4745/2654.8
Ossus  - as Iokath

Level 75 (306 gear)
Iokath                    -             -                   -                        70        101206    2732-2986/2225.2
Ossus                    -             -                   -                        70        107668    2816-3070/2389.3


1. I noticed something similar … but frankly I had no clue how to begin to post this ! That is why really appreciate this. It makes sense. Both health numbers are down as well as damage.


2. I'm almost certain that this could help explain why that the character I was using with 248 (total stats) w/ several mk-10 augments (live). BUT REALLY struggled with 270 / 272 when doing the three FP's off of Odessen. I could do them solo up to a point … but when confronted with the multiple elite targets … well we went down rather quickly. And we could just not do enough damage fast enough ! I knew that "average gear" would present a bit more of a challenge … but I also know that not everyone in game when it's live will be running the old FP's with BiS gear (304+) at the beginning of the new release. That was my thought at least .


Please note: that I was able to complete all OTHER FP's and heroics in solo mode without any difficulties. Just the ones off of Odessen presented a couple of areas that were more than just a good challenge and was unable to complete.


Again: thanks for posting this ! It's good to see the tech information to back up what I suspected but I did not properly verbalize or properly present the information in this sort of format.

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Keith = Ben


The Manager who keeps putting RNG gear as a good thing is not a player, but is only after his/her cash bonus from Cartel Market.


I do not blame either former producer "Ben" or current producer "Keith". Eric Musco could be current producer and we will still have 5.0, Ossus, Dantooine, 6.0 style gearing. These are EA mandated systems which are being implemented company wide.


What gets me about 6.0 - other than expansion being 5.0 remixed and renamed, is that there are new gear slots with direct sale gear now requiring credits in addition to 6.0's gear currency "tech fragments" just to purchase a lottery RNG gear crate.

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I do not blame either former producer "Ben" or current producer "Keith". Eric Musco could be current producer and we will still have 5.0, Ossus, Dantooine, 6.0 style gearing. These are EA mandated systems which are being implemented company wide.


Sorry I'm going to have to disagree with you a bit here I feel they are as much to blame. EA may mandate them to put stuff out but eirc,Keith and their team had to come up with the system in the first place.

Edited by swiftrav
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Hey all,


Ok here is a recap of some of the changes coming to crafting for 6.0 (beyond what you have seen on PTS).

  • Dramatically reduced the credit cost of the supplemental crafting materials on vendors.
  • Crew Skill Mission times reduced by approximately 30%.
  • Crafting times for combining materials has been reduced by approximately 30%.
  • Materials required to craft Premium quality items has been reduced. Specifically, it no longer requires the Conquest crafting material and lowered the overall mat requirements.
  • Reduced the overall crafting material requirements for crafted Set Bonuses and Tactical items.


One other note as well since I know there has been concern around material costs. Although the costs are higher players should be seeing a much higher in-flow of materials as well. If you are only doing Crew Skill Missions and nothing else it may feel slower though. However you will receive supplementary materials from playing content (such as boss kills) as well as via Jawa Scrap which you will receive from all deconstruction. For players who are actively harvesting materials we actually expect that you will be able to craft even faster than you could previously (due to a large in-flow of materials). As always, please keep any and all feedback coming. If what I stated above is not what you have been seeing then more changes may be necessary.


Thanks all.




Not good enough.


So only green items cost less mats to craft? And only green items dont need the conquest mat? What kind of ****** compromise is this? Everything above the most basic of basic schematics will still need isotopes or whatever, tons of mats, and conquest mats? Wow thanks for nothing. Instead of millions of jawa scrap we only need a few million jawa scraps (to put matters into some form of perspective). Nothing mentioned about RE chances either, i take it they r still as terrible as ever.


What r supplementary materials? This is the first i heard of them. Someone said it is also a roll drop? How is this gonna help exactly, unless they contain thousands of mats? And jawa scrap? Unless we r getting thousands of jawa scrap per deconstruction, this source of mats is just a drop in the bucket. I trust u still remember the 200:1 cost for grade 11 mats? And open world node gathering... dont even get me started. Everyone and their mother will be all over them, especially botters. U r correct that there r more sources of mats, but in practice they really do not amount to anything significant from what i can tell.

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Not good enough.


So only green items cost less mats to craft? And only green items dont need the conquest mat? What kind of ****** compromise is this? Everything above the most basic of basic schematics will still need isotopes or whatever, tons of mats, and conquest mats? Wow thanks for nothing. Instead of millions of jawa scrap we only need a few million jawa scraps (to put matters into some form of perspective). Nothing mentioned about RE chances either, i take it they r still as terrible as ever.


What r supplementary materials? This is the first i heard of them. Someone said it is also a roll drop? How is this gonna help exactly, unless they contain thousands of mats? And jawa scrap? Unless we r getting thousands of jawa scrap per deconstruction, this source of mats is just a drop in the bucket. I trust u still remember the 200:1 cost for grade 11 mats? And open world node gathering... dont even get me started. Everyone and their mother will be all over them, especially botters. U r correct that there r more sources of mats, but in practice they really do not amount to anything significant from what i can tell.


Supplementary materials are the "white" crafting mats you buy from the vendor on fleet, or run missions for.."brazing flux" and the like.


Grade 11 was pretty expensive if I remember correctly.

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Was hoping to test some PTS stuff (cause I had not much time to log in the week when 3.0 phase started), but it is offline all the time last few days. Is this the end, PTS servers wont come back online till 6.0? Edited by Jedi_Max
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so crafting is trash on almost every account

gearing is trash because of rng

ops/fps are trash due to level sync


so i guess pvp is the only thing worth doing now? but i dont pvp... levels 0 to 50 are so good, but once you hit that its going to be so bad for so many players.

Edited by dipstik
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so crafting is trash on almost every account

gearing is trash because of rng

ops/fps are trash due to level sync


so i guess pvp is the only thing worth doing now? but i dont pvp... levels 0 to 50 are so good, but once you hit that its going to be so bad for so many players.


pvp is going to be a broken mess as well.

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