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Dark Jedi look, where's the gear!


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I'm lvl 37 Jedi Guardian, Dark III

I'm a fan of the Jedi Luke look from RotJ. So I wanted darker choice of gear.


Aside from dark side vendor, is there any other dark side gear like chest pieces? I though I would have more access to a sith wardrobe. The vendor really only has a pair of boots. And you can't wear any sith gear you create with synthweaving. Lack of options.



Am I missing something or is there more to come?



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I am the same thing, and I've been curious about this. All the gear my Armormech makes is for Vanguards, not Guardians. So, I've been looking everywhere for any kind of Dark Jedi gear. It's good to know it's lacking so I can stop wasting time looking for it.
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I don't know about dark gear since Ive been playing light side, plus haven't gone that far ahead in the game. But it would be really nice to have more appearance customization options, which would help with this. If we could color our existing gear, it would go a long way towards creating that "dark" jedi look, or any other type of look for that matter, since we could simply recolor our existing gear how we want.


I would also like a "dark" look for my main, since she's a Shadow, and I always envisioned her wearing dark clothes, since it works with the stealthy look (plus I really like black :p).

Edited by VisionStorm
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