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BH robot won't shut up during fights


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I wanted to keep my ship robot out some to play differently and let Mako go on missions and she had better ratings for my crew skills (and at that point my only other member). But if he does anything at all to assist me he says "A pleasure to serve you master" or something. Not 1 time every 5 minutes, I mean every 5 seconds. Small but annoying bug. Anyone else experiencing this?
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I wanted to keep my ship robot out some to play differently and let Mako go on missions and she had better ratings for my crew skills (and at that point my only other member). But if he does anything at all to assist me he says "A pleasure to serve you master" or something. Not 1 time every 5 minutes, I mean every 5 seconds. Small but annoying bug. Anyone else experiencing this?


I feel ya, just got my ship last night and I'm ready to put a restraining bolt on my droids metal mouth. I had kind of a problem with Mako too, if she asked me if I was "OK" one more time...lol. I'm much happier with Kira as a Jedi, she only talks when we enter a new zone and then only sometimes.

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