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How about a mute for the system message for public duels in open areas?


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"This player has won a duel with that player."

I know I could move away from the area but I personally think it could be a feature added when conversing in any chat box and they all spam the message.

If I like to separate my chats over the screen I really wouldn't like the above message littered all over my view.

Just a suggestion..:D

Peace, mind and soul.

~the sage

ps: could it at least be restricted to general chat channel only if a mute wouldn't be allowed or even better on it's own channel to be unchecked in chat settings?

Edited by ronin_chi_lao
adding a compromise
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Are you saying that you don't want that critical information that Migglyflop defeated Oozzibumpf in a duel? How can you deny them their moment of fame?


Sorry. I'm generally inclined to agree, and I'd be inclined to suggest that simultaneously they could add an auto-decline for duels, and even tie the two features together in some way. (Could be just a single category in the game UI preferences, could be a single checkbox that governs both.)

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I've never understood why I still get those announcements even with all the conversational/general chat channels turned off. I doubt most players care that two random people they've never met had a duel and it's not exactly a critical system message either. It would be more than reasonable to allow players to turn off duel announcements.
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