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It is time for BIOWARE to balance PVP with real purpose


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I am not being Selfish with the game,,,, the developers and their PTS teams they collaborate with are... that to me seems like the 1% of players in this game, While there far more players and subscribers and potential subscribers if you stick to the plot of STAR WARS not DEV wars.,,,



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I am not being Selfish with the game,,,, the developers and their PTS teams they collaborate with are... that to me seems like the 1% of players in this game, While there far more players and subscribers and potential subscribers if you stick to the plot of STAR WARS not DEV wars.,,,




Agreed. I don't care what they do, they just need to DO something. This meta is so old and stale... Same classes been on top for 3 years now. Come on BW, make some changes!


I am hoping their new special class specific ability boosts (or whatever they are calling them) are worked into the game in a way that puts all the classes closer in balance to one another and add fun to the classes as well.


So many fun things been removed over the years from many of the classes in the name of "balance," I am sick of nerfs that only suck the fun out of the classes. Just a reminder to BW don't do this, please. Make changes that help balance PVP/PVE yet doesn't neuter any specs to a point their not as fun to play.


Some of the things I personally wish they would change/add to some specific classes:



I really dislike how DPS PTs feel now (clunky AF especially the Pyro PT, and no real long range attacks only short/mid. attacks now; why?!) People point out how they are easily melted due to a lack of decent DCDs, but I don't know, maybe if other DPS class DCDs were tuned down this wouldn't be such a glaring weakness. Or buff them, w/e.


Just improve how the PT class feels, right now it pales to how it once played. It used to be fun. (For all those who think PTs are fun now, you are loving the shell of a once fun class. I forgive you, it's just you never seen what the class once could do in PVP and how enjoyable it was to play!)


I don't like how Madness sorc plays it's simple beyond simple and I'd trade some survivability for some harder hitting dots or better burst on my single target damage. They melt stuff ok, but it's a long ramp up time I'd prefer more of a glass cannon than tanky dot-spreader tbh. This dot-spread isn't much fun, now. (I mean, which dot-spreaders are fun now though? Pretty much all of them to me are gimmicky and underwhelming now.)


Lightning spec sorc hits like a wet noodle I don't care if I get nice off-heals or other ""utility" type abilities that help me stay alive I want to see my big hits actually take chunks of life off targets this is supposedly the burst spec!


Merc healers... The DCDs added to the merc class as a whole only made merc DPS too hard to kill and did nothing to help the merc healer as far as performance goes.


Merc healers still get interrupted too much when they stand and cast heals, they are shut down easiest of all healers with interrupts/knockbacks and they lack healing ability to keep up 1+ more targets for any length of time especially when the merc healer is tunneled by any decent solo DPS.


Merc healers are very inefficient compared to the other two healers and the amount of work a player has to do on a merc healer just to be comparable to the output of the other healers is ridiculous. I like the idea of merc healers better than the other two healer types and wish it performed better which is why I am putting so much emphasis on this spec.


Hatred Assassin, wow. Ages back (2.0-3.0ish time?) this spec was FUN to play. Spreading dots was fun, the rotation was complex enough to make it interesting, and then for some reason this spec got altered drastically. Like the PT, it got some of it's abilities nerfed in range awhile back and as a result imo the gameplay of the class was wrecked. It's not fun anymore. :(


Deception Sin? I rarely mention nerfs, but. lolslash. For real, this is retarded... a 30m 4 sec stun/mez every 15 secs... and this is what makes the spec. The spec's gameplay basically centers around this ability now! This is such a lazy way to give the spec worth in PVP and it's borderline trollish how frequently this ability can be used. Give the spec better burst so it does it's job properly instead of making it a stun/mez spamming gimp.


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Agreed. I don't care what they do, they just need to DO something. This meta is so old and stale... Same classes been on top for 3 years now. Come on BW, make some changes!


I am hoping their new special class specific ability boosts (or whatever they are calling them) are worked into the game in a way that puts all the classes closer in balance to one another and add fun to the classes as well.


So many fun things been removed over the years from many of the classes in the name of "balance," I am sick of nerfs that only suck the fun out of the classes. Just a reminder to BW don't do this, please. Make changes that help balance PVP/PVE yet doesn't neuter any specs to a point their not as fun to play.


Some of the things I personally wish they would change/add to some specific classes:



I really dislike how DPS PTs feel now (clunky AF especially the Pyro PT, and no real long range attacks only short/mid. attacks now; why?!) People point out how they are easily melted due to a lack of decent DCDs, but I don't know, maybe if other DPS class DCDs were tuned down this wouldn't be such a glaring weakness. Or buff them, w/e.


Just improve how the PT class feels, right now it pales to how it once played. It used to be fun. (For all those who think PTs are fun now, you are loving the shell of a once fun class. I forgive you, it's just you never seen what the class once could do in PVP and how enjoyable it was to play!)


I don't like how Madness sorc plays it's simple beyond simple and I'd trade some survivability for some harder hitting dots or better burst on my single target damage. They melt stuff ok, but it's a long ramp up time I'd prefer more of a glass cannon than tanky dot-spreader tbh. This dot-spread isn't much fun, now. (I mean, which dot-spreaders are fun now though? Pretty much all of them to me are gimmicky and underwhelming now.)


Lightning spec sorc hits like a wet noodle I don't care if I get nice off-heals or other ""utility" type abilities that help me stay alive I want to see my big hits actually take chunks of life off targets this is supposedly the burst spec!


Merc healers... The DCDs added to the merc class as a whole only made merc DPS too hard to kill and did nothing to help the merc healer as far as performance goes.


Merc healers still get interrupted too much when they stand and cast heals, they are shut down easiest of all healers with interrupts/knockbacks and they lack healing ability to keep up 1+ more targets for any length of time especially when the merc healer is tunneled by any decent solo DPS.


Merc healers are very inefficient compared to the other two healers and the amount of work a player has to do on a merc healer just to be comparable to the output of the other healers is ridiculous. I like the idea of merc healers better than the other two healer types and wish it performed better which is why I am putting so much emphasis on this spec.


Hatred Assassin, wow. Ages back (2.0-3.0ish time?) this spec was FUN to play. Spreading dots was fun, the rotation was complex enough to make it interesting, and then for some reason this spec got altered drastically. Like the PT, it got some of it's abilities nerfed in range awhile back and as a result imo the gameplay of the class was wrecked. It's not fun anymore. :(


Deception Sin? I rarely mention nerfs, but. lolslash. For real, this is retarded... a 30m 4 sec stun/mez every 15 secs... and this is what makes the spec. The spec's gameplay basically centers around this ability now! This is such a lazy way to give the spec worth in PVP and it's borderline trollish how frequently this ability can be used. Give the spec better burst so it does it's job properly instead of making it a stun/mez spamming gimp.


Mercs are meta and will be always meta cause 1 and only dev plays them. Prepare to be oneshotted in 6.0.

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I agree with the sentiment that bioware has never really balanced the PVP meta in a thoughtful way. Consistently since 2.0, I have observed a big class shake up with every expansion followed by a DPS balance check on the worst offenders. I think bioware reaches a certain point where they decided we've done enough for now and in a year and a half when we release an expansion, we can just fix any remaining problems then. I think the length of time between meaningful changes just leaves wounds to fester for too long. it would be more desirable to have smaller incremental changes than huge sweeping changes that require further rebalance.


What it all means is that for the next expansion, once we see how the PVP meta looks we can expect it will stay that way.

Edited by Fellow-Canadian
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I am not being Selfish with the game,,,, the developers and their PTS teams they collaborate with are... that to me seems like the 1% of players in this game, While there far more players and subscribers and potential subscribers if you stick to the plot of STAR WARS not DEV wars.,,,




Before you make another let's cry about classes thread remember that the state of classes in PVP is like this mostly because of the whiners in this forum section...


Every time a class was kinda strong and had a clear edge over others, (hatred 2.0 for example) the nerf threads were happening on daily basis and now look at hatred, pure trash...


Also, your assumption is kinda flawed. If you want to contribute to class balance transfer a toon to PTS... We can all do that.

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