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How is your Razer Nostromo set up?


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So I got a Nostromo for the holidays, and I'm really digging it, but I'm still grappling with the learning curve it presents, specifically regards to how to keybind. So far, I have it set up so that my main rotation is on the middle row, 6-10, with common situationals on the bottom, 11-14, and cooldowns/rare situationals on 1-4, with 5 being jump so I can do the datacrons. Wheel up/down is targeting, wheel click is assist, D-Pad is of course movement, thumb button shift for even more abilities, and 15 to bring up the map.


How's your Nostromo set up? I'm very curious to see how people approach this very cool peripheral.

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I got one for xmas, i rebound all the keys to f2-f11 and some other keyboard keys i never use, then with the ingame menu set up some binds to it.


I still use the the WASD keys for movement (tried without just felt odd) and the rest are combat keys except for the small button above dpad, i use that for teamspeak chat. I also now have an eyefinity display with 3 monitors which is nice as well.


Took a little time to get used to the nostromo but i do enjoy it, now i never use my 110$ keyboard -.-

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How's your Nostromo set up? I'm very curious to see how people approach this very cool peripheral.



01- Tilda (Vent button)

02- Q (strafe)

03- W

04- E (strafe)

05- Cntrl

06- Tab

07- A- (Used rarely, I mouse turn, bound for cases of datacron platofrming)

08- S

09- D- (Used rarely, I mouse turn, bound for cases of datacron platofrming)

10- Alt

11- C

12- I

13- M

14- N

Round thumb- Shift

Analog- F1-F4

15- Spacebar

Wheel Up- Companion Passive/Aggressive

Wheel Down- Sheathe/Unsheathe Weapon

Press Wheel- 12 (collapse companion abilities)



Then on my right hand-


Razer Naga Epic- 1-12 bound to 1-12



All ability bars are Shift or Alt and 1-12. Companion abilities are Cntrl 1-12.



I reach up to my keyboard to type.






Edited by Caille
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I was thinking about getting a nostromo, but this game has so many hotkeys that I dont think the nostromo would be able to handle my setup =/.


Yeah, it's still kind of an issue. I'm looking to maybe upgrade to a Naga. Macros would go a long way to clearing up the seemingly endless amounts of abilities in this game, as well.

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01- Tilda (Vent button)

02- Q (strafe)

03- W

04- E (strafe)

05- Cntrl

06- Tab

07- A- (Used rarely, I mouse turn, bound for cases of datacron platofrming)

08- S

09- D- (Used rarely, I mouse turn, bound for cases of datacron platofrming)

10- Alt

11- C

12- I

13- M

14- N

Round thumb- Shift

Analog- F1-F4

15- Spacebar

Wheel Up- Companion Passive/Aggressive

Wheel Down- Sheathe unsheathe Weapon




Then on my right hand-


Razer Naga Epic- 1-12 bound to 1-12



All bars are Shift or Alt and 1-12.



I reach up to my keyboard to type.







Very interesting. The Naga allows for a lot of flexibility there. I love the D-Pad for movement though, using the WASD layout on the Nostromo seems a waste of buttons to me, but to each their (thon?) own. More and more the Naga is looking appealing.

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I like to use the middle 9 keys as my binding for combat. I use the 5 key as my tab, and the thumb button for jump. I change the thumbstick so that when i push forward it is up instead of left, and so forth.


Ive been using this thing for a long time. So much so that all of the numbers and black paint are worn off of the middle 9 keys are just big blue buttons. I wouldnt think of playing an MMO without it now.

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the only changes i've made is to bind the black button above the d-pad to esc so i can access the menu and untarget easier, should probably work on binding more ui functionality to that like map, guild tab and such. I use the naga's side buttons for spells. but I did figure out a neat trick. if you bind all the second quickbar row to shift + every number (plus - and = of course) i can use the nostromo to essentially double the number of spells i can bind to my naga, and my pinky naturally sits on the nostromo's shift key. very cool trick and works nicely for me, though make sure you only put your offspec or cd spells on the shift + array because all those buttons get frustrating in battle sometimes :)
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for my nostremo

I use 15 for my map

1-14 are combat abilities-heal with my main attacks (grav round hammer shot medical probes) 6-10

my non essentals are above and below that 1-5 amd 11-14

for movement I dont use the joystick I just use the mouse to run and turn

the small black button is used for tab to switch enemies

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  • 2 weeks later...
Good thread! I just got the Razer Naga Epic and Nostromo myself :) One thing I was wondering...actually bugging me about the thumbstick is that I want to configure the diagonal movement position to actually be a combination of forward and strafe left/right. Don't ask me why... I just do -_-"
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I combine with Naga, and use the naga keys for abils so 1-12 + keybind a shift key to nostromo and s+1-s+12 for the two bottom quickslot bars.


Then I use nostromo for movement, voicecomms, target friendly, panic buttons e.g. medpacks, anti-cc, force speed etc.


I find this setup pretty efficient.

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Good thread! I just got the Razer Naga Epic and Nostromo myself :) One thing I was wondering...actually bugging me about the thumbstick is that I want to configure the diagonal movement position to actually be a combination of forward and strafe left/right. Don't ask me why... I just do -_-"


I was wondering about the same thing when I got my nostromo. How to configure diagonal movement to the pad. For some reason it just doesnt work with WASD set as default movement keys in the game.


I got the info from this discussion thread : http://www.youtube.com/all_comments?v=0yZ81XqdyPQ


You need to configure your movement keys in SWTOR preferences as :

forward : up arrow

backward : down arrow

strafe left : left arrow

strafe right : right arrow


Your dpad preferences in nostromo window must be set as default.


Then you'll see you can forward/strafe in diagonal using the pad, it works well. Apparently it's the same in WoW.


Cheers :)

Edited by Ehina
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  • 2 months later...

I'm still working out mine

My current idea is bind keys 1-12 to the top centre toolbar, set the round thumb button to shift and set the bottom centre tool bar to shift+number.

That leaves me 4 keys for other stuff on the main pad and the square thumb button as target change. I'll use the mini-joystick for movement in combat only (so it won't be too wearing).


A Nostromo can have multiple key-maps so I'm thinking use the scroll wheel to switch between key-maps and maybe have the second key-map with both sidebars bound (normal on the right and shift on the left) - then its just move the powers to the slots I feel most comfy with :)


And then...if that pans out..why stop there...set up another key-map for out of combat with the WASD keys as Nostromo keys and the other buttons bound to functions like getting on and off my bike and healing and then set up ANOTHER Key-map for space combat and Maybe another one for Grouping (with less combat but all the tanking functions in better spots for example)



Edited by WraithWatcher
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  • 1 year later...
So i bought a nostromo few days ago and aabsolutely loving game play with it but im very tempted to throw either my laptop or my nos against a wall...HARD its because i have to minmize my game play bring up my on sccreen keyboard type what i want aand then exit onscreen KB and get baack to gaming, now i figure this is due to some wierd binding iv got or a setting somewhere but i cant for the life of me work out what it is. i was wondering can anyone help? Have i roylly screwed something up or is that just the waay these things work?
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  • 4 months later...
So i bought a nostromo few days ago and aabsolutely loving game play with it but im very tempted to throw either my laptop or my nos against a wall...HARD its because i have to minmize my game play bring up my on sccreen keyboard type what i want aand then exit onscreen KB and get baack to gaming, now i figure this is due to some wierd binding iv got or a setting somewhere but i cant for the life of me work out what it is. i was wondering can anyone help? Have i roylly screwed something up or is that just the waay these things work?


I'd suggest playing the game in windowed mode while setting it up, when you're done you can always go back to full-screen.

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