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  • Dev Post

Hey folks,


PTS with the Dantooine Incursion will be coming down later today. We want to thank all of you again for helping us to test our newest recurring event. Look for details later this week on when GU 5.10.3 will be going live.


Thanks all.



  • Dev Post
Hey Eric, any chance that 5.10.3 will also bring the Nightlife event?


We tend to run the Nightlife event in the summer... :rak_03:



Hey folks,


PTS with the Dantooine Incursion will be coming down later today. We want to thank all of you again for helping us to test our newest recurring event. Look for details later this week on when GU 5.10.3 will be going live.


Thanks all.



Please confirm all the bugs we reported have been fixed before launch. Don't make me signature troll you guys :D

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