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Bi-gender Romance option for Deadeye Leyta in 6.0 please.


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Am I seriously the only one that wants little space otters running around my ship?


I'm disappointed in all of you Lana lovers.


Otters as little pets? Sure that'd be cute. Otters as my character's actual children? No, do not want.

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Clearly a priority for 6.0...


Ikr. :rolleyes:


Not like we there are other more pressing things. Instead we basically want *******ity in the game.


NO. Not signed.


Because all of the juicy content we've gotten in the past 2 years and upcoming stuff would grind to a halt if they add a cutscene or two with subtitles and even more awkward animations? :o


If anything, them opening the floodgates would be hilarious. We already have space Hitler and the morose monster with Scourge being pushed by a vocal minority for years. Let the people have ferrets if they want!

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Because all of the juicy content we've gotten in the past 2 years and upcoming stuff would grind to a halt if they add a cutscene or two with subtitles and even more awkward animations? :o


If anything, them opening the floodgates would be hilarious. We already have space Hitler and the morose monster with Scourge being pushed by a vocal minority for years. Let the people have ferrets if they want!


Unfortunately I think that context is lost on a lot of people. It’s ok to defend to the death the right to ship serial harassers, murderers, betrayers, etc, but if you want to engage with someone harmless but not a male human YOU have the problem.


I only slightly kid those people. I don’t care who anyone romances or the mental gymnastics required to make it work—I’m in favor of more options in general AND more content for current options and the end of death (bricking) by writers-who-can’t-be-bothered

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Unfortunately I think that context is lost on a lot of people. It’s ok to defend to the death the right to ship serial harassers, murderers, betrayers, etc, but if you want to engage with someone harmless but not a male human YOU have the problem.

Because the one comment asking for Malora over Leyta and the 2 comments saying romance is not important were obviously from straight females with a very deep interest for IG romances :rolleyes:


Back on topic, i don't mind wether they give that romance or not, though i'd like it much better if they could give some decent amount of content to ALL already existing romances before adding new ones.

While i also think having more options is always better, if they're unable to give something to the old romances, what's the point in adding more that will get near to nothing besides a little note on the companion list ?

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Why not? You ship Asriel and Frisk.


I have no idea what you're talking about. Or who you're talking about.


Edit: I googled it. Are you talking about Undertale? I've never played that game.

Edited by Elessara
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Because the one comment asking for Malora over Leyta and the 2 comments saying romance is not important were obviously from straight females with a very deep interest for IG romances :rolleyes:


Back on topic, i don't mind wether they give that romance or not, though i'd like it much better if they could give some decent amount of content to ALL already existing romances before adding new ones.

While i also think having more options is always better, if they're unable to give something to the old romances, what's the point in adding more that will get near to nothing besides a little note on the companion list ?


And my only comment was about having kids. If they had asked me if I wanted human children for my character running around the ship I'd still have said I didn't want that either. Or, you know, twilek or sith pureblood or chiss, etc.


I also agree they need to give content to existing romances before adding new ones. Although, ok tbh it wouldn't hurt to add another F/F romance. There really is only one option for that. If that turns out to actually be Leyta then I wouldn't really care.


Edit: Yes, I'm aware they added Jaesa and Nadia in but they are class restricted and aren't available for the majority of characters.

Edited by Elessara
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Because all of the juicy content we've gotten in the past 2 years and upcoming stuff would grind to a halt if they add a cutscene or two with subtitles and even more awkward animations? :o


If anything, them opening the floodgates would be hilarious. We already have space Hitler and the morose monster with Scourge being pushed by a vocal minority for years. Let the people have ferrets if they want!

Because it's unnecessary. No other reason.

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Doesn't Khem Val jump the shark? So, why not?


Yes. And, as a side note, BioWare you guys better follow through with the Khem Val romance. It’s got to be the cheapest thing to see through to the end because of the way he talks, ok? Just let my Nox have him for forever. He’s the only one who gets her, they’re the perfect match. Everyone else has too much of a heart for her.

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So was the Khem romance, guild heraldry and you could probably toss in the current iteration of ranked pvp. Lighten up, sunshine.

Lighten up? I simply expressed my opinion on this idea. We have more than enough romanceable companions imo.

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There's really very little in-game to do with "romance" - just a brief kiss and some banter. The other 99.9% of the time your companion acts the same whether you romanced them or not. I mean, it's not like you hold hands and call each other sweetheart or anything.


So, basically, keep in mind the "rpg" part of MMORPG and just role-play whatever romance you like. :)

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The Romances as someone else said is a joke, when it comes down to it after Vanilla. This stupid Leyta stuff, is rediculous, i dont if some child flags me here, i mean if the guys and ladies at Bioware could say this they would tell you to also get a life, and get a real romance. Games to give people life, it's the other way around.


The New Expansion, we have a Lot of Real issues to deal with like real /bugs with me and others not being able to start Ossus, which really makes me angry. Real /bugs and Content needs to be addressed, not new romances, but, if anything our current and old ones.

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