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The clone wars have ruined the mandolorians


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It is clearly explained that the people of the planet Mandalore are separate from the Mandalorian warrior forces and fits into Canon just fine. If you read the Jango Fett comics you'll see that Death Watch was a black mark on Mandalorian honor and in of itself was a terrorist sect, Death Watch doesn't represent the Mandolorian way of life. During the time of the clone wars Mandalorian traditions are scattered into small sects across the galaxy while the planet has become peaceful and turned away from the warrior past. Later on in the books the Mandalorians under Boba Fett re-take Mandalore and during the Second Galactic Civil war the people have returned to the warrior ways of their past. They didn't try to change what the Mandalorians were, Death Watch was always a terroristic clan even to other mandalorian clans who still hold to the warrior ways of the past.



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The point was the Mando's are depicted as farmers who can create better metal than a galaxy-wide government's R&D teams with all of the resources they can throw at a project that it implies.


I'd just like to point out that Mandalorian Iron was being used in the EU long before the Travissty Beast reared its fugly head.


The tomb of Freedon Nadd on Dxun, was built by and sealed by the Jedi with a door made from Mandalorian Iron, to prevent looters and potential adherents to his legacy from wreaking havoc on Onderon.

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They haven't ruined it, just made retcons. It's already been made sense of in the EU, even before the episodes were released. This is why. Boba Fett wasn't a Mandalorian until some 40 years after the Clone Wars, so that isn't ruined.


The New Mandalorians you see, the pacifists, are a sect that make up the majority of the Mandalorians during the Clone Wars. In the novels by Traviss, it is pretty clear that Mandalorian warriors aren't a great force. Just under 4 million spread across the galaxy. They are nomads. Most don't live on Mandalore.


According to a recent source book, the desert you see in the episode is a region, not the whole planet. There are still regions that are green, including the area around Keldabe.


As for the traditional warriors, and the True Mandalorians specifically, they are nomadic, which means they don't settle in one place for very long. The True Mandalorians were a sect, just like Death Watch. Doesn't make much sense if they were the majority, considering they have only a small cruiser to carry the troopships. Jaster Mereel became Mandalore since the Dukes and Duchesses don't recognise or cling to old customs. The New Mandalorians may be the majority, but that doesn't mean they have to follow him.


In the end, the New Mandalorians are defeated, according to the Essential Atlas. Which means that warriors will return as the majority. Fenn Shysa has long been in the canon a former police officer. Makes sense after this retcon since traditional Mandalorians have no police forces.


Nothing has been ruined. Just changed around. The Clone Wars novels by Traviss are mostly non-canon now, but everything else isn't. It's not so bad. You can still enjoy them as they are, non-canon or not.

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Sigh. I like my Star Wars all the way across, I don't fanboi any particular group, character or faction. That said:


1) Mandalorians are a warrior class, always were, always will be.

2) Books are canon.

3) Canon CAN be overwritten by other canon, we've seen it more than a few times.

4) Boba Fett isn't dead. If he was, he'd be the Galaxy's worst Best Man.

5) For the sake of arguement Mara Jade is probably dead, but it doesn't mean we won't

see her again, Zahn has said he has more planned for her.

6) Not asked but my 2 credits: Thrawn isn't dead. There was one clone, I am sure there

are more.


7) Chewbacca is dead. This was one of the worst things to happen, I know it's way in the future, but for me, even as a non-rabid fan, I stopped reading anything that happened from that point on (then again it became less about the originals and more about the kids). I had always been a fan of Salvatore up till that point, and yeah I got upset that he would do it, even if like someone else said, he was asked to. At what point do we think it's ok to start offing the core group?

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The Mandalorians were always barbarians. It's the "honorable" warriors that were a rarity, that includes Jaster Mereel and Jango Fett. Remember, this is the same race that almost annihilated the Cathars according to the lore established in TOR.


If anything, the Death Watch are pure Mandalorian in the classical sense.


Actually, the Neo-Crusader sect destroyed the Cathar, not traditional warriors. They were unconventional, very brutal and were made up of conquered people that, some unwillingly, joined the cause, and that includes prisoners released from prisons on those planets. They weren't the usual, honourable Mandalorians partly because of that. Cassus Fett embraced the Neo-Crusaders very early on and was given control of them. Those who didn't recognise authority or questioned it were cast out or killed. Doesn't leave many to object to the Cathar massacre, save for one warrior... who didn't even wear the Neo-Crusader uniform.


Traditional warriors, the Crusaders of that time, had a strict code of conduct named the Canons of Honour. Veterans lead by example and not by rank, and warriors either rallied behind them or went their own way. If such a Commander gave an order someone didn't agree with, he wouldn't be followed by those that disagreed with him or her. They were brutal and comitted massacres, yes, but they did have a sense of honour. Doesn't make them good, but they didn't massacre those who provided no challenge like the Neos and Death Watch did.


Depends on the timeframe. The Death Watch would be the pure warriors in the classical sense if only considering the Neo-Crusaders, but considering most of the history they are the exception. They are very much like the Neos in how they do many things, such as the rank structure and uniforms.


This is all from the Kotor campaign guide by the way.

Edited by Gratulor
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7) Chewbacca is dead. This was one of the worst things to happen, I know it's way in the future, but for me, even as a non-rabid fan, I stopped reading anything that happened from that point on (then again it became less about the originals and more about the kids). I had always been a fan of Salvatore up till that point, and yeah I got upset that he would do it, even if like someone else said, he was asked to. At what point do we think it's ok to start offing the core group?


Umm...when it's dramatically and emotionally appropriate? It's called storytelling. Beowulf doesn't exactly have a happy ending but that doesn't mean it isn't an important fable.


On another note...I don't really see any problems in the way the Mandalorians are presented in TCW, as it doesn't necessarily mean they would never go back to their warrior ways. Say they created another cartoon series during the Yuuzan-Vong war and made the Mandalorians in that era a bunch of peace-loving hippies as well, then you can all get mad at ruining the continuity.


Final question, I thought the desert on the planet in TCW was because the Republic had glassed the planet's surface, though that may just be me reading wookieepedia wrong.

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Umm...when it's dramatically and emotionally appropriate? It's called storytelling. Beowulf doesn't exactly have a happy ending but that doesn't mean it isn't an important fable.


On another note...I don't really see any problems in the way the Mandalorians are presented in TCW, as it doesn't necessarily mean they would never go back to their warrior ways. Say they created another cartoon series during the Yuuzan-Vong war and made the Mandalorians in that era a bunch of peace-loving hippies as well, then you can all get mad at ruining the continuity.


Final question, I thought the desert on the planet in TCW was because the Republic had glassed the planet's surface, though that may just be me reading wookieepedia wrong.


It's true. The Republic, lead by Jedi Knights, fought the Mandalorians some 700 years before Yavin. But according to a rather recent source, the devastated area is a desert region. Obviously a big part of the planet, but not the entirety.


And yes, the Essential Atlas made it clear that the Mandalorians would return to their warrior ways shortly after the Clone Wars ends. Which means the retcons only affect the time between the destruction of the True Mandalorians (40-ish BBY) and through the Clone Wars. So only 20 years of the whole continuity. Just don't understand why people are getting so offended by this... and I am a HUGE Mandalorian geek.

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You are twisting this thread.

It has nothing to do with bias points of view on characters or races.

It is about past present and future of star wars.

You can not have novels written and approved by the respected departments ( george included ) then turn around and say I was just kidding that never happened.

If it was not georges origanal view of the mandos then why did he let it happen just to turn around and say well that was not my orignal vision this is. It's not fair to the fans to dangle a carrot in front of our faces just to make us walk only to reach our destination and be given a patato. You still do not get it!


actually... george can do whatever he wants because HE OWNS IT. you can do whatever the hell you want to it because it is yours to do with however you please.


we can demand all we want to... and complain about changes made... and insult those who actually put their ideas out for us to even enjoy some of it, but it doesn't change the fact that it is ultimately GL's sandbox. we just enjoy the view from the bleachers. those who actually get to play in the sandbox are subject to the whims of the sandbox's owner. to presume otherwise is just setting yourself up for a let down.



if you don't like what he's doing to the universe you have about 3 options available:



1- accept it as an ever evolving and expanding universe and as more parts of the universe are discovered, previous discrepencies and assumtions are corrected. (like there there is no such thing as a brontosaurus... or that pluto is no longer a planet- look it up if don't know what I'm talking about :cool:)


2- treat it like a salad bar: ignore the parts you disagree with and enjoy what you like, or just simply dine somewhere else.


3- Think you can do better? prove it! make your own unique franchise and show the world that you can do it better than George Lucas ever could.



anything else is just dust in the wind.




May the force be with you ner vod

Edited by Tash_Verano
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Most people in my guild don't even watch The Clone Wars, (a) Because it's a silly kids show and (b) Because of what they did to established canon. (And yes, folks, the EU is a form of canon, in the official Star Wars holocron of canon). Edited by blur
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actually... george can do whatever he wants because HE OWNS IT. you can do whatever the hell you want to it because it is yours to do with however you please.


we can demand all we want to... and complain about changes made... and insult those who actually put their ideas out for us to even enjoy some of it, but it doesn't change the fact that it is ultimately GL's sandbox. we just enjoy the view from the bleachers. those who actually get to play in the sandbox are subject to the whims of the sandbox's owner. to presume otherwise is just setting yourself up for a let down.



if you don't like what he's doing to the universe you have about 3 options available:



1- accept it as an ever evolving and expanding universe and as more parts of the universe are discovered, previous discrepencies and assumtions are corrected. (like there there is no such thing as a brontosaurus... or that pluto is no longer a planet- look it up if don't know what I'm talking about :cool:)


2- treat it like a salad bar: ignore the parts you disagree with and enjoy what you like, or just simply dine somewhere else.


3- Think you can do better? prove it! make your own unique franchise and show the world that you can do it better than George Lucas ever could.



anything else is just dust in the wind.




May the force be with you ner vod


This was my first real complant I ever had about star wars. I see now that this is all just a misunderstanding on my part as to the intentions of Dave and GL regarding TCW. I believe that this will all work it's way out. What I really found was a lot of different ideas from the fans and I see that there is a lot of weird star wars hate. We have this wounderful universe that GL has given us. We the fans have held it up so high that it has become to big to touch. George can't please us all. We have got to be the hardest fan base to please. I feel bad for George when the fans rip into him about stuff. It's his sandbox he can do what ever he wants. I wish this thread would go away but ppl keep going on. uuuugggggg.

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we all have our little peeves despite being huge fans of the franchise. there is nothing wrong with stating an opinion. just bear in mind there is only 2-3 people in the world that absolutely have all the current information (including unreleased & future material) regarding Mandalorians:


George Lucas


Leeland Chee- keeper of the "holocron"


Dave Filoni



if you really pay attention to the story in the clone wars, you can see what they are doing with that era of Mandalorians- establishing that societies are dynamic. you can start out as spartan-like and attempt to pursue a more peaceful and cultured path. not everyone will agree with the new way of living however and see it as an affront to tradition and established cultural norms.... sounds awfully familiar ;)


throw into the mix that dutchess Satine Krize is not a mandalorian at all. she is a staunch pacifistic non-native ruler of several star systems and one of them she governs is the once war-mongering turned peaceful Mandalorians. Mandalorians are not a self-governed entity during the clone wars. certain cultural groups on mandalore might not agree and actively seek to claim the right to self govern by military force.



while I haven't read all of the Republic Commando novels, I have not seen anywhere that they have taken things to a point that is totally contradictory. most information presented in the novels are presented with only a few individual perspectives. while the Mandalorian culture is taken in a direction that is agreeably unexpected, it does bring up and interesting idea: what is the difference of being a Mandalorian by birth, and being a Mandalorian by faith?


it's a question that could be asked of ourselves which I believe is the point.



my personal pov: most people who develop orginal Intellectual properties take what people say about their ideas to heart because they devote their lives and finances to putting it out there for the masses to enjoy. insulting their ideas is like telling them they are a parent to a fugly baby. cirticism is fine, but being hurtful is just being hurtful.


and yes we do take this stuff Waaaaaaaay too seriously.

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Just wondering darth how old are you to be calling me kid, and it was an example. Sorry I'm not perfect but It was to prove my point. OMG i'm wrong I'm going to hang my self now. Wow your condescending.
Yes I am condescending. It's what happens when you're confronted by a person who says farcical things.


Now Heres me,

How is the Mando Metal irrelevant when you brought it up in the first place? What its irrelevant cause it makes sense?

No, your argument is irrelevant. It's logically inconsistent. You're arguing that a society of farmer-warrior can make what a Galaxy spanning society which can throw budgets that boggle the human mind into developing things, it's stupid. Your argument is stupid. The methods of making a katana are not a secret

They even said When people do make it Its not as strong as theirs casue they have a specific way of making it. This is explaining the mando metal not japans. Even If Japan had to make it harder because their metals were lacking they still had a way to make it stupid strong.
They didn't make their metals stronger, what they did was they evenly spread the weakness and defects of the poorer quality iron-ore across the entirety of the blade ensuring no one part was weaker or stronger than the other. And again, this is a bad argument, if Mando Iron were equivalent to Japanese Katanas then it'd be worse than what everyone else makes but still vastly more expensive.
Again it proves my point. Did you even read any of the books in the republic commando or imperial commando?
Yes, I have, it's why they're *********** stupid.
Every thing you argue on how their raiders though I don't remember any mention in the books of that fact. i remember them being depicted as self sufficient and mercenaries
The Taung Mandalorians from the time they're run off of Coruscant until Mandalore the Ultimate bands them together into a militaristic state entity.
And again the whole metal situation Is perfectly understandable ITS ONLY AVAILABLE ON THEIR WORLD. How is that hard to get? How is it hard to get that their the only ones who can work that metal because their the only ones with that metal. Another thing How Is that hard to get???
********. That'd be as ridiculous as iron or gold being found only on Earth. Additionally you're attempting to tell me that a society that has overcome the waste heat problems of planetary ecumenopolis, have nearly perfectly efficient energy production methods, and can cross millions of tens of thousands of lightyears in a day are incapable of elemental transmutation when we on Earth do it every day with particle accelerators? ********.
So where in that page you linked said yaks can only be in Mongolia? Also just post the part in that post where it says about the carbon fibers? I can post something about mongolia too.
Your reading comprehension is horrendous. The analogy was not that only Mongolia had yaks, but that only Mongolian Yak Herders could process and munufacture titanium. Learn to read.

And your post about japans method for producing their katanas still support my argument about their metals. Because If they made strong swords with crappy metal that were sometimes better than other swords imagine what others could have done with superior metals and same technique.
But they didn't. The Japanese katanas were inferior in every way to a European longsword or arming sword up until the time the Europeans started exporting European iron deposits and their charcoal dust blast furnace technologies to Japan. Japan you have to understand as a rigid society was very much opposed to innovation. If you attempted to use the folded metal system of manufacture to make a sword out of the European iron ore at best you're going to have wasted countless man-hours and only increased the final cost of the weapon substantially, at worst you're going to make an extremely brittle sword that shatters on impact.
same with mando metal. Others tried and they failed because of the wrong technique. Well I'm done posting so hey I guess you win the internet fight. You know what they say about internet arguments right?..... By the way i'm sorry if you got the impression I was going after you personally you were just the closest post I disagreed with and I forgot to make other posts for other arguments.
I don't particularly care, because I don't particularly like you. You're an uninformed fool who fancies himself as informed. So whether you targeted me purposefully or not is irrelevant. You're wrong.


Oh on another note. Earlier in this thread cant remember by whom they said it made no sense for jaina to go to boba from help killing her brother. It makes sense read the book it explains why. So Jacen knows all the different force techniques different fighting styles for light sabers. You want to beat someone who knows alot go the unorthodox route. They can kill jedi sometimes becasue that "blank" state of mind they enter. Jedi get their warning from the force. They cant detect droids sometimes because they don't have feelings or how ever you want to put it. So if you go blank and have no emotion no forthought and just do it The jedi Have less time to pickup and react to what your doing.
So in addition to katana-wanking you seem to have forgot that Jacen and Jaina both fought in the Yuuhzan Vong War against an opponent that didn't exist in the Force, but somehow someone disappearing from the Force momentarily is supposed to throw them totally off. Nevermind that it's an ability never mentioned before and made up entirely on the spot.

Thanks for the history lesson. Interesting stuff.


However, I don't necessarily see a problem with Mandalorians having a special technique for making better armor. If you look at research and development between western nations, and China, you'll find that lots of knowledge and information is unwilling to be shared. This has led to different approaches for solving different problems, or treating different diseases.


It's not just a matter of knowledge not being shared. It's the idea that say the island nation of Anguilla with a military budget of $877k is going to come upon a new method of armor fabrication that allows troops to comfortable walk around in bullet-proof full-plated in the middle of the desert in Summer with no drawbacks. But magically the US defense department with a total budget of $663.8 billion can't figure it out. This makes not sense.

Edited by DarthMoord
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Farcical or not there is a way to talk/type to people and NOT be condesending. Do i pretend I'm smart no, The fact is the metal they use Is only on their planet its stated on many books not only the republic commando series argue all you want but it is printed and yes that is fact because its printed from GL intellectual (i can use big words too) properties and it says so and its his universe so oh well.


Off topic,Ive known plenty of "smart people" I was on a ship for 3 years and change with these smart people who are with out a doubt smarter than me but If I said a guy walks into a bar and says ouch well there so smart but they just won't get the joke. You want to call me dumb but I have a question. Do you have a car? Do you know how to keep up on the maintenance? You'd be surprised well might not, who cant change a tire. Or who keeps going on bad brakes that are metal to metal and squeal like crazy when you hit the breaks and will fail and kill someone,or other things like walk around your car check your lights maybe even your wheel lugnuts. To me not being able to keep up on manteneince for a 2000lbs vehicle that will kill you or someone else. That's stupid. by no means do I also pretend to be smart. anyway back on topic.


It's not just a matter of knowledge not being shared. It's the idea that say the island nation of Anguilla with a military budget of $877k is going to come upon a new method of armor fabrication that allows troops to comfortable walk around in bullet-proof full-plated in the middle of the desert in Summer with no drawbacks. But magically the US defense department with a total budget of $663.8 billion can't figure it out. This makes not sense.


this link here is about the metal. I pretty well states what some have said and what others argued against.




NOT ONCE did I say their method was perfect as to not produce any waste. I SAID IT WAS BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE. Oh and.....


And the metal (whatever you said) makes as much sense as the secret to creating carbon nanofibers eluding modern Western society


YOU DID NOT SAY TITANIUM you said carbon nanofibers.


Your arguing yourself in circles and changing your story. I was wrong, mistaken how ever you want to put it about the japan metal, what ever I'm a big enough man to admit it.. I'll drop it and you drop it and we can keep it on topic and not flame each other.


So in addition to katana-wanking you seem to have forgot that Jacen and Jaina both fought in the Yuuhzan Vong War against an opponent that didn't exist in the Force, but somehow someone disappearing from the Force momentarily is supposed to throw them totally off. Nevermind that it's an ability never mentioned before and made up entirely on the spot.


Them fighting against a race who doesn't show up in the force doesn't really mater much. He was fighting a human (his sister) whom does and always did show up in the force. And mostly due to being her father daughter showed up nicely in the force from time to time, I do belive in the book written by profesional authors it mentions jaina's disapearing in the force actualy did throw jacen off for a few seconds. And in a fight sometimes a few seconds will make all difference. Lets pretend you are 26 years old you and your twin sister same age have done alot together. you can say you know every thing about her. From what she's thinking to what shes gonna say. you even sparred with her alot so you know how she fights. And in a sparring match she does something she's never done before, your tellng me you would be totally unaffected by that? No reaction what so ever? If you said no i'd have to say your just arguing for no reason. Just to argue I Think that could honestly be classified as trolling.

Edited by obarskyer
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Farcical or not there is a way to talk/type to people and NOT be condesending. Do i pretend I'm smart no, The fact is the metal they use Is only on their planet its stated on many books not only the republic commando series argue all you want but it is printed and yes that is fact because its printed from GL intellectual (i can use big words too) properties and it says so and its his universe so oh well.
That's why George Lucas pretty much shat all over the Republic Commando books, eh?


Off topic,Ive known plenty of "smart people" I was on a ship for 3 years and change with these smart people who are with out a doubt smarter than me but If I said a guy walks into a bar and says ouch well there so smart but they just won't get the joke. You want to call me dumb but I have a question. Do you have a car? Do you know how to keep up on the maintenance? You'd be surprised well might not, who cant change a tire. Or who keeps going on bad brakes that are metal to metal and squeal like crazy when you hit the breaks and will fail and kill someone,or other things like walk around your car check your lights maybe even your wheel lugnuts. To me not being able to keep up on manteneince for a 2000lbs vehicle that will kill you or someone else. That's stupid. by no means do I also pretend to be smart. anyway back on topic.
Huge *********** red herring.


this link here is about the metal. I pretty well states what some have said and what others argued against.



Wookieepedia isn't a canon source. Please learn why wikis are not valid sources in an argument. Hint: Anyone can edit it.


NOT ONCE did I say their method was perfect as to not produce any waste. I SAID IT WAS BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE. Oh and.....
Again, your reading comprehension skills are appalling. I did not say that their process doesn't have any waste, the 'no waste' part is referring to how advanced technology the Republic and Empire has. Learn to read.


YOU DID NOT SAY TITANIUM you said carbon nanofibers.
See this is why I'm being condescending. It is irrelevant. It's an analogy it doesn't matter if I use titanium, carbon nanofibers, concrete, or adobe.


Your arguing yourself in circles and changing your story. I was wrong, mistaken how ever you want to put it about the japan metal, what ever I'm a big enough man to admit it.. I'll drop it and you drop it and we can keep it on topic and not flame each other.


Them fighting against a race who doesn't show up in the force doesn't really mater much. He was fighting a human (his sister) whom does and always did show up in the force. And mostly due to being her father daughter showed up nicely in the force from time to time, I do belive in the book written by profesional authors it mentions jaina's disapearing in the force actualy did throw jacen off for a few seconds. And in a fight sometimes a few seconds will make all difference. Lets pretend you are 26 years old you and your twin sister same age have done alot together. you can say you know every thing about her. From what she's thinking to what shes gonna say. you even sparred with her alot so you know how she fights. And in a sparring match she does something she's never done before, your tellng me you would be totally unaffected by that? No reaction what so ever? If you said no i'd have to say your just arguing for no reason. Just to argue I Think that could honestly be classified as trolling.
What you're forgetting is Jacen is the one who figured out how to detect things that are supposed to be undetectable in the force. If you had actually read NJO you'd know that. Karen Traviss who admits to never having read any Star Wars novels is also ignorant of this.
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Wookieepedia isn't a canon source. Please learn why wikis are not valid sources in an argument. Hint: Anyone can edit it.




Actually it is a canon source. Its been recommended by writers, developers and even Leland Chee said it was a great Canon Resource.

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lol who cares about the books, for me the onlything that matter is the movies, I heard Bobba Fett survived somehow in some ****t book? Well, for me he died on Tatooine and thats it, he was my favourite character in Star Wars :)
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Actually it is a canon source. Its been recommended by writers, developers and even Leland Chee said it was a great Canon Resource.


No it's not. And I'm not accepting random assertions at face value because, I don't trust anonymous people on the internet to be honest. Now if you'd like to link something.


Wookieepedia is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Lucasfilm Limited or any of its subsidiaries, employees, or associates. Wookieepedia offers no suggestion that the work presented on this web page is "official" or produced or sanctioned by the owner or any licensees of the aforementioned trademarks. Wookieepedia will take all steps necessary to ensure that any usage of trademarked items in no way confuses the audience of this site as to its origin. Wookieepedia makes no claim to own Star Wars or any of the copyrights or trademarks related to it. Images that are displayed on this site are copyrighted to Lucasfilm Limited or another partner of Lucas Licensing, or to the creator of the image.
Wookieepedia even admits it. It's not an official source, it's not licensed or owned by LFL or even affiliated with it. It's not canon. Edited by DarthMoord
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What? explain your comment. You do not even make sense.

What does anything I said have to do with fandalorians?

I just want them to keep the story straight thats all.


if that is the case then you should hate Karen Traviss and Troy Denning, because they are by far the two biggest offenders in canon-destruction. George Lucas, and pretty much every other writer in Star Wars, are saints compared to those two.

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