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Disintegrate Weekly Reward


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2nd week in a row. Last week got a duplicate item, this week got a DPS relic on my healer.


For a WEEKLY reward that is super lame. I've been a software engineer for 30 years and this is just poor workmanship.

Edited by Foambreaker
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In my main, getting the weekly since ossus started and two extra 252 boxes from queen (that would be a total of 15 i think). It is easy to say what was actually usefull:

2 Implants

1 Mainhand

3 Set pieces


All the rest are useless (aka click relics / Accuracy crap) or repeats .How many Quick Savvant implants can a single toon use? Really, i got 4.


Some weeks ago I made a mirror toon using a boost token mostly to hel getting more 252 set pieces, Only repeats so far and crap, not even usefull left sides for this toon.

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2nd week in a row. Last week got a duplicate item, this week got a DPS relic on my healer.
I can floor the entrance area of my Yavin stronghold with useless relics from the weeklies on several characters. RNG sucks. Let token drop ffs, or at least open up the upgrade path, so I can use MWS to upgrade the useless items to good ones... but no - it's exciting to kill the same 2 bosses over and over again and run the same 5 dailies repetitively...
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Disintegrate 252s into UCs ( 175 per unwanted piece) and use the UCs to buy the MDCs with the mysterious smuggler and use the MDCs to buy the piece you want and ( eventually) upgrade it to 258


If you do the weekly PvE and the Weekly MDC mission(s) then you can accumulate MDCs quite quickly.

OTOH you can do the weekly for 252s on every eligible character and gain plenty of UCs without having to group up or PVP/ops/GSF at all.


If you can cool your jets then it's only 4 characters a week + change) grinding UCs to afford the cheap MDC from the smuggler vendor.


There are options... you just have to choose the one or 2 that suit you best.


But TBH there's very little you can't solo while wearing 252 gear. - 258 isn't that big a step up.... more like a crutch....which will probably also be obsolete within a few months.:rolleyes:


Remember to keep the 252 shells for upgrading - and use any duplicate mods for mirror/duplicate characters.



Edited by Storm-Cutter
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2nd week in a row. Last week got a duplicate item, this week got a DPS relic on my healer.


For a WEEKLY reward that is super lame. I've been a software engineer for 30 years and this is just poor workmanship.


It is what it is. RNG.


I run the Ossus weekly on 24 characters and usually disintegrate around 20 of the items. I just look at it now that I'm running the weekly for 175 components and choose to do it or not on that basis. It takes about 30 minutes to run so really, 175 components is a pretty fair return even if you didn't get lucky.

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It is what it is. RNG.


I run the Ossus weekly on 24 characters and usually disintegrate around 20 of the items. I just look at it now that I'm running the weekly for 175 components and choose to do it or not on that basis. It takes about 30 minutes to run so really, 175 components is a pretty fair return even if you didn't get lucky.


In fact 175 for 30 mins game-time is comparable, if not better than some of the daily PVP and GSF rewards - which can be dependent on how often they trigger and whether you win or not. - If you get a run of loosing games with 5-10 mins between WZ and 5-15 mins to complete it can easily take well over an hour to complete the 4+2 PVP dailies. so anywhere between 2-4 hours to complete the weekly.



Reg Warzone Daily: 25 UCs

Reg Warzone Weekly: 135 UCs

+ any you get extra in the meantime including the few you can potentially get from disintegrating CXP packs.


The gearing is supposed to be slow. BioWare said so. They set the rate that stuff can be acquired. If you think that this is hard, compare it to ops or ranked.... and if you think that's hard, compare it to crafting one's own or buying off the GTN. - A Masterwork 258 MH is going for 150-250Million on DM ATM. The forgotten whatsits start at 20M each ( 2 each for crafting 258s) and the TMS are hovering around 2M apiece and you need 28 of them IIRC.

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Since the beginning of the new "expansion" I have gotten 1 usable relic, and one belt. My desire to even log in has dwindled significantly. Was that the intent of this new gearing system? Is this some round-about way of getting us to quit the game and go play Anthem?
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