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How do you beat the Sith Harrowers?


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My class quest has me fighting 3 of them (one at a time) but no matter what pet i use i cant win lol.



Even useing all my skills only lets me get 1 to 20% or so tried having it tanked for awhile etc.., dont see a way to stop any skills he use's like other class boss's am i missing something?


i am 32 btw and so are the harrowers with 14k hps

Edited by Whiteskull
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got kira out had her tank some then taunted off her used my ward and stuff and still die lol.


he even becomes immune it seems when low on life for a bit.


Also fully tank speced as well.


Edit got 1 finaly lol took a med pac both wards and enure and still only had 700hps left when he died.

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What spec/level are you? Are your companions well geared? If not, upgrade Kira at least. I just did the harrowers at 32 without a problem. The following is assuming you're a Guardian because you didn't specify. If you're a Sentinel, I'm not sure how to help as I haven't played one.


If you have Hilt Strike (extra 4 second stun), they're easy. Let Kira beat on them until she's about 20%, leap in and start fighting (make sure to taunt if she's about to die, you need her DPS). Once it's attacking you, let it fight you down to whatever HP level you please (I like about 60%), then Force Stasis. Once Stasis wears off, immediately Hilt Strike. Once Hilt Strike wears off, Force Push then leap on him again. By this time the harrower should be close enough to death that you don't need to do much except DPS, but you can throw Saber Ward/Warding Call in if need be.


Honestly I just fought through the immunity or ran around for a bit until it wore off. The fights weren't close enough that this became a problem.


If you're specced Vengeance/Focus, I can't really help you much. I've been having little trouble with bosses and champion mobs in Defense spec with Kira. You can also try stimming and bringing some med packs with you to the fight as well.

Edited by vindianajones
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My class quest has me fighting 3 of them (one at a time) but no matter what pet i use i cant win lol.



Even useing all my skills only lets me get 1 to 20% or so tried having it tanked for awhile etc.., dont see a way to stop any skills he use's like other class boss's am i missing something?


i am 32 btw and so are the harrowers with 14k hps


I recall that quest before I rerolled (thanks, Kira). Anyway, I was fully Guardian spec'ed and a level or two above the quest. I did absolutely fine until they popped an enrage buff, thing is...the buff displayed about ten times on their unit frame. Judging by how hard they started hitting, I think I believe it. My fully tank spec/geared Guardian went from 40% to about 5% in a matter of seconds.


When I played JK, I leveled with a Consular and very nearly had to call her in for that. My only advice would be to pop a stim, carry a medpac or five, and hope for the best. If there are multiple stacks of the buff, I would inquire via ticket. I got a copy/paste response though.

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  • 1 month later...

Yeah. They were a bit tough. Died once, but then adjusted tactics and was able to take them out systematically.


I've noticed this 'immune' feature on several boss mobs. The battle is close, and suddenly they're not taking damage anymore. I've died because of this on a number of quests.


I think I've found a trick around this. It'll take more testing. But in a nutshell, when they start to go immune, and your health is low...hit Enure. Suddenly you've got 30%, and the MOB starts taking damage again. I've done this twice now, and as soon as I hit Enure, the gold boss mob dies almost immediately.


It's almost as if there's a bug that prevents the Boss from taking damage when you're both extremely low on health.

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dunno if others had experiences this, but my quest was bugged there. My companions would randomly lie on the ground in that area and not get up (hence not doing any DPS). I tried all kinds of relogging, re-summoning them, but nothing. I couldn't solo the fight and I called a friend to help me. His companion also bugged out and laid on the ground for the majority of the fight. That quest pissed me off, because I think it would have been doable if not for the bug.
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dunno if others had experiences this, but my quest was bugged there. My companions would randomly lie on the ground in that area and not get up (hence not doing any DPS). I tried all kinds of relogging, re-summoning them, but nothing. I couldn't solo the fight and I called a friend to help me. His companion also bugged out and laid on the ground for the majority of the fight. That quest pissed me off, because I think it would have been doable if not for the bug.


I had that bug, but resummoning fixed it. The Harrowers knock targets prone.

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I too had a hard time with this one. I must have died twenty times before finally (barely) beating the first one, using everything I had. The second one I only died once and the third I beat easily with over 50% of my health (and almost full companion health) without using several defensive abilities. So, I can't say why one was easier than the others. What's really strange to me is the one fight that was easiest I did the least on. :confused:
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How the heck do you use stasis / hilt strike???


The second I press it the stasis ends and the red message pops up saying 'target not prone' or something like that.


I stopped even trying, assumed it would only work if someone else was using stasis on the target.



But back on topic, these guys were a bugger, but my usual tactics did work on them.


Leap kira in

Wait for a blue bar (can't remember if they use one quickly)

Jump / sweep


Master strike

Run away!!! (while they are immune)

Force leap back in (if far enough away)


Blade storm


And then whatever else I got till it drops.


If I remember correctly its easy to tell when they go immune cos they get the orb effect around them.

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When they do the thing that knocks you down is this the indication that are immune? And how do you know when you can reenter the battle?


I'm 36 and getting smoked at the end. I'll have them at about 25% with me at about 75% and then they do the knock down thing and put me at about 50% then wale on me till we are both down to about 10% and then I can't finish them off. I didn't notice this immune thing so I'm guessing that's why. These are the most annoying fight ever. I'm tossing everything at them and have died at least 7 times as Sent Combat spec. These Elites are just retarded for me in this spec... When do I get doc?

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They aren't as hard as they initially seem. From what I recall the immunity and knockdown both occur around the time they do an odd howling animation. They also seem to stop moving initially when they start this.


Just run. Run around and wait for it to go away, or in the case of a guardian just push and save yourself the trouble, then maul them. I used Kira to spread aggro as well. Helps quite a bit.


That said, they're still the strongest mobs I've seen in my class quests so far

Edited by Calouse
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Dude these harrowers want to make me rage quit! I dont wanna waste my 20 min cd on the first of 3 of have to beat but omg. I noticed when he did do the knock down he got like 15 buffs of the same enrage spell over his name and just proceeded to kill me like it was nothing.
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With all these tough bosses you just have to learn the little annoying trick to them. I died at least 7-8 times last night and rage quit or more depression quit. lol


Came on here, saw the thing about the immune. I didn't even see this last night. But flytext "Immune" comes off their body.


So I went in this time and I had two left to do, only killed one last night.


I ended up killing two back to back. Didn't even stop to rest. I pulled back when the "Immune" fly text started and then just waited for it to end and pounded them.


I have focused my spec on Zen and Slash/Blade Rush. And when I used this tactic this time and focused on building centering for zen and then just rapid fired slash while avoiding immune I crushed them. It was crazy. Super easy fight. I can't believe it comparing it to my frustration last night.

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I one shot all three no problem(though T7 did die a couple of times).


Just RUN AWAY when they become immune and do crazy damage. Once it goes away, charge back in. Easy peasy.


Too many people don't know how to play and just sit there facerolling their DPS rotation.

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