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Operative Vs Powertech


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Im having a hell of a time deciding which class to continue with.


I have a 27 powertech and a 13 operative, I realize both of these classes settle in around 31.


from what ive seen it seems that powertech is a much more team based class with alot of tricks to stay in the action and swing the game, particularly in huttball. Hes tough and mobile (shield tree) and does moderate dmg. The only classes currently that beat me 1v1 are operatives.


My 13 operative (concealment) is obviously weak because of his low level, but im getting a feel for the playstyle. the dmg and cc are great, healing is for recovery not survival, and mobility is bad. Seems to be the strongest 1v1 class ive seen.


What i noticed is that when playing PT i am always focusing on objective and end up with a ton of medals. When im playing OP i am usually not focused on objective and tunnel vision on stealth killing lone players.


Looking for some opinions or comparisons to help swing my decision!

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I play PT Shield and focused on more PvE but I do well in warzones. There's a grapple stun build I would like to try. It's fun but yes, a lot more team based with several reduce att/reduce acc aoe debuffs. I do better "picking people off" than 1 v 1. I'd also like to try Pyro.
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I play an Operative (lethality) and strongly train towards dotting dmg and crit. Its fun as hell and as a lvl 30 I have 3rd or higher dps most of the time. But for pvp I would recommend concealment. I have to have my dots active b4 engaging or I'm in trouble, but if I do... I win. Concealment gives you a bit more room to play around with. But I like a challenge and the playstyle of Lethality is fun, challenging and efficient.
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If this was a Scoundrel/Vanguard thread, I would've said Scoundrel. But since you're obviously Empire, and most likely playing 80% of your WZ games in The Pit, I'd recommend Powertech. You'll win more games with all the tools that come with that spec compared to just going around ganking loners as an Operative.


Unless you're one of those people who don't care about team objectives and just like to gank, than by all means...

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