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Conquest commanders and master looter


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I did 2 of those commander bosses today for some frameworks for guild ship. First one was cool,I was leader of ops and had easy kill,fair loot round robin with 10 people.


2nd one was nightmare , which is why I avoid doing these bosses,because some people ruin it for everyone. It was on Quesh, first we had 5 man team,could easily kill that Quesh Lord Commander (sorry don't know boss's name), but because two scrub ***** with no life trolled there, it took over 1h-2h to finally kill it. One scrub even went so far to log on pub side and taunt boss away so he'd reset. While they were on imp side,they just kept dying ,because they trash and had INSTA spawn point to do it again. Eventually we got I think around 15 people for it, but this is exactly why I avoid doing stuff like this.. Wasn't leader of 2nd one and didn't even know,that loot was set on Master Looter.


FFS PUG ops should have loot set on Round Robin without chance to change to Master Looter. Matter of fact delete Master Looter. It only ****s people over. More than once this happened, when loot is great or rare and then one ****er decides to change to Master Looter and take the best loot.


And then those people sell those purple Frameworks on GTN for 50 million credits. Devalue somehow purple Frameworks from those bosses by binding them to guild or not be able to sell on GTN...or put those bosses in some sort of operation phase, so that if 4 or 5 or let's say 8 people wanna kill named commander, then don't get ****ed over with no life trolls, who try to run,they fail because they suck and die all the time and insta respawn.

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One scrub even went so far to log on pub side and taunt boss away so he'd reset.

Stuff like that happens. Usually they're playing keep-away with the boss until their own guild has time to muster the numbers to kill it themselves, hoping you'll exhaust yourself and give up.


There are no rules of fair play about scarce content in the open world and the competition is fierce to get those commanders, especially the named ones.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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Yes and this is why they need to move those commanders to some sort of phase for group or operation or devalue purple frameworks,so that scrubs can't insta respawn and come back. You know, how pathetic you have to be to keep spawning and dying and then reloging to other side and get destroyed in 1v1. No wonder that guy always premades,so that others can carry him. And again if those frameworks wouldn't sell for 50 million credits on GTN, others would have better chances to get frameworks for their guild's flagships.


And Master looter needs to go,because it does nothing. If it's a FULL guild run,they can work out, who gets the loot. If it's pug,like it is 99% of the time in this game,needs to be round robin so that everyone has a CHANCE to get something and not steal best loot.

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  • 2 years later...
I did 2 of those commander bosses today for some frameworks for guild ship. First one was cool,I was leader of ops and had easy kill,fair loot round robin with 10 people.


2nd one was nightmare , which is why I avoid doing these bosses,because some people ruin it for everyone. It was on Quesh, first we had 5 man team,could easily kill that Quesh Lord Commander (sorry don't know boss's name), but because two scrub ***** with no life trolled there, it took over 1h-2h to finally kill it. One scrub even went so far to log on pub side and taunt boss away so he'd reset. While they were on imp side,they just kept dying ,because they trash and had INSTA spawn point to do it again. Eventually we got I think around 15 people for it, but this is exactly why I avoid doing stuff like this.. Wasn't leader of 2nd one and didn't even know,that loot was set on Master Looter.


FFS PUG ops should have loot set on Round Robin without chance to change to Master Looter. Matter of fact delete Master Looter. It only ****s people over. More than once this happened, when loot is great or rare and then one ****er decides to change to Master Looter and take the best loot.


And then those people sell those purple Frameworks on GTN for 50 million credits. Devalue somehow purple Frameworks from those bosses by binding them to guild or not be able to sell on GTN...or put those bosses in some sort of operation phase, so that if 4 or 5 or let's say 8 people wanna kill named commander, then don't get ****ed over with no life trolls, who try to run,they fail because they suck and die all the time and insta respawn.


1. You have a bad team and dont know spots where to pull it to be safe

2. Master looter is for guilds to get the loot for profit, changing it during the fight i would agree, that prevents it from getting ninja looted, but entirely removing is is paranoid.

3. as someone who hunts those commanders wit 150+ purple plans each month i disagree with the sentiment all together, you need a better organisation, team, tactic and overview.


We had for months a war with the biggest guilds and we won because we were better organised and prevented them form taking any commanders because they were harrassing us, same with some small kids trying to interfere, we circumvented it and it works till this date absolutely fine.


What i would add is that every guild on the leaderboard should be able to drop the shields. this would give more guilds a possibility to drop them and not wait for the timer to run out and would make this part of the game far more flexible and accessible. Always its always the same 2 3 boring guilds who got with shady tactics to the top the "owners" of those planets.

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