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Cross Class Stories.


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Aight, so this one's pretty similar to my last post, but here goes anyway. I'd love, LOVE to be able to play a set story as a different class than what was released in the base game. For example, if I wanted to play the Smuggler playthrough, but don't like the combat given in either advanced class, allow us to pick from the other gunner type classes, like the Trooper or Bounty Hunter ones. I'd love to be a tanky Vanguard, but be able to have Corso by my side, and fly around in an XS Freighter, or be a Sniper class character assigned to Havoc Squad. The same can be said for the Jedi and Sith classes. I personally adore most of the companions from the Sith Warrior storyline, but I'm not a huge fan of the Warrior combat style. Same with Knights. If I was allowed to pick a Sith Assassin that would serve under Darth Baras (which would actually make a lot of sense), I would. Same could be said with a Juggernaut during the Inquisitor storyline. Obviously there'd be a restriction on Jedi playing through the smuggler campaign and vise versa. But it's just a thought.


TLDR: Allow the players to choose their method of combat AND the storyline their character follows. Don't make them exclusive to one another.


Comment below if you'd like to do this? If so, what classes would you like to play out with which storyline?

Edited by JediKnightExile
Just tacking on a "comment if you agree" part
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