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attention all PvE guilds IMP OR PUB


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hi guys i'm looking for pve ops conquest guild , NO RP don't give me grief about it got my reasons.

guild must be large 30+ (don't include your off line membership) during prime times hate those the linger around 25 feels like they dead and not going any where.

reply here ether server don't matter leave server name and guild name and officer to contact i will contact you in game


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hi guys i'm looking for pve ops conquest guild , NO RP don't give me grief about it got my reasons.

guild must be large 30+ (don't include your off line membership) during prime times hate those the linger around 25 feels like they dead and not going any where.

reply here ether server don't matter leave server name and guild name and officer to contact i will contact you in game


Either server? There are five. Even if you don't count the French and German ones, there are three.

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hi guys i'm looking for pve ops conquest guild , NO RP don't give me grief about it got my reasons.

guild must be large 30+ (don't include your off line membership) during prime times hate those the linger around 25 feels like they dead and not going any where.

reply here ether server don't matter leave server name and guild name and officer to contact i will contact you in game



You should post this over in the Server Forums. There are 3 to choose from. If you don't care which server, then just copy/paste your post to all 3.

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