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Petition for an Imperial Table


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The Republic now has 3 planning tables of various sized. The prominent Republic logo on 2 of them have ensured they cannot be seriously used in an Imperial SH.




The 2 tables that the Empire has are the Sith Temple Long Table, which is unsuitable for use for meetings due to its small size, and the Imperial Worktable (Alert Status), which is a desk, not a table. Two of these can be put together, put the room has to have the perfect array of hooks to do so, so it requires a lot of creativity. These also lack an Imperial symbol, meaning they're perfectly suitable for Republic , Zakuul, and Imperial SHs.




I petition that we gain the following as an Imperial table since we lack options for any kind of planning table. The deco already exists in game and is all over Imperial areas, so it should be easy to implement.



Please reply if you believe this would be of benefit to the Empire, or even other factions, since it lacks a logo that would restrict its serious use.



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There is another one in the the dark lord pack. It is long and only fits on a large hook.




The problem is, it looks more like a coffin than a table. It and the other Sith table are great for Sith but not for Imperials. They're simply not as versatile as the 3 Republic ones.


What's more, this table is already in the game! They just need to make it available.


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HECK YES! We certainly do need an Imperial planning table that is a nice oval or rectangle, not some strange shape. Hopefully it will have a click-to-activate holo display, like the Jedi table.


NOT some Sith sacrificial table, not a flaming table, not a glowing table, not a bloody table, and not a table of ultimate evil. Just a nice table for a conference room that works in a Medium or Large floor hook.


Has anybody seen an asset out in the world that we might recommend for the devs?

Edited by Xina_LA
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