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Soloing Heroics as Shadow/Assassin

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Due to the way some of the 2+/4 mans are constructed, it's possible that Shadows/Assassins can easily solo some of these quests. With Blackout + Sap it's easily done on quests that ask you to do something like "Free X prisoners" or "Access X computer terminals."


Generally if there's a fight it's a bit more difficult. And obviously, this forgoes the bonus. I've been successful doing this on 4 mans and 2+ mans with my Shadow on Tatooine, Alderaan, Balmorra, Hoth, and most recently Belsavis. Assassins could also do this, I imagine that without Blackout many of the same ones would be impossible for Scoundrels and the like, but I could be wrong (don't know that class well enough).


I haven't really thought about it until recently--but this wouldn't somehow be against the rules or an exploit, would it?

Edited by Wuzseen
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