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Referal link issue


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A friend of mine whos got a referal link from hes friend does not work, person, who given him the reflink is a subscriber, but the link dosent works for him the website says it is already egsist wich is not true at all.

Can please somebody explain from the SWTOr staff why it cannot be fixed this issues?

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To investigate this both people (the person with the referral and the person receiving the referral) will need to email support@swtor.com without both parties submitting it cant really be investigated.


However note the referral works for new accounts and previous subscribers so if his account was already created and never been a subscriber then it does not meet the conditions of using the referral.


no he did not he didn't used any referal link sience 2017.

http://www.swtor.com/info/friends also the following applies if he has used a referral link previously and has never subscribed.


New SWTOR players who participate in Friends of SWTOR who remain Free-to-Play players are not eligible to participate again.

Edited by OwenBrooks
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