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Level Cap (May be covered I could not find it)


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Hello, I'm wondering if there are plans to keep adding content and raising the level caps, I see a lot of open space on the star map and a lot of known Star Wars Planets are missing, Hoping to see this progress as we level.


I played WoW and this was a great concept to keep people playing, I played Rift and at level 50 that was the end of the game, standing around in the capital city reading chat is not my Idea of a good time.

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Hello, I'm wondering if there are plans to keep adding content and raising the level caps, I see a lot of open space on the star map and a lot of known Star Wars Planets are missing, Hoping to see this progress as we level.


I played WoW and this was a great concept to keep people playing, I played Rift and at level 50 that was the end of the game, standing around in the capital city reading chat is not my Idea of a good time.


Expansion packs take time, and traditionally that is when level caps are raised. Before then we can expect more level 50 content to get released.

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Expansion packs take time, and traditionally that is when level caps are raised. Before then we can expect more level 50 content to get released.


I understand how it works with Expansions, I just wanted to know if there was a plan in place and based on the comments sounds like their is. and there is just to much forum to filter through =) thanks


I have played a lot of MMO's and as long as the content keeps coming I will keep playing I'm pleased with SWTOR so far.

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