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Lethality PVP Videos


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I started a channel on youtube for lethality PVP videos. I am still leveling, but the videos can show what the Lethality spec has to offer. I am level 29 in the video. Stay tuned to my channel for more incoming videos. Hopefully, Monday I will have a few more.






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Second Video is up on my channel if anyone is interested. This video should help people realize the viability of Lethality in PVP. I am level 32 in this video and you can see how much gets done. And for my friend, I am no longer clicking...




This video contains content from UMG and EMI, one or more of whom have blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.

Sorry about that.

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That's so awful. Seriously, don't do pvp video anymore. You say "lethality is viable" ? The only thing you show killing ******* like you, not moving and when you don't get attacked by someone else in your back (you will not see him because your view is too close to your character).


There is always "debates" for clicking. Clicking is NOT competitive. See how you struggle your back engage when the guy moves? Do you think it has interest? It's not a matter of opinion, it SUCKS!


Read a guide about keybindings, starts slowly and stop making movies. I can listen to guns and roses without having your stupid video running on my screen.

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I am no longer clicking...


No offense intended, but it's quite obvious you're still clicking and used the mouse hide option of the recording program.


Try binding your skills to keys and hiding your UI. Then go kill mobs to practice using keybinds. This method will remove all temptation to click your skills as they will not be visible. It may be frustrating at first, but you'll definitely become better at PvP and, I promise, enjoy the game much more once you learn your binds.

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The first video, I was clicking. I am still taking advice and I will move my camera angle back. I do agree with you about not knowing what is behind you. Here is the video that was suppose to go up this morning. But, due to copyright it was removed. I took out the music and this is what is left. This does show how viable Lethality is in PVP. Please, comment as much as you would like. I want to learn, I want to teach.




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Hey man, I saw your video and I won't be a negative person about your skills or whatnot but I will say that there is potential in the build, as any tree has their own potential. Just keep up with it and who knows, maybe you will be the best Lethality PVPer out there amongst the very few who follow.
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Please, comment as much as you would like. I want to learn, I want to teach.




I'd suggest using your mouse to turn rather than your keyboard. You can tell you're using your keyboard to turn as your turning is quite jerky. Mouse turning is much smoother than what this video displays and makes the videos easier to watch. And since you're not clicking anymore it would suggest your mouse is free to use for turning.


I'd also suggest trying 720p in addition to your current 360 and 480 settings. Most viewers probably prefer video to be sharper than lower resolutions can offer. Blurry video will have a negative impact or your number of hits.


And keep annoying those consulars and inquisitors!

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