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Servers Back Offline - 5.10


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Not assuming, two people posting about not being able to log in, no responses about it from other players or from the devs, but both players and devs posting about companion issues after login issues had been posted about.


I would certainly call not even an acknowlagment from devs even tho after these issues were raised there were posts by them, combined with posts from players literally saying it is pointless to post about it since it will be ignored is sufficent reason to say no one cares.


Anyway i'll take my leave of this thread since my issues don't seem to matter, maybe when i can actually play i might come in and report any companion issues if i have any.


But right now i am at 3 hours downtime, two mins play, then 8 hours unable to access between second downtime and the mess it made of things for me. Eleven hours unable to access and not even an acknowlagment of the problem.


Interesting how i patched and logged in fine after the first downtime, then after the second even tho i downloaded nothing and did nothing my game was frakked.



pointless to try to get someone to listen

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Jedi Guardian, finished all class stories, all expansions, everything.


Starting the Lost Colony quest really did a number on the companion list - probably because I'm not allowed to actually summon any of them. I'll see what the list looks like when I'm done.


Finished the Ossus storyline and all of the companions went back to where they had been except I do still have Rusk and C2-N2 in two places.

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Not assuming, two people posting about not being able to log in, no responses about it from other players or from the devs, but both players and devs posting about companion issues after login issues had been posted about.


I would certainly call not even an acknowlagment from devs even tho after these issues were raised there were posts by them, combined with posts from players literally saying it is pointless to post about it since it will be ignored is sufficent reason to say no one cares.


Anyway i'll take my leave of this thread since my issues don't seem to matter, maybe when i can actually play i might come in and report any companion issues if i have any.


But right now i am at 3 hours downtime, two mins play, then 8 hours unable to access between second downtime and the mess it made of things for me. Eleven hours unable to access and not even an acknowlagment of the problem.


Interesting how i patched and logged in fine after the first downtime, then after the second even tho i downloaded nothing and did nothing my game was frakked.


Two people saying they can't log in out of how many others are posting in this thread? This is a relatively fast moving thread and if you'll notice the devs aren't responding to a lot of the issues. I mean, you really want them to reply to everyone? I'm quite sure they're reading the issues in this thread and are putting them on a list. Yours is probably on it.


If I personally could fix your problem I would tell you but I can't.

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Hey folks,


Let’s talk about the Companion issues that you are seeing in 5.10. Even though you may see some strange things, from what we are seeing we do not believe there are any actual story/long-term impacts stemming from these issues. There are clearly issues that we will need to resolve in a future update, such as companions falling into the wrong category, being unavailable, etc. Please, please continue to report these issues to us with as much detail as possible – knowing your class, faction, and active mission are particularly helpful. We are closely monitoring your reports and our game activity to make sure there is nothing that creeps into severe territory. Thank you in advance for the reports.


A couple things to keep in mind:

  • Depending on what Mission you are on, Companions will become completely unavailable to you. That is standard Mission behavior for most of the Missions in this update.
  • Most story Mission explicitly permit specific Companions and you will not be able to use any others during that time.

Keep the reports coming!




I finished the story on my Guardian fine but my contacts list is definitely screwed up a bit. It got screwed up when I started Ossus and stayed screwed up after I finished. When I started Ossus I had all major story missions and all alliance alerts completed. I stayed loyal to the Republic.


Both Koth and Theron are now back in my companion list despite me killing them (and I have never used the companion return terminal for anything) and are summonable. It does say in their summaries that I killed them though, and Theron didn't show up in the cutscene. C2-N2 and Rusk are both in unavailable and I cannot summon them, and the summary text says I don't know their whereabouts. I have definitely recruited them.

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Completed the Ossus quest on my inquisitor. Still shows all of my class companions with exceptions for Khem Val in both sections as companions and unavailable companions. Am able to summon all of those. Koth is still in the unsummonable spot by Darth Marr. Never killed him, never pissed him off and never kicked him from the alliance...(even though it was tempting... but my Inquisitor is just a stand up kind of gal) So Koth is still MIA.
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Just an update to maybe reassure people: I’m in with my main Jedi now. She’s done everything up to Copero, so I haven’t picked up Ossus yet. Her companion list is fine, no issues that I can see. I anticipate it to remain as I finish the traitor arc. Maybe stick to grinding tasks after until this is fixed.
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Managed to accidentally strip Lana at the start of Jedi under Siege. Didn't realise she was meant to be locked out and the summon button appear on the companion tab. The game instead gave me all her equipment and armour. Didn't think much of it until the second cutscene when Lana appears in her underwear with one of those hitty sticks you get before you earn a lightsaber.


Also managed to do the same with both the dead Torian and Acina. Not sure if this is meant to happen so to reclaim equipped items, but given I never have my inventory is now full of companion locked items.

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At points my companions were available (all of them) when they shouldn't have been (it seems for the republic story you only get tau, though had I wanted I could have probably used anyone). Just found it odd, though not as serious as these other problems listed here. Edited by ralfmachio
wrong topic
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I have a light side Sith Warrior who started Jedi Under Siege. Quinn is unavailable, when I know I spared his life. I'm also seeing Broonmark as a recruit when I killed him. SCORPIO and Koth are both listed as dead when I have screenshots proving otherwise.


I have the same issue with Koth and Quinn being unavailable when both were alive and well and summonable before starting Ossus

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I just did the new storyline on my Jedi Guardian. I finished her class story, all of the expansions, never romanced anyone but Doc, yet when starting the new story suddenly I was in a relationship with Theron and had asked him to marry me. I then reunited with Doc and was still with him, so upon finishing the story I got the quest to break up with Theron, but his entry in the contacts still shows that I asked him to marry him and that I am still with Doc. I'm also not sure if any of my previous choices counted or if it went with the default choices


Also both C2-N2 and Rusk are both listed in the Folowers section and the Unavailable section, and even though I sided with the Republic after Iokath I somehow reunited with Quinn but he didn't follow me to back to the Republic

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I started with another toon, LS Sith Warrior that aligned with the Republic on Iokath. Koth and Quinn are gone from my companions even though I didn't killed Koth and Quinn joined me at the end of Iokath. Also its says that both Malcom and Acina are dead. Will this affect my choices on Ossus, what will happen if it says that Malcom and Acina are dead?


EDIT: Pierce, Broonmark and 2V appear twice on my list


EDIT 2: While it says that both are dead, it definitely saves your choices. I get dialogue about killing Acina on Iokath. Seems that all the bugs are with the companion list, not the story.


EDIT 3: I got back LS Jaesa, but I'm getting the Alliance alert for DS Jaesa

Edited by RexRuiz
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After getting Jaesa back, she has had her influence reduced to one.


Okay not game breaking, easy enough to fix. Except its stuck at one. Even the Commander Compendium which says it will increase your current companions influence to 50 does nothing.


This makes the returned Jaesa pretty worthless in a world of level 50 influence companions. Which makes a long awaited return something of a mess, your finally back but using you is stupid. On a side note as with so many others she also appears to have lost the ability to move her mouth when she speaks.

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Unfortunately, the issues that I am having with Companions are very-much story related.


I have begun Ossus on a Sith Inquisitor, having previously sided with Zash in the main story, and this was properly reflected for me in The Nathema Conspiracy, where I saw Khem's holo antagonizing me. Suddenly here on Ossus I meet him as if he is my long-lost friend, and this is quite jarring.


Same here. Played Nathema with this character only two days ago, Khem correctly joined Order of Zildrog's operation. Now encountered him during Ossus mission where you locate stealth supply drop (don't remember the name), immidiatelly ESC-ed from dialogue and reset the mission. Can provide more detail about character status if needed.

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@Eric Musco When is the next maintenance scheduled for?


Do we have to wait till next Tuesday to have these companions bugs fixed?


I myself will tend to stay away from SWTOR until it gets more stable here since these bugs are really hampering playstyle for some people. Could you please update what would be done in terms of timeline? I'm sure you have already gotten an earful of all the companion bugs plus the other stuff related to 5.10.


Thanks for any updates!

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Hey folks,


Let’s talk about the Companion issues that you are seeing in 5.10. Even though you may see some strange things, from what we are seeing we do not believe there are any actual story/long-term impacts stemming from these issues. There are clearly issues that we will need to resolve in a future update, such as companions falling into the wrong category, being unavailable, etc. Please, please continue to report these issues to us with as much detail as possible – knowing your class, faction, and active mission are particularly helpful. We are closely monitoring your reports and our game activity to make sure there is nothing that creeps into severe territory. Thank you in advance for the reports.


A couple things to keep in mind:

  • Depending on what Mission you are on, Companions will become completely unavailable to you. That is standard Mission behavior for most of the Missions in this update.
  • Most story Mission explicitly permit specific Companions and you will not be able to use any others during that time.

Keep the reports coming!




Hello, Eric


Sith Inquisitor/ Assassin here. Did not skip to Ossus (that is, I did all the story missions before it). Spared Koth, Senya and Arcann. Yet after Ossus I lost access to Koth. The other companions are fine, including the old class companions.


Also, thanks for the Khem Val reunion!

Edited by Dbohrius
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Checked the 4 that i play regular and found a massive list of issues, i put in a ticket but posting them here since dev post said to keep reporting comp stuff in this thread.


Char 1

On this char i had unlocked all companions from storyline and alliance alerts except for the voss star fortress one. Upon logging today alot were missing, i used the companion terminal to get most back but the following are still listed as unavailable.


Andronikos Revel - Listed Twice in companion window with differant affection levels

Ashara Zavros - Listed Twice in companion window with differant affection levels

This may have been from the companioon return terminal, if they were already unlocked when i went through to get my missing ones back then it unlocked them a second time.


2V-R8 - unavailable and cannot recruit him since i already did the quest and unlocked him

Talos Drellik - Unavailable and cannot recruit him since i already did power with knowlage

Xalek - Unavailable and cannot recruit him since i already did Death before dishonor

So i cannot get these three back even tho i did the quests to unlock them well before this patch.


Char 2

2V-R8 - Listed twice both in my list of available companions, and an an unavailable companion, can summon him tho so just an error in unavailable companion list.


Char 3

C2-N2 - Listed twice both in my list of available companions, and an an unavailable companion, can summon him tho so just an error in unavailable companion list.


Char 4

Scorpio not returning from companion terminal, has been returned on the other three characters in this list using the terminal.


This is quite a long list of errors for companions on only four characters. The thing that disturbs me is, that on the three i have used the mission skip i only have a couple of display errors and a companion that won't return using the console.


Yet on my main (Char 1) that i put alot of effort into, did all the chapters, unlocked all except one companion (still can't figure out how to solo voss fortress), i had a ton of companions removed and had to restore them via terminal, errors in my companion display and three unrecoverable companions that i had unlocked. This patch has majorly messed up the one char i had put effort into.

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Sith marauder with all story complete. 3 of my comps are listed as unavailable with the level rest to level 1. 2V-R8, Broodmark, and Pierce. (Level 1, 10, 10). They are completely unsummonable. They are NOT listed twice. However, in the crew skill window 2V-R8 is still list as level 50. As for the other 2 I need to double check.


After I did the alert for DS Jaesa she shows as an available comp but her picture is missing and she is also rest to level 1. Looking at her character sheet, her stats reflect her being level 1.


I’ve spent a lot getting my maras comps to 50 as it’s my main.


I mean I still have the issue that one of the past 5.xx patches reset my ZO-OM level back to level 1 and I still haven’t gotten word about that. 3 dark projects and 4.25 mil isn’t an easy thing to come by as a solo player.

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Companions are totally screwed up. Upon starting the story line for Ossus, many companions are listed as unavailable on both empire and republic characters.


On my Jedi knight, I chose to support the empire. I was able to recover most of my companions, but Doc is just plain gone. Doesn't show up on the companion recovery terminal and not on the list of companions.


On my Sniper, again I chose to support the empire, and I lost 8 characters and was able to recover all from the companion terminal except for Scorpio. The terminal says she has been returned, but she remains unavailable.


On Ossus, even after completing the story lines companions have not been returned. While on the planet, no crafting can be done as only the active companion shows up in the crew skill window. I am hesitant to run any other characters through the story line as it is a pain in the backside losing lvl 50 companions as far as being able to craft even off planet.

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