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So this is not a dual spec question... Dont really care about it. I prefer it not show up, but that is me. Not gonna explain my self as this is not the reason this thread is being asked.


Lets say I level up to 10 on a trooper and pick Vanguard. Now I level up to 50 by way of dps and such. At 50 can respec out of the dps and into the tanking tree? or am I stuck as dps?

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there is a respec NPC in the fleet in the end bay of the class training wing (skill mentor or something). Each subsequent respec costs more credits, it starts out at 0 at first. Apparently it resets to 0 each week (unconfirmed)


so yes you could.


There is also one in the bank / GTN area of Coruscant, not sure about Dromon Kaas though.

Edited by Basiliscus
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