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A couple of questions, if I may


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Kind of came back, already have one foot out the door again. I could easily get long-winded and ranty, but I'll get to the point.



  1. How does one get to Ossus?
  2. Is it worth it to transfer from SS to SF? (Unranked WZ)


Regarding #1, I ask because apparently that's where the gear vendors are going to be. Somebody told me I could auto-complete KotET, and I did that, but now it's trying to make me go to Iokath. Can I auto-complete that as well? I can't figure out how. I really don't care about the story. I just don't want to have to spend 10+ hours grinding that in order to get to the bloody vendor when the patch hits mid December.


Regarding #2, I've read people mention that SF has the greater population now. I have over 8k CC saved up and it looks like transfers are 1k, so I could move up to 8 characters. I figure that would suffice. I know server choice is a matter of opinion to a degree, but I would appreciate hearing yours.



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Hey m8! I bounced from SS to SF for about a month testing both, this was about 2-3 months ago. I found SF regs popped more often, and honestly found there to be less obnoxious trolls on SF too. I'd suggest SF.


Plus you can go lurk around the fleet cantina and watch the RPers do their thing, or even go get your ERP on if you into that too! SF did get TEH server merged into it, so you do have the best RPers in the game on SF!

Edited by Lhancelot
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I don't believe Ossus will be launched till 5.10 in december, the mentions of it on dev tracker I believe are regards to the public test server. there you can test out the future update, send bug reports. just remember everything you do there will erased in 2 months so dont get too invested.


and from what I've seen as a pvper, those who still play pvp consistently have already swapped to SF, imo it would be a wise investment for you. I know it was for me.

Edited by Seterade
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Well that explains a lot. I was getting very frustrated that I couldn't find Ossus. :o


I'll start packing and get my butt over to SF. Cheers Mates!


EDIT: Somebody has my Mara name &%*$&*#@*!!!!

Edited by teclado
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If you want to check out Osuss you can DL the PTS. On the PTS you travel there with galaxy map, but I’m sure the story will take you there when 5.10 goes live. SS is dead as far as ranked goes but in my experience regs still pops regularly. SF assuredly has a better pvp population.
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