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Most PvP Threads Boil Down To This...


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I suck so much, that I never win. It must be that OP Sorc/BH/Troop/Marauder/Shadow/IA. BW needs to nerf that class ASAP or I'm canceling my sub and telling all my friends to cancel. BW will fail unless they nerf all classes besides mine, because I have no skill or sense of tactics.




I have too much free time on my hand and have reached L50 one day after launch (thank you EGA). PvP sucks and End-game content suck. There are no Lvl 50s besides me, I'm canceling my sub unless BW adds more PvP endgame content (<---- logic fail).




PvP warzones suck. ZOMG! BW, why couldn't you add 6000 warzones at launch? I know you spent nearly 3 years working on 8 separate story lines and making sure almost everything is voice acted, but come on, three warzones? And they all suck!! Hutball sucks because I play w/ PUGs and play it like it was deathmatch. Voidstar sucks because it sucks and Alderaan sucks because it has been done before.




I want Arenas! BW sucks for not adding Arenas! I'm canceling my sub!







Please BW don't listen to all the QQ threads. Most of these people whining about PvP, are horrible @ PvP in the first place unless they are all decked out in superior gear which allows them to steamroll their opponents, letting them feel uber leet. Without this feeling of uber leetness, PvP is unfullfilling for the QQ crowd.


However for those of use who know how to work as a TEAM in an OBJECTIVE based PvP map, PvP is working out fine for us. I don't notice anything uber OP to the point where its game breaking. Almost everything has a counter (even tho your specific class may not have that counter).


And as far as the endgame content is, I wouldn't know. But there is this place called Illum, for all you QQers whining about no world PvP. :rolleyes:


But yes please do add Arenas. So that all the idiots that play warzones like it was deathmatch can have a place to go and play deathmatch and not screw up objective based warzones.


Thank you very much and let the flames begin!

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I forgot to add the QQing about tiers. Mostly because I do agree that Lvl 50s need their own tier.


Someone said it best when they said; one tier for 10-29, one tier for 30 to 49, and one tier for 50.


Hopefully this will be implemented a month or so after launch, once there are enough L50s to fill up warzone ques.


However in the meantime it is not destroying the game to the point where I'm going to QQ about it.


Anyway the main point of my thread is that the people who QQ about PvP either QQ because they suck or QQ because they aren't currently steamrolling everyone with their current build.

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You forgot one;




All people do is QQ about everything but I'm the only smart person on the forums and everything is fine and perfect, they're just bad




I didn't say everything was perfect, now did I?


There are obvious flaws, if you would've read my second post, you would've seen that the tier problem is one of them. Another is losing your group after a warzone.


But none of these flaws are as game breaking or as one sided as most QQers make it out to be.


If you do not understand how to use tactics in a warzone w/ teammates, then yes you are bad. Learn to improve your RL skills, instead of QQing about something that isn't going your way.

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1 teir to rule them all!! oops wrong game.


Most pvp threads do contain qq, I have played daoc and hammer since the launch of both. My guild came here for our next pvp mmorpg.


a few honest observations..


toon animations are gimping cooldowns.


server imbalance makes hutt ball no 1, although it is fun, it gets tiring.


lvl 50's break the whole pvp experiance, without tiers, makes younger player hate war fronts.


ui and groop frames pretty much are broken/buggy right when u need it most it seems.


open rvr content. rewards and such.



im sure a fix is comin down the pipe, the pvp community is very hopeful, as the rest of swtor is a ton of fun. That doesn't change the fact that pvp needs a lot of work.

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You can interrupt an insta in PVP - broken


Insta CC abilities pop... get this. not instantly! The totally random animation delay for knockbacks is the difference between launching the ball carrier into the pit or into the end zone. I was once CCed after pushing my knockack button. CC broke, I started moving, fired off 2 other abilities, THEN my knockback randomly went off and launched the ball carrier into better position because it found a slot for the animation - broken


This Ilum you speak of? The main quest and best rewards there are gained by BO swapping. If you PVP there you are only hurting yourself and your faction - broken



Sure, there are people posting out here because they can't faceroll everyone. PVP needs serious attention from BW, though. Implying that you can sum up these forums as nothing but meaningless QQ is just false.

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I suck so much, that I never win. It must be that OP Sorc/BH/Troop/Marauder/Shadow/IA. BW needs to nerf that class ASAP or I'm canceling my sub and telling all my friends to cancel. BW will fail unless they nerf all classes besides mine, because I have no skill or sense of tactics.




I have too much free time on my hand and have reached L50 one day after launch (thank you EGA). PvP sucks and End-game content suck. There are no Lvl 50s besides me, I'm canceling my sub unless BW adds more PvP endgame content (<---- logic fail).




PvP warzones suck. ZOMG! BW, why couldn't you add 6000 warzones at launch? I know you spent nearly 3 years working on 8 separate story lines and making sure almost everything is voice acted, but come on, three warzones? And they all suck!! Hutball sucks because I play w/ PUGs and play it like it was deathmatch. Voidstar sucks because it sucks and Alderaan sucks because it has been done before.




I want Arenas! BW sucks for not adding Arenas! I'm canceling my sub!







Please BW don't listen to all the QQ threads. Most of these people whining about PvP, are horrible @ PvP in the first place unless they are all decked out in superior gear which allows them to steamroll their opponents, letting them feel uber leet. Without this feeling of uber leetness, PvP is unfullfilling for the QQ crowd.


However for those of use who know how to work as a TEAM in an OBJECTIVE based PvP map, PvP is working out fine for us. I don't notice anything uber OP to the point where its game breaking. Almost everything has a counter (even tho your specific class may not have that counter).


And as far as the endgame content is, I wouldn't know. But there is this place called Illum, for all you QQers whining about no world PvP. :rolleyes:


But yes please do add Arenas. So that all the idiots that play warzones like it was deathmatch can have a place to go and play deathmatch and not screw up objective based warzones.


Thank you very much and let the flames begin!


You gave me a great laugh. +5 internets for you =D

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You can interrupt an insta in PVP - broken


Insta CC abilities pop... get this. not instantly! The totally random animation delay for knockbacks is the difference between launching the ball carrier into the pit or into the end zone. I was once CCed after pushing my knockack button. CC broke, I started moving, fired off 2 other abilities, THEN my knockback randomly went off and launched the ball carrier into better position because it found a slot for the animation - broken


This Ilum you speak of? The main quest and best rewards there are gained by BO swapping. If you PVP there you are only hurting yourself and your faction - broken



Sure, there are people posting out here because they can't faceroll everyone. PVP needs serious attention from BW, though. Implying that you can sum up these forums as nothing but meaningless QQ is just false.


There is about a quarter second delay, yes we know this. But guess what, you're not the only person it is happening to. It happens to EVERYONE! So it doesn't throw off the balance of anything, or really change anything other than when you see said animation.


Like I said I don't know Illum so I can't really comment, but there is other world PvP on PvP servers once you get to neutral worlds.


As far as Insta CC not popping Instantly, my Harpoon pops instantly, it takes about a quarter second to bring the OP in and then I can cryo-nade them. Doesn't seem broken to me.

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