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Wasn't starting Iokath supposed to auto-complete KotFEET?


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I know I'm late to this party (took a 2 year sabbatical from the game because the Eternal Empire was not really a Star Wars story and not a tale the majority of my characters would participate in because none of them had the urge to rule the galaxy). But I read that starting Iokath would auto-complete both KotFE and KotET. I also read that getting Mako/Akavi was now possible to anyone who finished KotET.


SO, I'm thinking on a bounty hunter that ran with Mako, and had finished KotFE, all I need to do was accept the Iokath mission, auto-complete KotFEET, and then be able to access the mission to reclaim Mako.


But NO.


Iokath did NOT auto-complete KotET. I can actually ping-pong back and forth between that and Iokath, and NO Mako mission has appeared. Is there something specific I have to do at Iokath to auto-complete all that earlier nonsense? And does the Mako mission really become available then, or does my hunter have to complete Nathema to get that?


I hope these types of questions are all answered in detail before the same type of "auto-complete" happens in 5.10...

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