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So, I settled on Shadow in the hours before early access began. I thought "I'd really like a sentinel, to call back to kotor, but I'll try this out first." I'm not big on discovering the mysteries of the Force, I deal with office politics at work too much to enjoy diplomacy a lot, but...


I love my Shadow.


Infiltration's pacing, the fun oddities of balance, the option to tank with kinetic...I have choices.


There are some CC abilities, but not too many as to make everything easy. Force regens quickly, but I have to manage it wisely. There's enough RNG for procs to make things a little different each fight, but not so much to take away from my experience.


There's a good balance with this class. I'm loving the gameplay. It took me a while to really buy into the story, but I didn't mind because I was having such a darn good time anyway.


Thanks, devs. I'm enjoying my journey, whatever the destination.:hope_06:

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