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Horror on Belsavis


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I can't seem to get past the 'Travel to Section X' part of the quest.


And yes I have tried going via the station. Not sure what to do.

Go away to a different planet, and when you use your ship to travel to Belsavis, click Belsavis *once* on the galaxy map, then in the planet view, click the Section X destination and then click Travel.


EDIT: "once" in the above means "do not double-click"

Edited by SteveTheCynic
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What worked for me:


1. Travel to Belsavis Orbital Station on your ship.

2. Take the shuttle down to the planet (NOT Section X).

3. Once you're on Belsavis, walk off the shuttle ramp, turn around, get back on and take it to Section X.


Clunky, but that's the only thing that has worked for me. The starter quest would not trigger when traveling via the galaxy map, directly from the ship or from the orbital station.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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What worked for me:


1. Travel to Belsavis Orbital Station on your ship.

2. Take the shuttle down to the planet (NOT Section X).

3. Once you're on Belsavis, walk off the shuttle ramp, turn around, get back on and take it to Section X.


Clunky, but that's the only thing that has worked for me. The starter quest would not trigger when traveling via the galaxy map, directly from the ship or from the orbital station.


This worked. Thank you very much.

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  • 1 year later...
What worked for me:


1. Travel to Belsavis Orbital Station on your ship.

2. Take the shuttle down to the planet (NOT Section X).

3. Once you're on Belsavis, walk off the shuttle ramp, turn around, get back on and take it to Section X.


Clunky, but that's the only thing that has worked for me. The starter quest would not trigger when traveling via the galaxy map, directly from the ship or from the orbital station.


Thank you for this - a nice little cut scene. If the Devs want to fix things and make the whole quality of life improvements that they speak of they could start with an easy thing like this. Thanks again.

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