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Can't Access SWTOR to DL patch...Error pops up


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Hey all,

So maybe you guys can give some advice to pass along.


Have a friend who can not login to his SWTOR account, because it errors out on him. He can't even log in on the launcher because it pretty much does the same.

He has the security key via Google.


He's cleared internet cookies. Tried different browsers. Soon as he tries to get into his personal account it won't let him.

He contacted EA & they referred him to the Help Desk, which doesn't help.


Any clue what he could do?

Does this have something to do with his security key?

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EA CS cannot assist with a Swtor account , you will need to call biowares swtor support per this https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/star-wars/star-wars-the-old-republic/swtor-support


if it is just the security key playing up he could try to follow the guide http://help.ea.com/en/article/swtor-security-key-faqs/ to remove the key if it fails then calling is best.

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EA CS cannot assist with a Swtor account , you will need to call biowares swtor support per this https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/star-wars/star-wars-the-old-republic/swtor-support


if it is just the security key playing up he could try to follow the guide http://help.ea.com/en/article/swtor-security-key-faqs/ to remove the key if it fails then calling is best.


Thank you. I passed it along. Although I don't think that's the issue.

As today he thought it was fixed as he was able to access it once then not again since then.

He's in Australia. So he called it a night.

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Thanks I passed the info along.


He was able to get it to work once then it errored again.

He also can't access Skype. (Win 7 is op system)


It really sounds like something is timing out on his end that's blocking it...


Any ideas what it could be to check?

His antivirus has it white listed.

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Ok it's seeming as this is a security key problem as he has tried ALL sorts of things & it won't work.

What confirmed it was the security key was the fact he was able to access the website & create a brand new account with NO problem. But can not get to that point with his old account because of the security key.


The number on the website to call Australia isnt even a correct number to call via him. It's too many numbers or something.


Any advice on what to do??

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