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How many duplicate classes do you have? 👻🎃


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I myself have 2 operatives, 2 juggernauts and 5 Inquisitors, which are all sorcs. I found Sorcs the nicest to play and it made doing daily quests more attractive on a class you like and love playing!


This was back when Daily quests still rewarded a lot of credits.

Do you have any and if so, why did you make the same class again?

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I myself have 2 operatives, 2 juggernauts and 5 Inquisitors, which are all sorcs. I found Sorcs the nicest to play and it made doing daily quests more attractive on a class you like and love playing!


This was back when Daily quests still rewarded a lot of credits.

Do you have any and if so, why did you make the same class again?


I have :


two Sith Warriors, both Marauder, one LS one DS, made this because I wanted to learn how to play this spec

two Jedi Consulars, both Sage, both LS , made them just to replay the class story ( especially the Balmorra part :p)

two IA, made them out of boredom

Edited by AdornedBlood
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I have duplicates of the Sith Warrior and Agent! There aren't huge differences in alignment between them, basically all my characters end up being variations of neutral, leaning one way or another depending on the backstory. Edited by Mewsy
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I myself have 2 operatives, 2 juggernauts and 5 Inquisitors, which are all sorcs. I found Sorcs the nicest to play and it made doing daily quests more attractive on a class you like and love playing!


This was back when Daily quests still rewarded a lot of credits.

Do you have any and if so, why did you make the same class again?


Yeah.. I am sorc-heavy on my account as well.. though roughly evenly split between Sorc and it's Pub mirror.


Every time I feel like rolling a new character and look at my list of various classes on my character window.. I realize I am way past redundant in terms of class. Which means now days I end up rolling a ranged non-force using weapon class. Now I am headed quickly to too many Smugglers, Troopers, Bounty Hunters. :p


Clearly, my preference is ranged DPS classes... though my second main is a Guardian tank that is on backup rotation for guild activities.

Edited by Andryah
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Yeah.. I am sorc-heavy on my account as well.. though roughly evenly split between Sorc and it's Pub mirror.


Every time I feel like rolling a new character and look at my list of various classes on my character window.. I realize I am way past redundant in terms of class. Which means now days I end up rolling a ranged non-force using weapon class. Now I am headed quickly to too many Smugglers, Troopers, Bounty Hunters. :p


Clearly, my preference is ranged DPS classes... though my second main is a Guardian tank that is on backup rotation for guild activities.


I'm the same way really! Though I do prefer heals over DPS, ranged in terms of damage is where it's at for me.

Juggernaut is more of a "fantasy" for me if that makes any sense! That and it has Quinn. But I'm pretty rubbish as melee....hah!

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Too many.


Mara 4 + Sent 3

Jugg 4 + Guard 4

Sorc 3 + Sage 3

Assa 3 + Shad 3

Snip 3 + Sling 2

Oper 4 + Scoun 3

PowT 2 + Vang 2

Merc 4 + Mando 3

on DM


Not counting lowbies/midbies.

Edited by Kiesu
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I have 3 times the same JK, just because i wanted to replay the class story and didn't want to delete any of them)


3 SW , one male and 2 females, to test different romances


3 SI, one DS male Sorc, 1 LS female assassin and 1 neutral female assassin, to see the different ending and get all 3 different Darth titles.


4 JC, because they're the best to stealth through heroics to get some cash


2 BH, one male, one female


2 IA male and female


1 RT


2 smugglers male and female


And some other that i don't really remember

Edited by Goreshaga
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Do you have any and if so, why did you make the same class again?

I have 21 characters*, so I have some duplicates, but the only "serious" dupes I have, that I actually play, are 2 Gunslingers.

After making a few characters - JK, JC, Trooper, & smuggler - I decided to make a female gunslinger for grins. I ended up liking the Gunslinger so much, I made a male version to act as my "main". Since then though, I've played both Slingers about equally, so it's hard to say which is the "main". :)


*I have 2 Jedi Sentinels and 2 Jedi Sages, but only one of each is really ever played.

Edited by JediQuaker
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I've got at least two of each class, because I wanted to see how the different divisions played: for example, a sage and a shadow, an operative and a sniper, a powertech and a mercenary, etc. It's been an interesting and educational experience, very much worth the bother--the classes I liked best weren't necessarily the ones I expected to, particularly BH. Edited by sauceemynx
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Counted them for you.


21 Juggernauts

15 Guardians

10 Mercenaries

9 Operatives

7 Commandos

7 Scoundrels

7 Assassins

6 Powertechs

6 Sorcerers

6 Shadows

5 Sentinels

4 Vanguards

4 Sages

3 Marauders

2 Gunslingers

2 Snipers


Vast majority is lvl70, a few still on the way there. Of the 70s all are GC Tier 2 or higher. 14 are in Tier 4.


I have no answer to your "why". Because reasons. :o

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Across my entire account I've got;

8 Jedi Knights

7 Jedi Consulars

5 Troopers

4 Smugglers

7 Sith Warriors

5 Sith Inquisitors

7 Agents

4 Bounty Hunters


Four of them have completed all current chapter/story content. Another 8 are somewhere mid KOTFE/ET and the rest are between class stories and SoR.


I love Knights, Warriors and Agents the most, as the numbers will show and I like replaying their class story for video recordings, screenshots and just to relive it. Got at least 3 of each for different choices and romances as well and anything beyond that is just for my own amusement.

Edited by JennyFlynn
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Frelling millions!

  • 11 Sorcerers
  • 11 Warriors
  • 6 Troopers
  • 4 Knights
  • 4 Bounty Hunters
  • 3 Smugglers
  • 2 Consulars
  • 1 Agent (deleted the others I was levelling as the Vector romance is broken)

These are my current active characters. I deleted a knight a couple of smugglers and bounty hunters and a few others because they were just sitting idle or I didn't want them after server merge or there would be more. As you can see Sorcerers and Warriors are my equal favourite class then Troopers.

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Currently 12, but will be even more. (I had already deleted some because of the server merge).


3 Sorcerers + 1 Assassins

2 Marauders

The rest is not "double". I'm working on having every "reason" class 4x. So 2 male (1x DS + 1x LS), 2 female (1x DS + 1x LS). :D

Edited by Batwer
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I have:


8 agents

3 knights

2 inquisitors

2 troopers

1 smuggler

1 warrior

1 bounty hunter.


My agents are all the same character. First three or so that I did were just to try out different choices, but since then I always play them all the same. My agent is my main, and I love replaying the story on her. 2 of my knights are the same character, the third I played differently to see what different choices would do. I have one LS and one DS inquisitor, and the same for the trooper. I didn't really care for the smuggler or BH stories, and probably won't be replaying them.


My plan for 5.10 is to take my official main Agent through as an imperial saboteur, my main knight through as a republic loyalist, create a new warrior to be my imperial loyalist, and create a new trooper to be my republic saboteur. I've only ever taken my agents past Makeb, so right now I'm playing my knight through all the content she hasn't done to get her ready for Ossus. When I do the trooper and warrior, I'll probably just do the class stories on them, and then skip them into Ossus. Will have to see exactly how that is going to work first though.

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