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Fleets update for 6.0 please BW...


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So let's have the texture guy work for a week on new Rep fleet's texture set instead of 5 more Cartel Market sets. I say it would be worthy 'investement' and keep more players in/get some back than 5 more CM sets on top of dozens already released every month.


Opinions as to worthiness of effort by the studio is.... something that varies by player.


You certainly feel it is worthy. Other players may also. Then again.. other players will disagree. <--- basic nature of gaming forums. :)


As I stated earlier....personally, I have never liked the aesthetics of Republic Fleet.. then again Imperial Fleet is no work of art either (it feels very sterile, which is normal for Imperial insfrastruture) ... it just has shinier textures which is normal lore for Imperial infrastructure in the SW universe, and Republic is dingier in textures which is also normal lore for Republic infrastructure in the SW universe. But since the aesthetics are fairly well SW universe compliant.... I assume lore foundation trumps the desire for an army of droids or slaves spit-shining the decks and walls every day before players start loading up the server.


It's not like this thread is getting a lot of traction in the forum discussion cycles... so I conclude it's probably not a high priority for players overall. Which does not mean some players won't support you it this request.... but I don't expect to move the studio.


Honestly, since players have so many other options now days (compared to launch) as to where they aggregate and how they do it... maybe the two Fleets should just be retired... maybe repurposed into free for all PvP areas or something. Fleets ARE kind of an artifact from launch.. and while there is some real use for them for new characters coming off the starter planets.. that could easily be repurposed with simple port terminals and vendors on the starter planets instead. The larger practical issue is the Mission NPCs that reside on Fleet that everyone needs access to.. but again.. these could easily be repurposed over on the capital cities.

Edited by Andryah
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As I stated earlier....personally, I have never liked the aesthetics of Republic Fleet.. then again Imperial Fleet is no work of art either (it feels very sterile, which is normal for Imperial insfrastruture) ... it just has shinier textures which is normal lore for Imperial infrastructure in the SW universe, and Republic is dingier in textures which is also normal lore for Republic infrastructure in the SW universe.
Except that Imp fleet utilizes mostly the same textures/lightining/architectural details as Imp dreadnaughts (guild ships) and other Imp posts, keeping the look cohesive. Meanwhile, Rep fleet looks completly different from Rep cruisers (guild ships). Rep cruisers still look 'dingy' yet unmistakenbly Republican while the fleet looks more like Nar Shaddaa/Hutt territories


Also, to this day the Rep fleet uses Imp's reflection map on its surfaces... I mean,...


Honestly, since players have so many other options now days (compared to launch) as to where they aggregate and how they do it... maybe the two Fleets should just be retired... maybe repurposed into free for all PvP areas or something. Fleets ARE kind of an artifact from launch.. and while there is some real use for them for new characters coming off the starter planets.. that could easily be repurposed with simple port terminals and vendors on the starter planets instead. The larger practical issue is the Mission NPCs that reside on Fleet that everyone needs access to.. but again.. these could easily be repurposed over on the capital cities.

In terms of story the fleets have already been retired since KOTFE. I do agree with some people though that from the player experience perspective, they still serve a purpouse of diverse game population gathering in the same spot, live advertisement for CM stuff, best location to search for groups etc. Moving mission NPCs to a completly different planets at this stage would be much bigger undertaking than simply improving the Fleet maps/texture sets/lighting. There are cameras, cutscenes, conditionals, scripts, triggers involved as well as entry locations for FPs, Ops (many added post-launch and unaccounted in original DK/Coruscant design for main hubs, that would require quite a bit of remodelling of capitol planets' maps)


Also, noticed how much the occasional Rakghoul Plague announcements bring the Imp fleet to 'life' during the event? To this day I don't get why they didn't extend and continue the idea to the whole game story/quests/events (for both Fleets of course, not just Imp for some unexplicable reason as in case of Rakghoul Plague). Hire 1/2 voice actors, record few dozens of announcements triggered based on your current active main storyline/expansion and/or Galactic progress and voilà! Fleets are suddenly live immersive story hubs! For little-to-none budget (comparatively ofc)

Edited by Pietrastor
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How'd I do Andryah? ;)


Well.. since you asked.....


You clearly demonstrated that different players have different views as to where the studio should put it's priority in terms of resources and effort... albeit in your very unique and edgy personal style. :)


Keep in mind.. with your very passionate push back on remodeling fleet ... you may feel that way, some may agree with you, and others will disagree...... now we have come full circle. :D And that is an essential understanding of any gaming forum topic in just about any gaming forum..... at the end of the day... most topics become endless circular exercises energized by expressed differences of opinion. So the most important part is not to take it personally when a topic might be a trigger. :p The trigger is actually inside us...somewhere.. from sometime in our life experiences... rather then outside of us. If there is no button inside.. there is nothing to get "triggered".


Edgy does not offend me, but it may offend others.. so I would only add that because player preferences and style DO vary... and that a forum is a medium that does not transmit emotions and body language objectively... you might want to tone it down just a bit. No need to get redipped in carbonite over something as silly as should fleet be remodeled or not simply because you offended someone in the process (every opinion essentially carries equal weight and deserves fair consideration as long as it's not a complete jump the shark endeavor). If it were me, I would save the risk of another carbonite treatment for something really important. :D


I remember a number of years ago on a non-gaming forum.. people were endlessly arguing about something pretty silly... but people were passionate about it and passion drives most of the crazy in discussion forums...... the forum moderator finally broke the circle by simply putting up a blue square in a post with the comment "this square is blue... now please continue". It did the trick as most people in the discussion got the point of what the moderator was trying to convey........ that anything can be argued to the point of absurdity. Debate did almost immediately ensue as to if the square was actually blue or not... too. :) Moderator mission accomplished.

Edited by Andryah
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