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How many want the Alliance gone?


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A story line strictly adhering to content developed only around imp. vs. pub will fill claustrophobic indeed without 8 class stories to broaden the possible variations. At least with multiple-faction conflicts (rather than binary faction conflicts), even without multiple class stories, there's room for more variation.


Otherwise we're stuck playing through story lines where an imp befriends, betrays, and/or kills a pub... and... yeah. Vice versa. Not much else there.


Oo oo wait wait wait I forgot, we can have a situation where the republic leader is really a bad person and... oh wait ... forgot about Saresh... and Garza... that was done, wasn't it? Hm.... or a bunch of soldiers defect! That's it! Oh wait...


Without multiple class stories woven through the narrow stricture of imp vs. pub (pub vs. imp, if you desire) SWTOR writers will be hard pressed to present content that doesn't feel horribly déjà vu.


What classic story line hasn't already been covered in the original class stories that a single (oh let's push the envelope here) or dual story line can confer when limited to just two factions?


The writers are really limiting potential content by not involving three or more playable factions.

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Not me.


I believe that my medic - aka the Alliance leader - is the only entity in this whole galaxy far, far away that ever was at least almost close to bring peace to it.


Who the hell would want peace in a Star Wars Game. What kind of utter madness is that?


The Empire want's peace in the Galaxy too, right after it destroys all other factions, totally and utterly and is the only one left.


The galaxy is the Empire's By Right, Right by Might. :D


The Salvation Army could kick the Alliance's a**.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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What you need is to blackmail the CEO of EA with a sex tape that you made with him to give Bioware Austin more money so that they can hire more people and develop the stuff you want to see.

I volunteer as tribute! I'd just, need someone to actually supply the camera. :D

Edited by TyonYlle
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However, by all means wish total destruction on the alliance, just keep in mind that what you are wishing for is equivalent to “cutting off your nose to spite your own face”.


Don't take it personally. I wish for the total destruction of everyone who isn't in the Empire.


It's kinda in the job description and it says so in the Sith Lord's Handbook.


If it makes you feel any better, I'd prefer to destroy the Republic first. ;)


All pubs must die.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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As a player, this storyline never appealed to me, so personally I'm glad it's over and we move back to good ol' Imps vs. Pubs. The Alliance can burn.


As for my characters: My SW couldn't care less about the Alliance, she never wanted it, and she'll gladly return to the Empire. My SI loved his POWAAAH, and I hope he gets a good lesson in humility by losing it all :rak_03: (if they write his reaction not to my satisfaction, I'll resolve it in my fanfic :D).



My BH loved being a BH, she never wanted to be the Outlander , the Alliance Commander and the Empress of Zakuul. By the way, why accept Jedi and Pubs into the Alliance in the first place? Why not only Imperials? Why the "specialists" ? OK, I agree with Dr.Hutt, but the other 3 are completely useless.

During the FE/ET, almost everyone in the Alliance is useless, especially Jorgan ( got his team killed). In every quest you go with Lana or Theron, not with large teams of Imp and Reps - by the way, where the heck are the " Alliance forces" when Vaylin attacks Voss? You are there with the Mandalorians, not with your " allies" .


Nothing about the Alliance makes any sense, that's why I want it gone.

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Simple answer for me, i won't be playing anything of that new content untill i know for sure that i'll be able to keep the Alliance.


I'm ok with it changing stightly to become more of an actual independant faction (maybe even a new kind of government) who sides with one of the 2 bigger factions, it can even change name, i would not mind, but i refuse to play anything if i'm forced back into my characters' previous positions. They don't belong to any of these 2 factions anymore (even more so for my former imp characters who want absolutely nothing to do with the Empire anymore).


During FE/ET there are NPC from both Emp and Rep that says that they like what they're doing (building) with the Alliance, Torian also calls Odessen his home, so clearly not everyone wants to go back to where they came from. And so, keeping the Alliance, should be an option, for poeple who want to keep it.


Simple answer for me: I left for 2 years because none of my characters wanted to be Emperor or Commander or Outlander. Those were not the personal journeys of those characters. I only return now because of the ability to vault past the awful Eternal Empire deviation from Star Wars - but if my characters have to, in any way, act like Commander or Outlander or any of that noise, I'm gone again.


I think there are FAR, FAR more players who don't like the EE and in fact left the game because of it. If the minority are allowed to keep being Commander without it affecting the rest of us who don't want it, I'm fine with that. But if it's only one or the other, then the Alliance MUST go. Let us resume the roles we were enjoying before this detour. It has to be that way.

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Simple answer for me: I left for 2 years because none of my characters wanted to be Emperor or Commander or Outlander. Those were not the personal journeys of those characters. I only return now because of the ability to vault past the awful Eternal Empire deviation from Star Wars - but if my characters have to, in any way, act like Commander or Outlander or any of that noise, I'm gone again.


I think there are FAR, FAR more players who don't like the EE and in fact left the game because of it. If the minority are allowed to keep being Commander without it affecting the rest of us who don't want it, I'm fine with that. But if it's only one or the other, then the Alliance MUST go. Let us resume the roles we were enjoying before this detour. It has to be that way.



The Alliance makes everyone a " gray" . Oh wow, now we are all seeking peace, understanding and harmony ! Nope, sorry, I cannot do that . None of my characters want to command opposite faction troops, this would be and it already is highly hypocritical aka " brb, I go kill some Reps on Balmorra to help funding an Alliance of Imps and Reps".

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I basically want the Alliance as a third rail of power phased out from the plot but I'm also hesitant to throw away everything I earned from investing time and effort into it such as reputation with contacts and companions from outside the original quintet.


I will be content for a time to have the Alliance be... in alliance to one of the major factions but I'd prefer, for example, that my Sith Inquisitor main character return to being the Dark Lord Darth Imperius in some capacity rather than Commander Outlander. His Alliance should form his new power base within the Sith Empire which would fit the idea that the everyone who remained in the Alliance did so out of loyalty to their Commander regardless of his Force alignment or political ideology. I would not be dissuaded if this meant I lost some of the companions from KotFEET as part of the continuing story (Aric Jorgan becoming a Sith Lord's personal sniper assassin would essentially transform him into a completely different character almost unrecognizable to how he was established prior).

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Those "people" you allude to aren't players - they are the developers at Bioware Austin, who have been starved for resources for several years now. What you ask for, while not completely unreasonable, is simply not feasible with the current and limited capabilities of this studio, who's purse strings are tightly held by EA. Generally the only question in their minds when it comes to development decisions is what will engage the majority of the player base. I'm sorry to say that those who want three factions in the game so that they can stay with the Alliance are in the minority. If you disagree with that, I suggest you take it up with Eric (or Keith if he's still around) directly, as in someone who actually has any kind of influence on those decisions. Arguing about it here with other players who not only don't make those decisions but who also may disagree with your "choices", is pointless.


And if you don't like the direction that Bioware is taking the game, you can do what thousands have done before you and simply find a new game. I hear RIFTS has a three faction system....


This is what I'm prepared for in any case. Even the least resource intensive 3rd faction model would still take time and manpower away from the ideas they've already vetted and decided on for 6.0 onward, and I don't think they have enough wiggle room to take on something like that.

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WHether the Alliance stays or not, Bioware's bigger issue is avoiding the situation where we become errand-boys/girls for Rep & Imp leaders again. After becoming the ruler/emperor of the galaxy at the end of KOTET, it would be just jarring to return to vanilla state of the power structure. Personally I'm not into boring & uninspired Imp vs Pub again but I get that many people want it. Just hope it's coming back with some consideration put into it, rather than Satele/Acina sending us on missions like we're lowly subordinates once again... Edited by Pietrastor
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WHether the Alliance stays or not, Bioware's bigger issue is avoiding the situation where we become errand-boys/girls for Rep & Imp leaders again. After becoming the ruler/emperor of the galaxy at the end of KOTET, it would be just jarring to return to vanilla state of the power structure. Personally I'm not into boring & uninspired Imp vs Pub again but I get that many people want it. Just hope it's coming back with some consideration put into it, rather than Satele/Acina sending us on missions like we're lowly subordinates once again...


^ Pretty much this.

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WHether the Alliance stays or not, Bioware's bigger issue is avoiding the situation where we become errand-boys/girls for Rep & Imp leaders again. After becoming the ruler/emperor of the galaxy at the end of KOTET, it would be just jarring to return to vanilla state of the power structure. Personally I'm not into boring & uninspired Imp vs Pub again but I get that many people want it. Just hope it's coming back with some consideration put into it, rather than Satele/Acina sending us on missions like we're lowly subordinates once again...
So you found us becoming "the ruler/emperor of the galaxy" but then still doing errands so logical like going after Theron to Nathema to destroy the Order of Zildrog like we don't have the most powerful fleet the galaxy has ever seen within our grasp. I don't think you will have a problem with this one.


I would rather serve those "subordinates" rather than having that linear, all same storyline for all of my characters. I am fine with staying as the Alliance Commander with my trooper if it will be a choice, and will stay as a minor faction, like a legal syndicate. But I want to recognized as a dark lord again with my inquisitor, and jedi knight with my knight. Alliance kills this variety which is what SWTOR was known to be unique for among MMORPGs.

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Definitely want it gone.


Many ways to do so, but my personal favorite would be to have all of the Knights of the Fallen empire storyline be a dream. I don't care that it's cliché, it still clears the deck properly. I like it ok as a standalone story to a non star wars game, but it drags down the overall quality of the main SWTOR storyline.

Edited by annabethchase
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it drags down the overall quality of the main SWTOR storyline.
Urhm what? Assuming you're not talking class stories, what is there to drag down? Botched Revan storyline? Barebones, banal and uninspired Dread Masters saga? Ilum? I mean Malgus was decent but that's it. Makeb was nice but it barely has any relevance outside its expansion.
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I wouldn’t mind the option to to keep the alliance. 3rd faction option does make since.

1st it can give the players who don’t want to go back to the pub/imp war bs something to build upon considering if you actually listen to the npcs through out odessan they enjoy working with the other side. Yes Sith and Jedi pub and imp have said they like working with each other instead of fighting.

2nd it will give the players that do want to return to the pub/imp side a option to desolve the alliance and return to there faction of choice and work to wipe the other out.

3rd it would be a great thing for BW to do to keep everyone happy. You have people that want to keep it and other people who don’t and it wouldn’t effect anyone in any way.

4th. This would be a great way for them to start adding more content and hopefully more class story content for which ever faction you choose.

Me personally i have a few toons that I play And want the option to be able to keep the alliance I help create and build to point where I did everything. Got all the alerts done and built most all the comps to lvl 50 etc. Would just be a waste and shame if I couldn’t keep it considering how much time I spent on it.

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Well, I for one never enjoyed the storyline, as I have never had an ego so big, that I must be at the center of the universe on my characters. Could have I enjoyed the storyline? Sure. Every mission was the same, you are the one, fight droids, and the end. The only chapters I really enjoyed were the mandalorian ones. The alliance was poorly constructed from day one. First problem it followed the idea that sith and Jedi should work together to create a better future in a game called star wars. I think the feeling is please let me vomit. The second problem is many of those companions were locked behind some rather dumb and boring gates. The third problem was the star fortress set up was rather sloppy in my opinion. Lastly, as I already stated you were "the one"


The only reason I returned is that they are at last bringing the story back to the Empire vrs Republic with you fighting for your faction, instead of ruling over the galaxy. Frankly, they go back to you are the one ruling over the galaxy at some point I am gone again. I doubt I would be the only one. Part the problem is other than the original swtor storyline, not a whole lot has been done with Empire vrs Republic. To make matters worse the entire game was launched on the idea of Empire vrs Republic. To compound this error, despite what some white knight forum posters may say, the pvpers I have run into in-game despise this mixed faction bs in pvp.


To point if the Alliance goes boom, all I can say is good riddance, and please give me a skip button for that content on my alts. Yea this is my opinion. One thing I do know what is said on the forums does not mean a damn thing. Only a few people post, and in no way shape or form make up what the players who actually play the game feel about the game. Neither does these gaming/fan websites.

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I don't care for the alliance. I do think it should be dissolved and merged with your faction. I'd also like to get rid off all those 50+ companions and alerts to go get even more. I'd like to see an option where you get your old crew back and maybe be able to choose couple more to join you and then end the whole thing.
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I don't care for the alliance. I do think it should be dissolved and merged with your faction. I'd also like to get rid off all those 50+ companions and alerts to go get even more. I'd like to see an option where you get your old crew back and maybe be able to choose couple more to join you and then end the whole thing.


I completely agree. 50 + comps are utterly useless, since you can send to crew missions only 8 plus have a ninth summoned. And yes, I would very much like to get my JC's original crew together ( used JC only as an example) instead of having to spend all my money on gifts for the new ones . Since I'm not interested in anything that can be dressed in NS slave outfit or Imperial Dancer set I think 8, maximum 10 companions are more than enough.

Edited by AdornedBlood
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All we really need is a better way to manage them.

Absolutely! I'd love for the ability to:


1. Collapse the green "companion alerts" section and have it stay collapsed.

2. Have a "favorites" section at the top where I could put companions I actually like using.

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