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How many want the Alliance gone?


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Hi. We have talked about this in several ( not necessarily related) threads. So, how many of you think that the Alliance should dissolve and everyone go on their way?


I'm not suggesting a breakup with your LIs ( Arcann, Koth, Lana ,Theron) so please let's keep this civil.


Personally I want to see the Alliance gone because it robs my characters of their individuality. Nope , sorry, as an Imperial Agent ( my main ) I don't feel like makin' peace with the Reps and singing around a nice cozy campfire. I want my character to be himself, not some diluted tamed version.


I'm eager to see your opinions :)


Thanks !

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Some characters yes, some characters no. It all depends on the writing quality of the future stories, as of this moment I'm not really that hyped for the new imp vs pub war, if I had control over it my character would just walk away from everything and leave the galaxy to sort it's own mess. Edited by fishpeople
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I would prefer the compromise where the Alliance still exists, but you can choose whether to side with the Republic or the Imps regardless of your previous faction. (I'm not one of those who hated KOTFE and KOTET, although I understand the complaints against them.) That said, I'm willing to see what the writers have cooked up and how they plan to work past sequels into the future story. What I would really hate is if the Alliance sequels were just wiped away as if they'd never happened; here's hoping that Bioware wrote KOTFE and KOTET with a long-term plan in mind. I want my characters' past experiences and choices to matter. And I also want more LI choices for my female characters, but that's another thread. ;)
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I would prefer the compromise where the Alliance still exists, but you can choose whether to side with the Republic or the Imps regardless of your previous faction.

I think, this is a very real possibility. Maybe I'm a little too hopeful, but to me, there wasn't a definite "end" at the chapter's conclusion. It was left just kinda open. Sure, a whole lot of alliance personnel died, your alliance contacts might have even left/fled/died, but we never actually saw the alliance's complete and total destruction. I don't expect Charles to say anything about this, since anything he could say would basically be a spoiler. So, I think, they won't erase all of the work from the previous two chapters.

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Personally I want to see the Alliance gone because it robs my characters of their individuality.



I was disappointed to hear you MUST have done ET/FE to get to Ossus... I have no interest in getting all my character be referred to as the Outlander / Commander. The whole narrative fits nearly none of my characters. I would have rather have an unknown Mysterious Stranger to be the Outlander instead of me if you didn't do FE/ET before Ossus... But nope, you're stuck with the title and the entire narrative that came with it no matter how much you tried to avoid it for the entire 3something years this expansion has been going on *sigh*.

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I think, this is a very real possibility. Maybe I'm a little too hopeful, but to me, there wasn't a definite "end" at the chapter's conclusion. It was left just kinda open. Sure, a whole lot of alliance personnel died, your alliance contacts might have even left/fled/died, but we never actually saw the alliance's complete and total destruction. I don't expect Charles to say anything about this, since anything he could say would basically be a spoiler. So, I think, they won't erase all of the work from the previous two chapters.



Let's say you return to the Republic. As a Jedi or Trooper, you are expected to follow certain ethic codes. You are supposed to be 100% loyal to the Republic , they would never allow you to keep your Sith / Imperial allies . So, what future do you see? You and your Alliance against everyone?

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Hi. We have talked about this in several ( not necessarily related) threads. So, how many of you think that the Alliance should dissolve and everyone go on their way?


I'm not suggesting a breakup with your LIs ( Arcann, Koth, Lana ,Theron) so please let's keep this civil.


Personally I want to see the Alliance gone because it robs my characters of their individuality. Nope , sorry, as an Imperial Agent ( my main ) I don't feel like makin' peace with the Reps and singing around a nice cozy campfire. I want my character to be himself, not some diluted tamed version.


I'm eager to see your opinions :)


Thanks !


Spoilers are just more descriptive of the points in the main text to spare people the added reading if they don't wish to.


From a personal standpoint, yeah, I would prefer it gone. However, I can't help but notice there is a minority of players that liked that crap, and they are happy with the idea of independence from their former factions whom they are wishing to desert from as a '3rd faction'. That is literally the only reason I can't say unequivocally I want it totally gone. The Majority is with the return of war between Imps and Pubs, if it wasn't they wouldn't be doing it and they wouldnt have cut the EE short in the story line.


Now I have to be honest here, there is absolutely no chance in hell my Character would allow any remote amount of Independence, and wouldn't even let one Zakuulian own a weapon. A mitlitrary of it's own is unthinkable so soon after the end of the War.



When you militarily defeat an enemy in war who must capitulate because they no longer have the ability to fight back militarily, that's is a forced surrender and not a peace treaty. Unconditional surrender means, you leave an occupation force in your enemies home territory for years and in so doing render them incapable of reforming a military that might once again be employed to war again you again. They lose their sovereignty, they have no government, the occupying power is the defacto government, and you give it no opportunity to become independent again until such a time as eventually you can ease in a transition back to independent government but only one which you approve of so you can feel safe that the leadership you leave in place is not of a sort that would seek to War against you again and whom is willing to work with it reasonably. That return of it's sovereignty is conditional and a 'treaty' that is internationally recognized and thus lawful stating that the sovereignty return forbids that country from every entering into any military conflict with you for a pre-deteremined amount of time following the return of it's sovereignty [5-10 -20 years,it varies]



The War with the EE is over and thus the 'Alliance' as it was is over. There is no Alliance anymore. The War with Zakuul which the Alliance was predicated on is over. But, for the sake of those players who feel like they have alot invested in that 3rd faction option [ while I find it totally incompatable with anything my charatcer would even remotely consider allowing, for reasons I have stated in other posts], if it can be reasonably worked out in story than maybe keep some vestige of it around for them.


As far as I am concerned, there is no chance whatsoever that an enemy like that having just beaten in War would ever be allowed it's Independence at this stage or a military of it's own of any kind. Zakuul has no power anymore. The soldiers who joined the Alliance did so to free their home faction in the first place and are not Zakuuls soldiers or even the Commanders. The war with Zakuul is over and when wars end soldiers go home. They don't betray their homeland and never return to their families and friends and lives. This leaves the new ' Emperor' of Zakuul one option, forming a military from the Zakuulian population who hates the Commanders guts and were just at War with. I'm sorry, but it's an asinine notion. They have like 3 ships left and about 30 rounds for their blaster rifles left in total.


The only reasonable possibility is that it may have and stand any chance of survival at this stage of the game is to stay a neutral party. For the sake of those players who care about it, as unreasonable as it seems to me, I say let them keep some small presense in the storyline and allow it as a 3rd faction option for those who wish it.


I'm not unsympathetic to their feelings and that is the only reason I can justify it in my mind to keep it around. If not for the sake of those players I would unilaterally want it gone because my Character would make it gone.


It can't be a strong power. It can't weild any notable influence on affairs of the Galaxy presently, it can't be a force to be reckoned with. In it's current state the Salvation Army would kick it's ***. As an ally of one of the other 2 factions even that kinda doesn't make sense to me -



The idea that they would ally with one faction or the other to fight the other is really totally unrealistic in every way. What good is an ally that can't help you because it barely has water and electricity and is in total ruins and at the same time now that it has allied with you now you must use part of your own military to defend that ally from attack from the enemy faction because it can't defend itself?



If the player is not the new Emperor of Zakuul cuz they went home, than who's in Charge of the 3rd Faction?


I feel if a 3rd faction is desired it would be better to do it with a different idea. The Mandolorians, A Hutt Cartel, a Crime Syndicate, something that has a reason to be there, that could survive on it's own.


The only way Zakuul can be a reasonable option for a 3rd faction within the context of the events of the storyline IMO -



I don't like having to say a Zakuul 3rd Faction would need very real limitations on it's state due to the storyline events, because, let's face it, who would want to play as a 3rd Faction option a faction that has no power, no influence, no military, no independence, and no say in the events that take place in the Galaxy and must stay neutral and can't fight in any war because it's unable to. That would suck for those players, I wouldn't blame them at all for not wanting all those limitations. - I just don't see how it could possibly be a viable 3rd faction idea without many limitations and I really have sympathy for those players who had so much invested in that story line and for whatever crazy reason actually liked that story line and now have it reduced to it's present state.


If there is a way they could somehow working it out in the storyline that's reasonable and isn't something that players would never allow to happen while they had the power to stop it from happening [which the player character obviously does at this stage of the storyline] for those loyal to the Republic and the Empire and doesn't require players from having to work for the interests of that 3rd faction Zakuul, than I say okay, leave it for a 3rd faction option.



Here's the thing, I'd swallow it for the sake of the game and the happiness of people who want it for a 3rd faction option provided it have many if not all of those limitations, but if it's a power of any kind, if it so much has one soldier let alone a military, I would attack it immediately and finish it off once and for all even though I could have sworn I just did that. :rolleyes:


While I am sympathetic to those players who want it for a 3rd faction option, my character is the furtherest thing from that view.



He wants it totally gone as a power, as a Sovereign entity, as a people and as a culture. There is now way he goes home without first turning Zakuul and Odesson into asteroid feilds first, without annexing it's territories into the Empire, without subjugating the zakuulians, without turning them into forced laborers to the Empire. He would never allow Zakuul to rise again and have any independence. It serves the Empire totally, or it's gone.



It's an unfortunate situation, and I feel torn. I don't want to be an A-O, I don't want to force my opinions and likes and dislikes on other players, and I want everyone to be as happy with the game as they can be, but at the same time I must also be true to myself, to play the character from his point-of-view, and remain true to the Star Wars genre as we know it.

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A third faction : the Alliance does not qualify, since it has no ships, no military presence. Sure, you have the Mandalorians, but they are just partners, not really under your command. What chance does the Alliance stand against the Republic or Empire? What if Shae Vizla doesn't want to risk her soldiers and resources? Edited by AdornedBlood
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Personally: I'd rather the return of EmpvsRep, since that is in essence SW. In the future, and 2019 certainly might be the game's year of rebirth if 5.10 is any sign. EA, might eventually give it some funding and with that why might actually be able to get a legit third faction, maybe the err, Crimson Blade idr any pirate organizations off the top of my head, maybe a Hutt Cartel faction etc. I think that would be the much better option, to hold off in creating another faction as opposed to using the remnants of a broken alliance.
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Let's say you return to the Republic. As a Jedi or Trooper, you are expected to follow certain ethic codes. You are supposed to be 100% loyal to the Republic , they would never allow you to keep your Sith / Imperial allies . So, what future do you see? You and your Alliance against everyone?


let's say that an Imperial agent, or even Sith sided with the Republic. Those that defect, I find it hard to believe would continue to commit crimes against the Republic. Like, surely, a Sith wouldn't go away slaughtering people, because then why wouldn't (s)he just stay aligned to the Empire. Obviously, they had a change of heart. Obviously, though, they wouldn't be angels, but then I really doubt smugglers are. :D;)

Edited by TyonYlle
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A third faction : the Alliance does not qualify, since it has no ships, no military presence.

Not true. The Alliance didn’t have the Eternal Fleet until the end of Eternal Throne. It had troops and star fighters from the start (see Chapter 9 of Fallen Empire). It picked up a huge amount of wealth during “Profit & Plunder” and the close of Fallen Empire showed both Imp and Republic capital ships showing up to join the Alliance. The Empire and Republic both recognized your Alliance as a legitimate third power and ceded ownership of all war materials brought by the Pubs and Imps to the Alliance.


The personnel can leave if they wish, the weapons, armor, droids, starfighters, transports and capital ships belong to the Alliance (i.e. you).


You lost the Eternal Fleet and the Gravestone during the Nathema Conspiracy; all the rest is still there at your command.


Your forces might take a morale hit from losing the Eternal Fleet and you’re certainly weaker without the Eternal Fleet, but you’re far from helpless and depending on how well you built up your Alliance in the process, you’ll hear Pub and Imp troops talking about how they really hope the Alliance is not just a temporary thing; that they feel like they’re accomplishing more together than either side ever did.


That certainly doesn’t suggest everyone in the Alliance can’t wait to abandon ship to go back to killing each other in a new Pub/Imp war. If anything it suggests a significant number of people in the Alliance want to stay and build on what the Alliance started.


Personally, my main; a Light 5 Sith Inquisitor, would much rather keep building the Eternal Alliance into a lasting government for the region they were ceded control over. If they were forced to pick sides in a new Pub/Imp war while still leading the Alliance they’d side with the Republic because they’re far less likely to eventually want to invade/conquer Alliance territory down the line.


If the Alliance was obliterated tomorrow and they had to pick a side, they’d also choose the Republic because, if the history of the Rift Alliance and Makeb is any guide, the Republic is far more likely to make some sort of compromise or arrangement to allow an “Alliance Remnant” to exist somewhere within its borders as a semi-autonomous body.


I’d sooner retire the character than have them return to the Empire. They haven’t been a Sith Lord in a long time. Hell, they were never a Sith Lord at all except in name. Honestly, if this were a tabletop RPG they would have jumped ship for the Republic the moment Darth Thanaton tried to have them killed... if not the moment Zash gave them a personal starship (“Oh, look... there’s a Republic Consulate right here on the Nar Shadda Promenade. I’d like political asylum please. I was kept as a slave by the Sith Empire and threatened with death if I refused to convert to the Sith religion.”).

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I want to go fully with Republic and fullfy with Imperials (depends on char). I don't want to be in Alliance and just support one side. As my Consular I want to go back to Republic, be Barsen'thor, and aid Republic. As my Dark Side Sorc I want again be in sith council and try to be strongest one. I never liked Alliance, I don't like playing "gray" in games (boring and useless). I want my chars to be part of real conflict.
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I was disappointed to hear you MUST have done ET/FE to get to Ossus... I have no interest in getting all my character be referred to as the Outlander / Commander. The whole narrative fits nearly none of my characters. I would have rather have an unknown Mysterious Stranger to be the Outlander instead of me if you didn't do FE/ET before Ossus... But nope, you're stuck with the title and the entire narrative that came with it no matter how much you tried to avoid it for the entire 3something years this expansion has been going on *sigh*.


I could have sworn they said that you don't have to have done the previous story, but that skipping it concludes it as if you had made default light/dark choices. Has this changed?

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As a player, this storyline never appealed to me, so personally I'm glad it's over and we move back to good ol' Imps vs. Pubs. The Alliance can burn.


As for my characters: My SW couldn't care less about the Alliance, she never wanted it, and she'll gladly return to the Empire. My SI loved his POWAAAH, and I hope he gets a good lesson in humility by losing it all :rak_03: (if they write his reaction not to my satisfaction, I'll resolve it in my fanfic :D).

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For the people who want to keep the Alliance, they should get the option to do so.


However, I personally am SCREAMING internally for the option to be able to fully return to my factions. Until there is such an option and I know my characters, especially my current mains, will get the choice to fully return to the Galactic Republic or Sith Empire I am flat our refusing to take them through KotFE or KotET. I personally want the Alliance to be dissolved and to see Odessen nuked from space. I am so thoroughly done with the Alliance and the entire Alliance Commander thing.


So count me as someone who passionately is waiting for the option to completely dissolve the Alliance and kiss Odessen goodbye.

Edited by Ylliarus
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Simple answer for me, i won't be playing anything of that new content untill i know for sure that i'll be able to keep the Alliance.


I'm ok with it changing stightly to become more of an actual independant faction (maybe even a new kind of government) who sides with one of the 2 bigger factions, it can even change name, i would not mind, but i refuse to play anything if i'm forced back into my characters' previous positions. They don't belong to any of these 2 factions anymore (even more so for my former imp characters who want absolutely nothing to do with the Empire anymore).


During FE/ET there are NPC from both Emp and Rep that says that they like what they're doing (building) with the Alliance, Torian also calls Odessen his home, so clearly not everyone wants to go back to where they came from. And so, keeping the Alliance, should be an option, for poeple who want to keep it.

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Simple answer for me, i won't be playing anything of that new content untill i know for sure that i'll be able to keep the Alliance.


I'm ok with it changing stightly to become more of an actual independant faction (maybe even a new kind of government) who sides with one of the 2 bigger factions, it can even change name, i would not mind, but i refuse to play anything if i'm forced back into my characters' previous positions. They don't belong to any of these 2 factions anymore (even more so for my former imp characters who want absolutely nothing to do with the Empire anymore).


During FE/ET there are NPC from both Emp and Rep that says that they like what they're doing (building) with the Alliance, Torian also calls Odessen his home, so clearly not everyone wants to go back to where they came from. And so, keeping the Alliance, should be an option, for poeple who want to keep it.




I'm cool with those people who want to return to the never-ending war between the Empire and the Republic; that being said, I and others here would prefer to remain with the Alliance as a third-faction, allying with or aiding either the Republic or the Empire, or both as we see fit.


Choice is good. All we third-faction supporters are asking for is choice. That all that we have achieved through the last two expansions should count for something in the long run. After all, we did save the galaxy and the hides of both the Empire and the Republic by destroying the Eternal Empire. All we ask is that we aren't shoe-horned back into the Republic or Empire against our will. All we want is the choice to stand aside and be a third-faction.


Yet there are people who would happily see the Alliance burn - who would happily deprive us of a choice - who would force us to play either of two loathed factions when we know and have experienced something better.


That's not reasonable or cool.

Edited by AureliaSulis
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I'm cool with those people who want to return to the never-ending war between the Empire and the Republic; that being said, I and others here would prefer to remain with the Alliance as a third-faction, allying with or aiding either the Republic or the Empire, or both as we see fit.


Choice is good. All we third-faction supporters are asking for is choice. That all that we have achieved through the last two expansions should count for something in the long run. After all, we did save the galaxy and the hides of both the Empire and the Republic by destroying the Eternal Empire. All we ask is that we aren't shoe-horned back into the Republic or Empire against our will. All we want is the choice to stand aside and be a third-faction.


Yet there are people who would happily see the Alliance burn - who would happily deprive us of a choice - who would force us to play either of two loathed factions when we know and have experienced something better.


That's not reasonable or cool.


While I do personally hate the Alliance, I do agree with this statement. The Alliance should be a third option for those who want to stay with it. I have first hand experience how it feels like to play in a setting you have come to loathe, to be shoe-horned and force into a narrative you don't want to be a part of. It led me to delete fully developed characters, 300 Command rank and most of the full 248 set bonus gear, lots bound items in cargo bay and all 16 outfit slots filled, most with expensive dyes. Yet the negative feelings I had about them having been in the KotFE and KotET storyline/setting were stronger and led me to delete those mains and reroll them.


So I understand the feelings of those who don't want to be forced back into either the Empire or Republic and fully support the notion that a third faction choice in the form of the Alliance should remain for those people.

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Hi. We have talked about this in several ( not necessarily related) threads. So, how many of you think that the Alliance should dissolve and everyone go on their way?


Not me.


I believe that my medic - aka the Alliance leader - is the only entity in this whole galaxy far, far away that ever was at least almost close to bring peace to it.

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Yet there are people who would happily see the Alliance burn - who would happily deprive us of a choice - who would force us to play either of two loathed factions when we know and have experienced something better.


Those "people" you allude to aren't players - they are the developers at Bioware Austin, who have been starved for resources for several years now. What you ask for, while not completely unreasonable, is simply not feasible with the current and limited capabilities of this studio, who's purse strings are tightly held by EA. Generally the only question in their minds when it comes to development decisions is what will engage the majority of the player base. I'm sorry to say that those who want three factions in the game so that they can stay with the Alliance are in the minority. If you disagree with that, I suggest you take it up with Eric (or Keith if he's still around) directly, as in someone who actually has any kind of influence on those decisions. Arguing about it here with other players who not only don't make those decisions but who also may disagree with your "choices", is pointless.


And if you don't like the direction that Bioware is taking the game, you can do what thousands have done before you and simply find a new game. I hear RIFTS has a three faction system....

Edited by Mournblood
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My characters would prefer to remain with the Alliance. I do think that if the Commander is forced to support a faction, the Alliance will eventually evolve to become their personal power base more than a diverse coalition.


But I'd still greatly prefer that to having my toons shipped back to Dromund Kaas or Coruscant.


As of right now I will not be playing any of the new Imps vs. Pubs content on any character I care about. I'm choosing one or two throwaway alts, but my main characters will be avoiding it like the plague.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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And if you don't like the direction that Bioware is taking the game, you can do what thousands have done before you and simply find a new game. I hear RIFTS has a three faction system....


This kind of absolutist thinking is what is damaging to the game, it is a “my way or the highway” mindset. The idea for a third-faction is not resource intensive and would help to stem the potential loss of further subscribers from the game, a loss that frankly BioWare/EA can ill afford. What we need are gamers who understand that compromise is the best solution if this game is to continue without losing further income. Gamers need to get behind the third-faction compromise and get in the ear of developers and others about it. After all I believe it is a win/win scenario, whilst what is proposed for 5.10 and possibly 6.0 will be a win/lose situation with the game further atrophying.


However, by all means wish total destruction on the alliance, just keep in mind that what you are wishing for is equivalent to “cutting off your nose to spite your own face”.

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