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Please can we have an updated CQ schedule?


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Hi, in the past the producers have given us a conquest schedule to help guilds plan out their activities for the upcoming 2-3 months (source). Earlier this year we were told that the schedule was going to be randomised which a lot of people took to mean that each week a random CQ would be chosen when the reality was that it just meant a long schedule list was (mostly) randomly generated in one big go.


Some people have relied on "3rd parties" to get this schedule which helped guilds plan events in advance. In the recent 5.9.3a patch this schedule was changed to include the Rakghoul event at the end of October which casts doubt on the rest of the schedule remaining accurate.


Could we please return to having an official CQ week schedule posted? It will help a lot of the holiday period that's coming up. Thank you.

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