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Returning Player: When Should I Queue to Actually Get WZs?


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So I've been away from TOR for 2 to 3 years. Decided to try to give it a whirl again, SWTOR is one of my favourite MMOs despite a few ingrained design flaws and a struggling population.


The lattermost in the least doesn't seem to have improved in my absence. I queued for WZs for the better part of the afternoon yesterday, queues weren't unbearably long compared to other MMOs but 8 matches in a row I got 4v4 'arenas' instead of 8v8 WZs, and in all cases but one, those 4v4 teams looked a lot more like 4v2 or 3v2.


So, when are the prime times (server time) to queue for WZs and have a decent liklihood of getting a balanced 8v8 match?




PS: Probably worth throwing out there, I'm in the 65 bracket since that was the cap last time I played.

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At 70 its much better, I'm on in the evenings PDT and some weekend mornings and its usually 8v8.


No one really levels via pvp anymore - ops heroics or FP are faster methods. I still do pvp while levelling when im running solo but its hardly my primary method.

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So I've been away from TOR for 2 to 3 years. Decided to try to give it a whirl again, SWTOR is one of my favourite MMOs despite a few ingrained design flaws and a struggling population.


The lattermost in the least doesn't seem to have improved in my absence. I queued for WZs for the better part of the afternoon yesterday, queues weren't unbearably long compared to other MMOs but 8 matches in a row I got 4v4 'arenas' instead of 8v8 WZs, and in all cases but one, those 4v4 teams looked a lot more like 4v2 or 3v2.


So, when are the prime times (server time) to queue for WZs and have a decent liklihood of getting a balanced 8v8 match?




PS: Probably worth throwing out there, I'm in the 65 bracket since that was the cap last time I played.


Have you seen the new gear grind that they are introducing in 5.10 (December). If you ever intend on gearing to max I recommend you put SWTOR back down and play something else. I have.

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I’m trying to lvl some Alts at the moment in pvp and I’ve maybe had 3-4 8v8 matches in the last month because lowbies and Mids don’t pop much, even during primetime.

The best thing to do it supplement your lvling with doing some heroics as you wait for pops. I know that sucks if all you want to do it pvp.

When you get to lvl 70 it gets better.

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Well, that sucks to hear. I used to love just leveling toons through low and mid brackets, and it always ensured I had enough comms to buy a full set of PVP gear once I hit max (though I'm not getting WZ comms anymore so I assume that's not a thing).


Thanks for the candid info though.

Edited by Genaya
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