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The Eternal Jedi Order is Recruiting!


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Good Day.


I have just been newly appointed as Guild Leader. If you are interested in joining a guild that helps you understand the game, is flexible with playing at your own speed and works to increase your gaming experience look no further. The guild has a flagship and a stronghold. I am a subscriber, but free to play characters are just as welcome. Look for Balashaifal on the Satele Shan server and msg me for an invite. Thanks for your consideration and May the Force be with you!




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Not any longer. Apparently, I broke a cardinal rule of which I was unaware of. I was made guild leader by default. If the guild leader or his lieutenants do not log in for 30+ days the guild is passed on to the next member or subscriber that logs in. After 60+ days I "assumed" responsibilities and began to "run" the guild. Eventually, the guild leader returned and sent me a very polite email requesting control of the guild be returned. Without a second thought and with a heartfelt apology I immediately turned over the guild. the next day I found myself guildless and no response to my second email as to why I was subsequently escorted out of the guild.


So, for those who may in the future find yourself at the fore of a guild by default please make sure you have permission to make changes or raise funds and recruit members in your guild leaders absence. For those who are currently guild leaders please ensure you have a chain of command that goes beyond the game. If you trust them with your life, but not your money or your wife "guild". Consider having someone have your contact info outside of the game i.e email, phone number, instagram.. so you can stay informed. Several members came and went never spoke to me or obviously let the guild leader know what happened for over 2 months. It is my hope that this helps members and guild leaders alike. For those looking for a guild, this is a great one. The guild leader is great, I think the misunderstanding or mishandling of his baby made the decision for him. I wish him the best and I learned a very valuable lesson regarding guild etiquette. "JUST" wear the hat until the guild leader gets back!




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