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As a pvp player iam not going to grind new gear via pve. Unsubing


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Yeah, say it to tonnes of other pvp players. Soon you will sit in the game which will have 100 players online during prime time and all you would be able to troll will be kors'luggs on empty korriban since most of players won't play a game which is being abandoned by huge quantity of community.


Don't be silly. Everyone quit 2 years ago :D

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They said the fastest way to get the new gear is to run MM gods and be a crafter. The second fastest way will be to buy it on GTN. That's what they said, the devs, last night, in their stream.

I suggest you rewatch the stream and stop spreading misleading information in order to defend a travesti of a gearing system.

I can't say i am surprised that you are in a thread that doesn't concern you, trying to lie about it and say things like 'early assumptions' xDDDDDDDDD.


So in other words... Those who PVE and do the Nightmare mode raid will not only get the gear first so that they can go into the PVP warzones and SLAUGHTER the PVP'ers on their own turf, but they will ALSO be taking ALL THE MONEY from those very same PVP'ers as they sell their stuff on the GTN.

Sounds like a load of crap to me! I guess PVP'ers are indeed getting the shaft! :mad:

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So in other words... Those who PVE and do the Nightmare mode raid will not only get the gear first so that they can go into the PVP warzones and SLAUGHTER the PVP'ers on their own turf, but they will ALSO be taking ALL THE MONEY from those very same PVP'ers as they sell their stuff on the GTN.

Sounds like a load of crap to me! I guess PVP'ers are indeed getting the shaft! :mad:


You got it one.

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I’m not sure if you watched the stream or not, but they were very specific in saying that it will get more expensive everytime you use UCs. That means you won’t be able to gear up using UCs because they will be useless after the first 3 buys.

Gearing in pvp by using UCs will be impossible,


They clearly said per week.. so each week the costs reset.. It's just a throttle so you with 50k can't have a full set week one. Rach week it resets. Literally NO-ONE is going to have a full set week 1 or 2. Not only due to the UC but also due to the reputation requirement.

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Also you have no idea if they are adjusting bolster... if they bolster us all to 258 or they bolster the 258s to 248 then it's solved.. simple as that


They didn't tell anything about it, so it's more likely that bolster will stay at 242.


When I first heard about the new tier of gear I thought it would be like the 240 augments, extremly high cost for negligible stat increase, which wouldn't harm pvp. But 10 gear levels are a lot, so I guess the minimum discrepancy will be like 240 to 248, and that's a bunch.


If they don't do anything for the pvp community, i.e. reintroduce expertise or raising bolster to 258 / de-bolster to 248, then I'll let my sub lapse and wait if 6.0 does it better.

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I think the UC exchange limit should be removed, but the cost escalation should remain.


I don't think there should be either!... I mean if someone is sitting on tons of Unassembled components the simple fact is THEY EARNED THEM!

But ofcourse they have no problem with someone being able to quickly buy them with credits because they more than likely made real money off of that person, but then we will also be rewarding those who got away with billions in that last cheat the game fiasco.

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Still want to argue that they are not incentivizing CM market sales to drive credits for the new gear?


This stuff is going to be expensive....


Just started to play blade and souls which has awesome pvp changes, and new engine. not going back to swtor junk until they stoo spiting on pvp players with their pve gearing progression

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