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Why is there no kill option for Lana?


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I really don't see a reason to be offended by that suggestion. Fact is, the players were angry about the classic companions not being player sexual from the start, a thing Bioware probably did, because they were afraid of the outrage had they made them player sexual. I'm therefore very happy, that the players in general are so open minded, something you just don't get in all communities. It doesn't really matter, if a character is bisexual, homosexual, or really any other than heterosexual, if you wish to promote and support LGBTQ (gosh, this seems to get more letters by the hour). It is very important to me how the LGBTQ community feels inside the SWTOR community, and it seems to me they are accepted. This is what really counts.

No, very little reason to be offended but I've had two of them hurl abuse my way for stating it was a shame they made Cytharat gay rather than bi (this was pre-Arcann and at the time, female players had 0 Male Force Users to engage with romantically). Just for saying it was a shame, not even asking for BW to actually change him. So, while it shouldn't be, it usually leads to trouble if you bring up Cytharat's orientation.


I'm glad the community has become more accepting as well and that Bioware is making the effort to offer each player at least something. Balance is still in the works but at least they're trying and I'm happy with that.

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It's not so creepy or cheesy, in my opinion, it's a thought I originated six years ago in The Well of Undying. :)


I think a lot of people may have come to the same conclusion...I know I did the first time he said it to my Knight back when I played shortly after release. He had me from "It's you..." :p


I only started reading fanfic about a year ago, when I started to write my own. Sadly, I can't post my stuff on these forums due to content reasons (otherwise I would).

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Haven't read it...I only started reading fanfic about a year ago, when I started to write my own. Sadly, I can't post my stuff on these forums due to content reasons (otherwise I would). I think a lot of people may have come to the same conclusion...I know I did the first time he said it to my Knight back when I played shortly after release. He had me from "It's you..." :p

This. ^ I had the same thing the first time I heard that line during his conversations, long before I even realized anyone was writing SW fanfic. That, combined with the "It's you" sense of familiarity/recognition when you first meet on Quesh... yeah, birthing an epic romance right there. How could it not?

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This. ^ I had the same thing the first time I heard that line during his conversations, long before I even realized anyone was writing SW fanfic. That, combined with the "It's you" sense of familiarity/recognition when you first meet on Quesh... yeah, birthing an epic romance right there. How could it not?


I just played the Quesh scene last night on my re-rolled main Knight and was like "Giggity Giggity". :D

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I just played the Quesh scene last night on my re-rolled main Knight and was like "Giggity Giggity". :D

That scene on Quesh is one of my favorite moments in the game. Rarely have I felt that level of excitement seeing an unfamiliar NPC appear in a scene while immediately thinking "That's the one, him!". Only other one was Theron, actually.

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That scene on Quesh is one of my favorite moments in the game. Rarely have I felt that level of excitement seeing an unfamiliar NPC appear in a scene while immediately thinking "That's the one, him!". Only other one was Theron, actually.


I only have a few Ride or Die™ ships...and Scourge with my female Twi'lek Knight is one of them...that's why I get so worried about what they're going to do with his return, especially when you figure so many people have already written about him. My other two are an OT3 that can be pried from my cold, dead fingers...Theron and Andronikos, best friends (oh, it took a looong time to get there), both in love with my Outlander SI (she and her Republic boys... *giggles*)...and then my female Twi'lek Warrior with Pierce (who started out married to Quinn). All of their stories are interconnected...I only have one Outlander.

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I only have a few Ride or Die™ ships...and Scourge with my female Twi'lek Knight is one of them...that's why I get so worried about what they're going to do with his return, especially when you figure so many people have already written about him. My other two are an OT3 that can be pried from my cold, dead fingers...Theron and Andronikos, best friends (oh, it took a looong time to get there), both in love with my SI (she and her Republic boys... *giggles*)...and then my female Twi'lek Warrior with Pierce (who started out married to Quinn).

I don't for a second believe Bioware would be dumb enough to only make Scourge available to men. The campaign for his romance has been carried for years by the female players on these forums and the thread in which Charles first acknowledged Scourge as a viable option, was a thread in which we requested Male Force Users for romance. That's also where Arcann came from, and Charles is well aware of all these things so I cannot see them making Scourge exclusive to men the way they did with Cytharat. I think the likelihood of Scourge being straight is higher than him being gay, with player-sexual being the highest probability.

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I don't for a second believe Bioware would be dumb enough to only make Scourge available to men. The campaign for his romance has been carried for years by the female players on these forums and the thread in which Charles first acknowledged Scourge as a viable option, was a thread in which we requested Male Force Users for romance. That's also where Arcann came from, and Charles is well aware of all these things so I cannot see them making Scourge exclusive to men the way they did with Cytharat. I think the likelihood of Scourge being straight is higher than him being gay, with player-sexual being the highest probability.


I hope you're right! I can't imagine why they would do that, but they have disappointed me in the past so I tend to be a bit Eeyore-ish when it comes to hopes for the game direction.

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I think a lot of people may have come to the same conclusion...I know I did the first time he said it to my Knight back when I played shortly after release. He had me from "It's you..." :p


I only started reading fanfic about a year ago, when I started to write my own. Sadly, I can't post my stuff on these forums due to content reasons (otherwise I would).


Well, I hadn't seen anyone write it or mention it until I did. I have the story posted here on this forum, but anyway, just saying it's not so cheesy.

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Reasons Lana deserve a kill option:

1 -Rishi -proving she can't actually be trusted.

2- Lana only cared about you so she could use you as a puppet to lead the Alliance. You make it very clear that you didn't want to lead the Alliance and she didn't really care. Lana only cares about what Lana wants.

3- Constantly threatening to kill Theron after Umbara, even though you've told her you trust him. I'm sorry, but if you made it VERY clear that you trust your LI and someone KEEPS saying they want to kill him when you find him, my less than perfect LS character will kill them before they do.

Also, Theron NEVER betrayed your trust. Everything he did was to protect you and the Alliance. He even told you WHY he couldn't tell you, but he was dropping clues for you the entire time.


You do realize it's actually a game right? The script is flawed. Btw Lana is the best character out of all others, i married her. She has the most depth as an actual character that matters while others are props.

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Well, I hadn't seen anyone write it or mention it until I did. I have the story posted here on this forum, but anyway, just saying it's not so cheesy.


I did see a fic with that overall theme on ff.net. I can't remember how old it was, but I don't think that really matters. I think a lot of fic (and writing in general) ends up overlapping here and there because there are only so many ways to take something and folks can come to similar conclusions - it's what we do with those conclusions and how we portray them that makes things a rainbow of different ideas and inspiration.


I'm not sure if I'll even spell that bit out, but it's definitely something I headcanon. My story is a bit further along in the timeline and focuses on the foundations of the Alliance and my own version of his cure, so the class story bits are kind of only mentioned here and there in passing. It's all set against the background of that specific war...and my Knight isn't even my Outlander...she's just part of the core members of the Alliance (and best friends with Theron).


But no, it's not necessarily cheesy, that's why I was joking...but I can see why some people might think it is. Just like some people might think it's cheesy that my Knight and Warrior are long lost twin sisters. It really depends on how it's portrayed.

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Fact is, the players were angry about the classic companions not being player sexual from the start

I wouldn't say it's a fact that the players, as a monolithic group, were angry about that. Some players were. Others, such as myself, prefer the DA:I approach where companions are written to have a range of preferences. Not only does it cut down on the feeling that half the universe wants to get into bed with the main character regardless of who they are (which I find quite immersion-breaking), it also makes playthroughs with different types of characters feel more different from each other. In a game that favours making lots of alts, I think that's quite important.

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I did see a fic with that overall theme on ff.net. I can't remember how old it was, but I don't think that really matters. I think a lot of fic (and writing in general) ends up overlapping here and there because there are only so many ways to take something and folks can come to similar conclusions - it's what we do with those conclusions and how we portray them that makes things a rainbow of different ideas and inspiration.


I'm not sure if I'll even spell that bit out, but it's definitely something I headcanon. My story is a bit further along in the timeline and focuses on the foundations of the Alliance and my own version of his cure, so the class story bits are kind of only mentioned here and there in passing. It's all set against the background of that specific war...and my Knight isn't even my Outlander...she's just part of the core members of the Alliance (and best friends with Theron).


But no, it's not necessarily cheesy, that's why I was joking...but I can see why some people might think it is. Just like some people might think it's cheesy that my Knight and Warrior are long lost twin sisters. It really depends on how it's portrayed.


Heh, you're right and your post proves that ideas we may think are unique, or that we birthed and others copied, aren't always. In fact rarely. I've headcanoned my JK and SW as long-lost twin sisters, still do and even have them set up that way in my Legacy. I didn't write it in my fiction because I actually thought it was rather a cliche, and I haven't read yours. Just goes to show how easy it is for two strangers to come to the same conclusions, or reach for the same tropes and cliches (which isn't always bad). If you read enough, you'll actually see that pretty much everything has been done before by someone else. The key really does lie in putting your own twist on a common concept.

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Please do. I mostly romance Theron, but I actually created a Sith Assassin just to romance Lana. I wanted to see how it goes, and you really see another side of her.


Well, I don't really want to kill her, I'd just like to say go HOME! Still, I may do it.

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Lana is the best character out of all others, i married her. She has the most depth as an actual character that matters while others are props.

Okay, IoNonSoEVero has sold me on Lana being a lot deeper than she initially seemed from my point of view, but I just can't agree that Lana has the most depth of all. For all the screentime Lana gets, we know very little about her compared to other companions. Look at her obvious counterpart, Theron. We learn tons about him. We interact with both his parents, gaining a pretty good idea of his relationship with them, his feelings of abandonment, and his hang-ups about his famous lineage. We know he worked with Jonas Balkar and what kind of shenanigans they got up to. He has a novel and a comic series where we get further into his brain and experience his SIS life. But for all that Lana is placed in the role of right-hand-woman, declaimer of exposition, and giver of missions, how much can we say about her as a person? So much less! It's mainly clear that she has an analytical, pragmatic mind; does distasteful things if she thinks that's the best way to achieve her goals (but she doesn't just kick puppies for the evulz); is far more dedicated to the philosophy of the sith than the scene-chewing darths who look more superficially sithy; and is devoted to the main character (whether she loves or respects them). That's not a lot. I truly can't comprehend how you see other companions as props compared to her.

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Okay, IoNonSoEVero has sold me on Lana being a lot deeper than she initially seemed from my point of view, but I just can't agree that Lana has the most depth of all. For all the screentime Lana gets, we know very little about her compared to other companions. Look at her obvious counterpart, Theron. We learn tons about him. We interact with both his parents, gaining a pretty good idea of his relationship with them, his feelings of abandonment, and his hang-ups about his famous lineage. We know he worked with Jonas Balkar and what kind of shenanigans they got up to. He has a novel and a comic series where we get further into his brain and experience his SIS life. But for all that Lana is placed in the role of right-hand-woman, declaimer of exposition, and giver of missions, how much can we say about her as a person? So much less! It's mainly clear that she has an analytical, pragmatic mind; does distasteful things if she thinks that's the best way to achieve her goals (but she doesn't just kick puppies for the evulz); is far more dedicated to the philosophy of the sith than the scene-chewing darths who look more superficially sithy; and is devoted to the main character (whether she loves or respects them). That's not a lot. I truly can't comprehend how you see other companions as props compared to her.


Thanks for that LINK! And Amen! Look at Vector his journey from loyal Imperial to Mourning on Yavin, and ditching them entirely after what they did to the Killiks. He is deep. Vette is Deep. LS Jasea is deep (although her voice ICK)… Lana not deep.

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To be fair, interacting with Lana's parents might be a bit difficult considering they're both pretty much dead already.


But that's something you learn only if you spy on the Alliance members and we don't learn much more about her than that.


But clearly, we know so little about her, that it's a bit difficult to see all her depth compared to Theron for exemple.

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Okay, IoNonSoEVero has sold me on Lana being a lot deeper than she initially seemed from my point of view, but I just can't agree that Lana has the most depth of all. For all the screentime Lana gets, we know very little about her compared to other companions. Look at her obvious counterpart, Theron. We learn tons about him. We interact with both his parents, gaining a pretty good idea of his relationship with them, his feelings of abandonment, and his hang-ups about his famous lineage. We know he worked with Jonas Balkar and what kind of shenanigans they got up to. He has a novel and a comic series where we get further into his brain and experience his SIS life. But for all that Lana is placed in the role of right-hand-woman, declaimer of exposition, and giver of missions, how much can we say about her as a person? So much less! It's mainly clear that she has an analytical, pragmatic mind; does distasteful things if she thinks that's the best way to achieve her goals (but she doesn't just kick puppies for the evulz); is far more dedicated to the philosophy of the sith than the scene-chewing darths who look more superficially sithy; and is devoted to the main character (whether she loves or respects them). That's not a lot. I truly can't comprehend how you see other companions as props compared to her.

Yep, there are far less sources for Lana beyond what we see in-game which, regardless of how I feel about her, is a real shame. There are, however, three Developer Blogs that delve into her perspective at various points;


Short story of her Sith trial on Korriban

Lana's perspective on Arkous leading up to Manaan

Theron and Lana arriving on Manaan, bottom segment covers Lana's perspective.


Then there's another Theron one that involves him having lunch with Jace Malcom some time post Yavin.


Maybe you've already seen them but for those who haven't, they're quite nice to read.

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Why would you hope that? The permanent grief isn't worth the 2 minute laugh you'll get out of it.


Ya know what, I just realized I misread the post I responded to, I thought some said that they thought he made more sense as a LI to guys than to women like he should only be a LI for guys. That sounded kinda funny to me.


I'm in dire need of Hooked on Phonics. :rolleyes:


I don't want anyone to be unhappy in the game, why would anyone want that?


Sorry for the misread.


NY Public school system FTW.

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Yep, there are far less sources for Lana beyond what we see in-game which, regardless of how I feel about her, is a real shame. There are, however, three Developer Blogs that delve into her perspective at various points;


Short story of her Sith trial on Korriban

Lana's perspective on Arkous leading up to Manaan

Theron and Lana arriving on Manaan, bottom segment covers Lana's perspective.


Then there's another Theron one that involves him having lunch with Jace Malcom some time post Yavin.


Maybe you've already seen them but for those who haven't, they're quite nice to read.



Thanks again for the amazing links! But I still feel no emotional connection in Lana's stories. There's no heart, no warmth in them at all. We don't see her feelings, or glimpses into her soul. Whereas Theron's story made me tear up.

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It even says so in his own wiki page.


Wikis are fan generated, so not an official source. The mention I found on his wiki was based solely on there only being male/male flirts in game. I'm not denying there is an official quote. I have not read or watched everything to come out of Bioware, and I doubt I remember everything that I have read. :o I just don't remember anything official.


No, we don't know for certain and while I saw the other person's post, I don't recall the devs ever explicitly stating this but I do tend to zone out while they yap on so who knows? :p It's a risky subject though; there have been several male LGBTQ+ players who have thrown massive, and abusive fits over the mere notion Cytharat *could* be bisexual. They feel he is theirs exclusively and that the idea of him being/making him bisexual/SGR is an insult and disgrace to his character, a denial of his orientation and identity.


Personally, I see it as quite possible and while I fully support SGR stuff, I've always found it crummy that Cyth was exclusively gay while his Republic counterpart, Lambada whatsherface, was player sexual. There would have been no harm in making both player sexual.


I'm not concerned either way. I enjoy his romance, brief as it is, just fine as it is. I just get frustrated with all of the people who claim we know every thing there is to know about a character based on about 2 minutes of conversation. Especially in a format based on there being multiple correct versions of the same people and stories. It's ridiculous!


Some people simply can't keep alternate playthroughs separate from each other. It's like the people who talk about Darth Lachris as if she sleeps with every guy who lands on Balmorra. She doesn't. She sleeps with one guy. All other characters landing on Balmorra that sleep with her don't exist in any playthrough but their own.

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Is it worth it for a two minute cutscene with Scourge confessing his love for the Knight only to never heard from again?


For those who have been waiting for for years, yes. While I have no solid facts, I think the majority of them are women. And making him just for males seems like something​ beyond stupid. In this specific case anyway.

He's also a force user, us gals are lacking those quite severely.

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