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Why is there no kill option for Lana?


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Say what you will about his post, but there's nothing sexist about it. The people in here are to my knowledge mainly female and there just is catty behaviour present here. I used to enjoy these just fine before and argued about my companion is better than yours too.



While I enjoyed the love threads, some more than others they just created a division on these forums. I wouldn't mind if they were all deleted. Even the one I like the most.

The amount of gossip and conspiracy theories, harassment that happened as a result of these is just ridiculous.

Negative threads like these are no different.


Actually, yeah it was sexist. Where's the special term or phrase for men having a debate that some consider pointless? If you think people here are being silly or petty that's perfectly legitimate, but that should not be judged on the basis of their gender, color, orientation, etc. By using the words "catty," et al., the post was taking a potshot at the gender of those commenting. Let's focus on the argument itself and not on who's having it. I mean, so what if this thread is full of women having an argument? Can't we have an argument without our gender getting dragged into it?


And I support the right for everyone to love & keep their LIs.

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Lost most/all of their population. But yeah, planet is still a nice crater from all the bombardment it received :p


I'm sure though, all those people were grateful for having half or more of their population wiped out. Though, space faring planets at that, so their native people would never likely truely be wiped out in such an instance, since some would be off world at that point.


Are you being Obtuse on purpose? Re-run Nathema if you have that much trouble with reading comprehension the recording is in "basic" no subtitles required.

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Actually, yeah it was sexist. Where's the special term or phrase for men having a debate that some consider pointless? If you think people here are being silly or petty that's perfectly legitimate, but that should not be judged on the basis of their gender, color, orientation, etc. By using the words "catty," et al., the post was taking a potshot at the gender of those commenting. Let's focus on the argument itself and not on who's having it.


And I support the right for everyone to love & keep their LIs.


I don't know where are the men combatting between Lana is Hotter than Nadia Grell? I don't want to make this more of a gender thing as it isn't the right thing to go about it. But men and women have very different argument dynamics and subjects they argue about.

It's not like you'll hear words such as "Toxic masculinity" thrown in a group of females. Surely I don't have to explain why


Either way, way too off topic. If you find it sexist that's up to you. But when I see catty behaviour I don't say it because I feel like demeaning the people of my gender. I do it because it is what it is. Catty.

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Actually, yeah it was sexist. Where's the special term or phrase for men having a debate that some consider pointless? If you think people here are being silly or petty that's perfectly legitimate, but that should not be judged on the basis of their gender, color, orientation, etc. By using the words "catty," et al., the post was taking a potshot at the gender of those commenting. Let's focus on the argument itself and not on who's having it. I mean, so what if this thread is full of women having an argument? Can't we have an argument without our gender getting dragged into it?


And I support the right for everyone to love & keep their LIs.


I actually thought the comment was sexist too. Referring to women as 'catty' and having 'claws' are old tropes used to demean, and the poster was specifically calling out people based on gender.

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I think you're doing all women a disservice. My wife was disgusted by that comment and considers it extremely misogynistic. An argument should be decided on its merits, and not which gender is conducting it. If you think this thread is petty, fine, but men have petty arguments all the time, and language such as "catty" is never used to describe them. It is a denigrating word that purposely demeans the discussion.


Well, catty isn't used to describe them, no, instead words like misogynistic and words that are censored on the forums, get used to describe them. :p


I'm not saying group all together, though common sense says the poster wasn't grouping them all together, but rather using it in a general sense, but then comments like yours try to take it that way, for some reason, that I can only really guess on the motive of.


You knew the poster wasn't saying ALL the women. He may have been saying MOST of the women. However, in that case, when someone says "MOST of whoever" the response is almost always "Well, not me." :p

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I don't know where are the men combatting between Lana is Hotter than Nadia Grell? I don't want to make this more of a gender thing as it isn't the right thing to go about it. But men and women have very different argument dynamics and subjects they argue about.

It's not like you'll hear words such as "Toxic masculinity" thrown in a group of females. Surely I don't have to explain why


Either way, way too off topic. If you find it sexist that's up to you. But when I see catty behaviour I don't say it because I feel like demeaning the people of my gender. I do it because it is what it is. Catty.


You need to read more men's comments. They can be just as ridiculous. But whatever. If you don't see how words that demean gender have power, there's nothing more I can say.

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I actually thought the comment was sexist too. Referring to women as 'catty' and having 'claws' are old tropes used to demean, and the poster was specifically calling out people based on gender.


Thanks. You said it in a far more concise manner than I did, lol.

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Without meaning offense, does it really matter what exactly it is your wife thinks? She's a person like I am. I didn't find his post sexist, I'm a woman too. Suddenly because I have a mind of my own I'm doing women a disservice? What a joke.

Yes men can be petty too, I never claimed otherwise. This thread is however brimming with women and having been a part of this me Vs your companion, women/people not excluding myself, do get very petty.


Yes, you have a mind of your own, I simply think you're wrong. I saw the remark as sexist, so I asked my wife if, as a woman, she saw it as sexist. She did. So I'm not really sure what point you were trying to make there.

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I really don't envy any writer that has to figure out what to do with this mess of companions. Nothing they do will ever please anyone when you have so many valid reasons to kill a person

"This one's too bossy!"

"This one's too happy to see me!"

"This one doesn't cower like a slave in my presence!"

"This one doesn't smile when I slap them and abuse them!"

"This one doesn't like it when I kill innocent civilians!"

"This one is too attractive!"

"This one has a mind of their own!"

"This one won't kiss my *** enough on a constant basis!"

"This one kisses too much *** on a constant basis!"

"This one isn't straight enough!"

"This one would probably steal my husband if she were real!"

"This one isn't white enough!"

"This one's voice hurts my ears!"

"This one didn't laugh at my lame joke in the cantina!"

"This one cares too much for my well-being when I take lightsabers in the gut and nearly get fried on multiple thrones!"

"This one gave up her life for five years to get me out of a horrible death from slow carbonite poisoning!"

"This one tells me to Shut Up on crew missions!"

"This one sings too much!"

"This one saves the galaxy by hatching a successful plan to stop a dangerous planet-killing, soulless murderbot!"

"This one is too grumpy all the time, wasting his fuzzy outward appearance!"

Love this.

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Yes, you have a mind of your own, I simply think you're wrong. I saw the remark as sexist, so I asked my wife if, as a woman, she saw it as sexist. She did. So I'm not really sure what point you were trying to make there.


I didn't get your point either. Anyway, no point in continuing this off topic subject when we don't get each others point.



You need to read more men's comments. They can be just as ridiculous. But whatever. If you don't see how words that demean gender have power, there's nothing more I can say.


Again, I'm not saying men can't be ridiculous, they absolutely can too.

I guess you can decide yourself if you find it demeaning or not. I'm not offended, another woman might be. Doesn't make either of us wrong.


Plenty of women don't mind using words such as dudebro's mansplaining and other very demeaning words either and I've seen them from women in this thread over the years as well. Nobody cares, wonder why? Well, let's not call ourselves sexist!


I'm out, peace.

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Are you being Obtuse on purpose? Re-run Nathema if you have that much trouble with reading comprehension the recording is in "basic" no subtitles required.


Okay. Give me the run down. Because I do remember the scene where Senya says a huge number of people dead.


Is this Nathema line something that says, "Oh. What Senya said was all wrong."?


Arcann killed lots of people to get at the PC. He's also being used an example for getting rid of Lana, when he was killed off way before he was ever a LI option, which is what this thread is all about. People whining that their LI was killed, so they want to kill off other people's LIs.


Then they try to say, that won't remove Lana from the story, while saying, "Killing off my LI took them from story."


It's petty. It's a matter of I lost something so others should lose something too.


Never mind that those who like Lana may not have wanted to lose those others that were lost either. So, really, those saying kill Lana are under the stupidly mistaken idea that those who like Lana only like Lana. Instead, they're trying to make those who like Lana suffer more, because they not only want to take away Lana, they want to take Lana away from those who already lost so many other cool companions, all because players like them are crying to kill off companions.


If the game had more money, maybe this wouldn't be an issue, but obviously, killing off companions makes it harder for them to return. So, keep the LIs alive. Stop with the killing of LIs. Stop keeping them out of the stories.

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I didn't get your point either. Anyway, no point in continuing this off topic subject when we don't get each others point.





Again, I'm not saying men can't be ridiculous, they absolutely can too.

I guess you can decide yourself if you find it demeaning or not. I'm not offended, another woman might be. Doesn't make either of us wrong.


Plenty of women don't mind using words such as dudebro's mansplaining and other very demeaning words either and I've seen them from women in this thread over the years as well. Nobody cares, wonder why? Well, let's not call ourselves sexist!


I'm out, peace.


I'm not saying it's right to use demeaning words against men, either. It all needs to end. How do you know no one cares when men are insulted for being men? Just because they don't reply? Big leap of logic there. But l'm done, too. May you never be the subject of gender discrimination or any other kind. Good luck out there.

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Okay. Give me the run down. Because I do remember the scene where Senya says a huge number of people dead.


My point is accusing Arcann of destroying planets is wrong. Senya's quote is as follows...



Millions dead, entire cities leveled to the ground, the death toll is unimaginable!


Horrific? Yes. War Crime? Absolutely! Justification? None! But a Taris scale event, or an Alderaan it is not! People who hate Arcann compare his actions to both and it is False. Absolutely nothing I said about Lana is false.

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If the game had more money, maybe this wouldn't be an issue, but obviously, killing off companions makes it harder for them to return. So, keep the LIs alive. Stop with the killing of LIs. Stop keeping them out of the stories.

Problem is that it's already too late when among the already returned LIs, there are only 3 who are considered alive for everyone (Lana, Raina and Elara), one of them may have left, so it's pretty much only 2 LI left...


Though i completely agree that if they were unable to consider the killable ones alive for everyone and just remove them for people who killed them, they should never have started this...

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I actually thought the comment was sexist too. Referring to women as 'catty' and having 'claws' are old tropes used to demean, and the poster was specifically calling out people based on gender.


Thank you for putting it so succinctly and elegantly.

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Problem is that it's already too late when among the already returned LIs, there are only 3 who are considered alive for everyone (Lana, Raina and Elara), one of them may have left, so it's pretty much only 2 LI left...


I wouldn't consider Elara alive for everyone since she leaves if you side Empire. Same as Quinn leaving if you side Republic. That leaves Raina and Lana, along with two non-LIs, Gault and T7-O1.


But there are also characters they have not brought back yet who might be LIs (Kira, Scourge) and new characters perhaps on the horizon as future LIs. Any one of them could fall victim to the kill-to-brick syndrome if people continue to push for it.


So the question becomes if the fans support a paradigm shift (keeping LIs alive and asking for content for the bricked ones) or if they want to just continue the status quo of killing and exiling left and right.


I would think that supporting a paradigm shift is more beneficial. Killing and exiling nearly everyone has just made a lot of people very unhappy. Why continue to support that way of doing things?

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Here's the Nathema quote

"When Emperor Arcann gave the order to bomb my Home world, we didn't even have time to evacuate. Millions of people wiped out in an instant all because wanted to send a message to the Alliance.


Again a horrific war crime, no justification. However, not an Alderaan or Taris event.

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I wouldn't consider Elara alive for everyone since she leaves if you side Empire. Same as Quinn leaving if you side Republic. That leaves Raina and Lana, along with two non-LIs, Gault and T7-O1.


But there are also characters they have not brought back yet who might be LIs (Kira, Scourge) and new characters perhaps on the horizon as future LIs. Any one of them could fall victim to the kill-to-brick syndrome if people continue to push for it.


So the question becomes if the fans support a paradigm shift (keeping LIs alive and asking for content for the bricked ones) or if they want to just continue the status quo of killing and exiling left and right.


I would think that supporting a paradigm shift is more beneficial. Killing and exiling nearly everyone has just made a lot of people very unhappy. Why continue to support that way of doing things?

Yep, that's what i meant when i ended with "pretty much only 2 LIs left".


I'm all for keeping all of them alive and giving content to all of them, problem is if they're unable to give content to the possibly dead, i just don't care at all about the remaining ones now as none of them is one of my character's LI, which mean, if their LIs can't have new content because they're possibly dead in someone else's story, i have 0 reason to be willing to continue playing these characters, and for these ones, i don't care about new romances either, they're already taken and have no intention of abandoning their lovers.


As of now, i just don't know what to do with most of my characters...

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I didn't say your character romanced him. Read it again. I just had it as Arcann's change. :p


Also it makes sense. As Lana is not about the Empire. She's about the PC. She became more about the PC and less about the Empire when she left the Empire to find the PC.


Why would it be better for her to return to an Empire, that in betraying the PC (invasion of Iokath) in effect betrayed her. An Empire that didn't side with her in finding the PC.


Lana, yes, does believe the Empire leadership model is the best model. More efficient. No time wasting on a bunch of different planets who have to vote on anything they do, which don't care about what's best for the Republic as a whole, but rather, what's best for them as a planet (if not what's best for who's in charge as an individual).


I'm not saying you should even like her. However, I do feel it's more of a petty "I want to get rid of her, because my faves had that option and now I'm being petty about wanting to get rid of other people's faves, because I don't like her, but I get upset at the idea of doing it to my faves."


Which is exactly what's being done. No point in having a fave companion anymore. It's all one and done, because players like you want to just have options to get rid of them all, since you lost one of your faves.


It wouldn't be bad, if it meant they would still be in the game for the others, but that's not what we're being shown, so why would you put that on other players, when you're one of the ones complaining that it was done to you?


Only answer is being vindictively petty.


Actually maybe it is better that no one have anyone to romance then we wouldn't have this problem, would we. The funny thing is when I started playing the game at launch I never took the romance option. I tried one with Koth because he seem to fit my smuggler and then people threw a fit to have him killed. I understood why they wanted him killed because he didn't fit but I didn't expect that he would be removed from my story and that was the first one they did it with. While I don't believe Lana is someone for my characters, I don't want her removed from everyone's but I am not being petty as I actually have stopped doing any romances again because of the way they were handled so maybe not having romances is the better idea since the only one left is Lana so you guys go ahead and romance Lana and I go back to doing it the way I did before, not caring at all about the companions. There you go.

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Yep, that's what i meant when i ended with "pretty much only 2 LIs left".


I'm all for keeping all of them alive and giving content to all of them, problem is if they're unable to give content to the possibly dead, i just don't care at all about the remaining ones now as none of them is one of my character's LI, which mean, if their LIs can't have new content because they're possibly dead in someone else's story, i have 0 reason to be willing to continue playing these characters, and for these ones, i don't care about new romances either, they're already taken and have no intention of abandoning their lovers.


As of now, i just don't know what to do with most of my characters...


The writers have dug themselves into a very large and very unpleasant hole with all of this, for the reasons you've mentioned. If you're attached to a character and they're gone, you often lose the desire to keep playing. The same way some people will stop watching a TV show or reading a book series when their favorite gets killed off . That favorite made it special for them and without them, there's no point in continuing to be emotionally invested.


But they've already kicked a lot of fans in the teeth this way. Why wish it on anyone else? That's my point. We all KNOW how much it sucks when the LIs are bricked; continuing it just makes it suck for even more players.


I think we *should* continue to push for content with bricked companions, and should be vocal about how deterimental to the game it has been to lose those characters.

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Not an Alderaan or Taris event? I'm pretty sure if you're killing people in the millions or billions you're a ****** regardless.

Well Alderaan ended up in a bunch of rocks flying into space, so yeah that's hard to be on that level of destruction :rolleyes:

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My point is accusing Arcann of destroying planets is wrong. Senya's quote is as follows...


Horrific? Yes. War Crime? Absolutely! Justification? None! But a Taris scale event, or an Alderaan it is not! People who hate Arcann compare his actions to both and it is False. Absolutely nothing I said about Lana is false.


I think the bristling you're getting about that comment is it seems like you're trying to conflate anything Lana has ever done or even could have done as being remotely on the same level as anything Arcann has ever actually done


It's not even splitting hairs at this point

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Not an Alderaan or Taris event? I'm pretty sure if you're killing people in the millions or billions you're a ****** regardless.


Not that it isn't true, but we can't comprehend such levels of destruction as we are incapable.

In war in real life, 100 people dead is a massacre, if we were capable of galactic war, that number would have been small and it would probably be seen as nothing.


Killing millions would probably not compare to destroying a planet on the grand scale of things.



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