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Kill Quinn


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So, I'm feeling like I'm approaching the end of my Sith Warrior story (really awesome, like all the previous stories I've experienced), but I REALLY need to find a way to kill this Quinn traitor ... is there any way to do that ?

Thanks !


In the main chapter 1-3 storyline no you can't kill him, but you do get a chance later on if you run through the Kotfe/kotet story and get to the Iokath storyline

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Bioware also forced a lot of players' hands with this by giving Imperial players no way to get rid of him without killing him. My Sith Warriors would not have killed him after 10 years but they also would never have trusted him or wanted to work with him again. But there's no mechanism, Imperial-side, to ask him to leave.
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Bioware also forced a lot of players' hands with this by giving Imperial players no way to get rid of him without killing him. My Sith Warriors would not have killed him after 10 years but they also would never have trusted him or wanted to work with him again. But there's no mechanism, Imperial-side, to ask him to leave.


Exactly this^^. It was either take him back or the other options. It sucked because all I wanted to do was end the relationship since she was romancing someone else, but no - they made sure that the only way to end the relationship was to make the divorce a final act.


Also waiting 10 years to kill him is not an issue especially when he pulls his act again on Iokath if you side against Acina. But I do agree that we should have had an option to tell him to leave. I mean they give that option for us with Theron, Jorgan, and Kaliyo.

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I know, I meant that some people really hung onto their hate for the character.


Well of course I do, i'm a Sith Lord, do you think I would let someone betray me the way this insignificant insect has, and not make him suffer the consequences ? :p

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Yeah wait ten years and then kill him for no reason on Iokath. :mad:


Pretty much. If you didn't kill him before, and you should have, you have no reason to kill him now.


I remember when the game launched they said they took away the ability to kill companions from the game. They really should have left this in place. There's even a Bounty Hunter on Corellia who thinks you're incredibly cool. There's a dialogue option where he doesn't kill you and leaves after realizing who you are. I think this guy was supposed to have been the replacement for Quinn if you killed. He should have been. Killing Quinn in the original story would have made SW the best storyline in the game.

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If I could've killed the little sniveling coward the moment he betrayed me I would have, for my extream dark side chars, 10 years does not matter, half of that went in a blink of an eye, so they put an end to the sycophant ASAP. My dark but slightly more reasonable characters slap a shock collar from Belsavis (to bad it does not work) and some sort of humiliating outfit. My lightsiders keep him but since he has a face like Skadges backside and a whiny horrible voice he never gets used.
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I know, I meant that some people really hung onto their hate for the character.


Just like some people hung on their hate for others, which is why we have this problem with most love interests or the calling of death to others that were not given a kill option.


I don't like Quinn. Not one bit. I will never romance him again on any other warrior. But that doesn't mean I want him dead. The chance to kill him was ruined in vanilla because if anything - that would have been the time to do it. When he came back, I would have rather of told him to leave.

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I've grown used to underestimating the spitefulness some people hold in their hearts.

Well of course I do, i'm a Sith Lord, do you think I would let someone betray me the way this insignificant insect has, and not make him suffer the consequences ? :p

I can completely understand holding onto the hatred for a companion or character as I absolutely hate Vette. Like the Quinn haters I wish I had the option to kill Vette during the class story, however kotet is better late than never. The devs should have found a way to leave the kill options in the game for all companions before they changed them due to cry babies. As for the Quinn-incident, I rage quit the game years ago when I found out about that through spoilers! :D Now look at me :p

Yeah wait ten years and then kill him for no reason on Iokath. :mad:

Luna, remember that some people have only recently played through the betrayal so it's not 10 years for them ;) And he had the good grace to make his own thread and not pollute ours (like so many others).

Edited by Sarova
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I know, I meant that some people really hung onto their hate for the character.


Because it's just a character. It exists in a vacuum. It's easy to recall the story event of him being traitorous because it's detached from daily real life events.

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I know, I meant that some people really hung onto their hate for the character.


Oh, ok :D My bad, that's what I get for reading posts late into the night :D And you're right, they do.



Pretty much. If you didn't kill him before, and you should have, you have no reason to kill him now.


I remember when the game launched they said they took away the ability to kill companions from the game. They really should have left this in place. There's even a Bounty Hunter on Corellia who thinks you're incredibly cool. There's a dialogue option where he doesn't kill you and leaves after realizing who you are. I think this guy was supposed to have been the replacement for Quinn if you killed. He should have been. Killing Quinn in the original story would have made SW the best storyline in the game.



As much as I hate any talk of killing my beloved Quinn, I get it, and it would've made more sense to the story, for those that felt the need, in the vanilla story. I didn't remember the bounty hunter guy, my son says he seems to recall something about that. Killing Malavai now on Iokath is stupid, and just giving in to haters. I wish they'd give in to my hate and let me bump off Ashara, but I digress. Forgiving Quinn and having him at my side when I challenge Baras is actually more fun to me, because a) I love Quinn and b) I loved getting Baras's goat, like, 'see I didn't kill the brains of the operation' lol. Cause the way I see it, I was the muscle, and he was the brains of that gig. :D


I can completely understand holding onto the hatred for a companion or character as I absolutely hate Vette. Like the Quinn haters I wish I had the option to kill Vette during the class story, however kotet is better late than never. The devs should have found a way to leave the kill options in the game for all companions before they changed them due to cry babies. As for the Quinn-incident, I rage quit the game years ago when I found out about that through spoilers! :D Now look at me :p


Luna, remember that some people have only recently played through the betrayal so it's not 10 years for them ;) And he had the good grace to make his own thread and not pollute ours (like so many others).


Hey SC Sarova :D Like you hate Vette, I hate Ashara. Rawwr! :rak_04:


And yes, you do bring up a good point, that he made his own thread and politely didn't come into ours :o. He didn't say for lovers to keep out though lol. But I reckon this is all I'm saying unless someone else says something to me. Discuss away. I'm just gonna sit over here and not be happy about it and snuggle my autographed Malavai poster. :)

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Just like some people hung on their hate for others, which is why we have this problem with most love interests or the calling of death to others that were not given a kill option.


This. Thank you for saying this.


I don't like Quinn. Not one bit. I will never romance him again on any other warrior. But that doesn't mean I want him dead. The chance to kill him was ruined in vanilla because if anything - that would have been the time to do it. When he came back, I would have rather of told him to leave.


If they were going to do it, vanilla would have been the time. But in vanilla they didn't seem to be stuck on this "dead for one = dead for all" kick, and even if you decided to kill someone, they still were fully alive and part of things in everyone else's games.


As it is I head canon that Quinn is not allowed back on my ship after the incident. I dress the companion in cybernetic armor and a full face mask so I can pretend it's just a droid working on my ship.


I really despise Quinn and do feel that there should have been a way to kill or kick him off the ship in vanilla, but I felt like the Iokath kill scene was designed to make the edgiest of edge lords happy, complete with graphic depiction of Quinn in pain. It was gratuitous and unnecessary for the most part. it would have been more than enough to have a chance to say, "nope, won't work with him again, bye."

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This. Thank you for saying this.




If they were going to do it, vanilla would have been the time. But in vanilla they didn't seem to be stuck on this "dead for one = dead for all" kick, and even if you decided to kill someone, they still were fully alive and part of things in everyone else's games.


As it is I head canon that Quinn is not allowed back on my ship after the incident. I dress the companion in cybernetic armor and a full face mask so I can pretend it's just a droid working on my ship.


I really despise Quinn and do feel that there should have been a way to kill or kick him off the ship in vanilla, but I felt like the Iokath kill scene was designed to make the edgiest of edge lords happy, complete with graphic depiction of Quinn in pain. It was gratuitous and unnecessary for the most part. it would have been more than enough to have a chance to say, "nope, won't work with him again, bye."



In earlyish Beta there was. You could just opt to kill him. The problem was he was your healing companion and you only had one of those. So with a companion that heals being rather necessary back in the day, the kill option after Mr. Quinn's actions was removed. And here we are.

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In earlyish Beta there was. You could just opt to kill him. The problem was he was your healing companion and you only had one of those. So with a companion that heals being rather necessary back in the day, the kill option after Mr. Quinn's actions was removed. And here we are.


Oh yes, that's what I've always heard. I really wish they'd chosen to deal with that by handing over the healing duties to another companion. No reason Jaesa or Vette couldn't have been appointed the new healer (Jaesa hangs out in the med bay on the ship anyway).


Bit of a kick in the teeth that not only were you forced to keep him after the Quinncident, you had to always run with him anyway because he was the only healer. :mad:

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Oh yes, that's what I've always heard. I really wish they'd chosen to deal with that by handing over the healing duties to another companion. No reason Jaesa or Vette couldn't have been appointed the new healer (Jaesa hangs out in the med bay on the ship anyway).


Bit of a kick in the teeth that not only were you forced to keep him after the Quinncident, you had to always run with him anyway because he was the only healer. :mad:


There were a few things they did that always baffled me (and many others in beta):


  1. I never saw the "Quinn Incident" coming in beta. Not at all. I was more than glad to kill him. I also wasn't quite aware that he was the healer as I tended to keep Vette out all the time. So I didn't miss him. (I also didn't play the warrior much in beta tbh)
  2. The Jedi Knight "General" title. If you went dark side you never got the Jedi Master title. You got General. That was fun. But people wanted to be a master and dark side.
  3. Same Sex Romances. That was nixed pretty early on. The official rationale iirc was the game was going to be marketed overseas in some jurisdictions where such things aren't allowed.


Anyway, here we are .. with Quinn and 8ish game years after "Quinncident", you get the opportunity to maybe kill him if you make all the proper choices? Killing Kaliyo was far more fun.

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There were a few things they did that always baffled me (and many others in beta):


  1. I never saw the "Quinn Incident" coming in beta. Not at all. I was more than glad to kill him. I also wasn't quite aware that he was the healer as I tended to keep Vette out all the time. So I didn't miss him. (I also didn't play the warrior much in beta tbh)
  2. The Jedi Knight "General" title. If you went dark side you never got the Jedi Master title. You got General. That was fun. But people wanted to be a master and dark side.
  3. Same Sex Romances. That was nixed pretty early on. The official rationale iirc was the game was going to be marketed overseas in some jurisdictions where such things aren't allowed.


Anyway, here we are .. with Quinn and 8ish game years after "Quinncident", you get the opportunity to maybe kill him if you make all the proper choices? Killing Kaliyo was far more fun.


Yeah, Quinn is one of those companions I refuse to use. I summon Vette back the moment i get him, and he is never taken out again. I am never going to get my Sith Warrior achievement to 100% because I won't run with him to get those 100/500/1000 kills.


RE: 2. Huh. I thought that was left in the game. All of my JKs are aligned dark side. They always get this big speech from Satele about how she can't ignore the darkness in them anymore and she can't make them a master. The Republic army guy then jumps in and makes the JK a General. That seems to stick because on Ilum, Satele makes a comment like "Maybe you eventually will be a master yet."


And for 3, I had always heard that the nixing of the SGR, after they'd been scripted, was because of Lucas, and his threats to pull the license over it.

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Autographed poster? How did you acquire that? I think I would rather have an autographed Theron poster, since he's my favorite.


It's a virtual poster, a bit of an in-joke with the Quinnmancer thread, that new members get a virtual autographed poster. :D We have 'purple Quinn' and 'silver Theron' based on the text one of the members would use when she rp'd as Malavai :D Jagaimee used to write little drabbles with Quinn and Theron and they were sort of adversarial in a playful way...she'd use the colour of the text to differentiate between them, thus 'silver Theron' and 'purple Quinn' :D

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It's a virtual poster, a bit of an in-joke with the Quinnmancer thread, that new members get a virtual autographed poster. :D We have 'purple Quinn' and 'silver Theron' based on the text one of the members would use when she rp'd as Malavai :D Jagaimee used to write little drabbles with Quinn and Theron and they were sort of adversarial in a playful way...she'd use the colour of the text to differentiate between them, thus 'silver Theron' and 'purple Quinn' :D


Ah I see. I thought you meant for a moment the voice actor autographed something. That would be cool actually.

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