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Level 50 Dailies/ Ilum


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1) Could someone please explain how/where to get dailies once you reach level 50? Yes, I know they are on Ilum/Belsavis etc- but WHERE? How do I get them? Do I have to complete some questline first?

2) What is the deal with Ilum anyway? I have been questing there, but I have read that it is open world pvp/daily hub. Is this like Wintergrasp in WoW? If so, where does all this take place?


If someone has information on this i would really appreciate it!I have been scouring forums of so many sites today and have not been able to find an answer >.<

Edited by Irullan
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As posted on reddit. This is a copy paste and is not my work.


I posted this for my guild and thought it would help us here.


I've been doing dailies for a few days now and they're a really good way to farm cash, affection, and tokens. There are daily quests on both Ilum and Belsavis, and all of them reward Daily Commendations, cash, and either affection or social points if grouped with another player.


Why Do Dailies? In short, you get commendations that you can use to buy a piece of epic gear or a mod/barrel/hilt/armor mod. The Ilum commendation vendors sell hilts, barrels, armor mods, and item mods for 8 Daily Commendations each, which means that if you do the full set of dailies on both planets you can get 2 epic item enhancements per day. Couple that with the epic item mod/enhancement you get as a reward from the dailies and you can get yourself ghetto epic'd out in about a week, depending on how many pieces of moddable gear you have. The vendors also sell an epic earpiece for 120 commendations, and a couple of other neat things like a speeder.




To the best of my knowledge, the first set of daily quests do not require completion of the Belsavis Bonus Series quests. There are 9 daily quests here with 1 heroic.


Location: Republic Wilderness Post (~-1689, 300)


*1. Strengthening the Chain Reward: 7175 credits, 1 Daily Commendation *2. Restraining the Darkness Reward: 7175 credits, 1 Daily Commendation *3. Emergent Medicine Reward: 7175 credits, 40 affection, 1 Daily Commendation **Note: this quest will become available after completing the first two


Location: Meltwater Outpost (~-1311, 325) *4. A Lesson is Learned (2+ Heroic) Reward: 9330 credits, 40 affection, 1 Daily Commendation, 1 Level 50 epic item mod **Note: Do not try to solo this quest, it is not possible. There are 2 Champion-level mobs that have to be killed to complete the quest


Location: The Tomb (~-137, 106) *5. Riot Reward: 7175 credits, 1 Daily Commendation


**Note: I am fairly certain you will need to complete the Belsavis Bonus Series quests to unlock this one. If not, you should do them because there is a teleporter straight to this area. This quest gives a follow-up quest, Descent into the Tomb, that leads to the next area with the following daily quests.


Location: Oasis Republic Outpost (The Tomb)(~-263, 111) *6. Prison Repairs Reward: 7175 credits, 1 Daily Commendation *7. Sleeping Rakata Reward: 7175 credits, 40 affection, 1 Daily Commendation *8. Unheard Frequencies Reward: 7175 credits, 1 Daily Commendation *9. Containing the Beast (~-668, 90) Reward: 7175 credits, 60 affection, 1 Daily Commendation **Note: You get this quest by clicking on a door lock outside of a cave in the same area the others are in. Don't try to solo The Beast...it will own your *********** face.


--Ilum-- Ilum not only has the daily PvE quests, but also has daily PvP quests on the opposite side of the area. I'm only listing the PvE ones. There are 6 daily quests here with 1 heroic.


Location: Republic Base Camp (You Land Here) *1. Jam the Transmissions Reward: 10762 credits, 1 Daily Commendation *2. Pilot Down Reward: 10762 credits, 20 affection, 1 Daily Commendation *3. Darkness on Ilum (2+ Heroic) Reward: 16147 credits, 3 Daily Commendations, 1 Level 50 epic item enhancement Note: Although this gives an epic enhancement, it's probably not a good idea to solo. The quest has you kill 3 named elites that come with 2 strong mobs each.


Location: Republic Waystation (~32, -16) *4. A Fair Fight Reward: 10762 credits, 1 Daily Commendation *5. Icy Destruction Reward: 10762 credits, 1 Daily Commendation *6. Crystal Clear Sabotage Reward: 10762 credits, 1 Daily Commendation

Edited by Smappy
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