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Did the last patch break RE?


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Did the last patch break RE?


Prior to the patch I had no issues. I was averaging about 1 out of 7 for new patterns from REs. I even unlocked a few purples without problem.


After the patch though I've RE'd 1 blue mod 25 times without getting the purple version. I've also RE'd 20 green earpieces (10 of two different kinds) and got nothing.


Is RE broken? Is it just Cybertech? Are other people having better luck?


I feel like I'm wasting a ton of materials for no reason.

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No, the patch broke it. It wasnt that random, leveling up armstech i needed maybe 3 or 4 greens to get the blue one, and even fewer blue ones to get the purple. Now i am doing it on another character, and just RE'd the first 20 greens that i have built and still no blue recipe. Same on my Cybertech maincharacter. Before the patch -> around 4 to 5 RE per item. Now its easily 20+ to get lucky. The crafting was wasted money even before this change. Now its just ridiculous.
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I went almost 2 days, REing about 10 greens betweens crystals, hilts and enhancements and didn't get a single proc. Then, last night, I got literally 5 in a row and I started seeing them much more frequently.


I think they changed something, but I'm seeing procs at least when before I thought for sure it was broken.

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I'm actually having the opposite luck. Pre-patch averaged 15+ green quality color crystals to get blue versions for each of red, blue, and green. Now I'm on the next tier of color crystals, last night it took me only 3 green quality of the blue to learn the blue quality version. Unless there was some official word on it, I'd just say random numbers are random.
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It seems broken to me.


Today the RE button dissappeared after zoning. No amount of Rebooting the game, zoning or refreshing ui brings it back.

Ive seen it mentioned a few times in chat also, but its only early morning so the chit hasnt hit the fan yet


This is a known bug. Talking to a vendor usually brings the button back for me.

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I'm actually having the opposite luck. Pre-patch averaged 15+ green quality color crystals to get blue versions for each of red, blue, and green. Now I'm on the next tier of color crystals, last night it took me only 3 green quality of the blue to learn the blue quality version. Unless there was some official word on it, I'd just say random numbers are random.


I also had a really tough time REing a few days ago. Did probably 50 blues without getting a purple schematic. Yesterday I got 1 purple and 3 blue in about 10 REs. Definately jboots got nerfed. :p

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It seems broken to me.


Today the RE button dissappeared after zoning. No amount of Rebooting the game, zoning or refreshing ui brings it back.

Ive seen it mentioned a few times in chat also, but its only early morning so the chit hasnt hit the fan yet


press i for inventory instead of clicking it from the ui. always brings RE button back for me.


and about reverse engineering being broke, nope. at least my artifice works fine. took me 2 levels of getting advanced resolve hilt 10 and by the time i had mats and ready to make it i could craft resolve hilt 11. getting advanced resolve hit 11 was then matter of 6 or so blue reverse engineerings and less than that in greens.


random is random.

Edited by hurja
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RE now deep breaths more...


I RE 9 different green items for Armstech.


two of them popped within the first 3 greens.


The rest popped within 7 greens.



Seems normal to me.


oh yeah i also popped a couple purples as well.

Edited by spicycookie
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Yeah, sure, nothing got nerfed. Just dumb luck that RE for the 4 crafting skills i leveled worked significantly better before the patch. Its not even close. I am at roughly the same (low) skilllevel at armstech on two different characters. The first one, leveled before the patch, had every blue and purple barrel recipe ready the level he needed them, plus several blue/purple weapon recipes he did not even need, while doing gathering and mission skill missions. The other character i leveled since yesterday, who's got materials from the first character and could concentrate more on crafting than gathering, has gotten exactly 0 blue recipes this far. Thats not bad luck.


On my main character, who was 400 Cybertech before the patch, i am learning the lower level blue armorings and mods i did not get while leveling. Before the patch, i not once had to RE more than 4 or 5 green items to get the blue recipe. NOT ONCE. After the patch i need minimum of 10, but more like 20 tries or more per blue recipe, which burns money like crazy. Thats not bad luck either.


It was nerfed, and it was nerfed hard, deliberate or not. Or i am the unluckiest person on this planet and will probably die later today under horrific circumstances. Which is possible :p

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