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tier 5 gear made only by crafting - again players will quit


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hi, i post htis already in pvp forum, and someone told me the devs dont read in pvp forum :eek: , and told me to post it here again :


09.18.2018 , 09:30 AM | #1


so if they really made this i think many players will quit again. i play only pvp in this game , and for the ressources you must play operations , so the prices for the ressources will be very expensive. We see this in last time.


i see this already in the past by another game wich has a great pvp concept, but it dies because devolopers make it more and more pay 2 win.... today i see there 5-10 players on an server


why they need server merges , why they need cross faction in pvp...because of lower population on servers. and in my opinion this is the next step to lower population !

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hi, i post htis already in pvp forum, and someone told me the devs dont read in pvp forum :eek: , and told me to post it here again :


09.18.2018 , 09:30 AM | #1


so if they really made this i think many players will quit again. i play only pvp in this game , and for the ressources you must play operations , so the prices for the ressources will be very expensive. We see this in last time.


i see this already in the past by another game wich has a great pvp concept, but it dies because devolopers make it more and more pay 2 win.... today i see there 5-10 players on an server


why they need server merges , why they need cross faction in pvp...because of lower population on servers. and in my opinion this is the next step to lower population !


Yeah, gearing through pve in swtor will kill it. Why would pvp players will stay in swtor if wow also has gearing through pve but five as much population as swtor would ever have. Bad decisions as always....

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The problem with letting crafting make the BiS or close to it. Is the same in every MMO, You still have to do the Hard or master or some other bull crap dungeon to get the mats. Why not just leave it like it is and stop BSing people this is a upgrade to the game. Its the same crap sandwich with wheat bread instead of white
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I don't see a problem with it. We had to craft all our gear in SWG and even the attachments you needed in SWG was crafted by crafters. Sure it didn't have bonuses but the best gear in the game always came from the crafters. The only question I have regarding this is how will crafters access the items needed. If it is restricted to only doing raids it might create a problem but as of yet they haven't really said much about the gear.
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SWG isn’t swtor. It had a more diverse player base and it was setup as a sandpit game the community developed. Swtor has always been about leading you by the hand,

I think this crafting idea will be another failed gearing system because it was already tried early on in the game, the same as RNG gear was. And we’ve seen how successful that’s been since they brought it back.

It seems to me that Bioware don’t learn from past mistakes,

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SWG isn’t swtor. It had a more diverse player base and it was setup as a sandpit game the community developed. Swtor has always been about leading you by the hand,

I think this crafting idea will be another failed gearing system because it was already tried early on in the game, the same as RNG gear was. And we’ve seen how successful that’s been since they brought it back.

It seems to me that Bioware don’t learn from past mistakes,

This is an MMO, and swtor at that. There has always been a rotating system of upgrades and patches that does its best to bring each element of the game to the forefront to encourage well rounded, balanced gameplay so no one aspect loses too much interest or generally feels forgotten (excluding the rush-thru-content population). This is more of the same.

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This is not a big enough deal to quit the game over.


Exactly right. Unless I missed it there has not been any information given on where the schematics or matts will come from, Until we have some information on that I think people need to relax a little. My PERSONAL guess is that it will be some combination of tier 4 crates and operations, but I am only guessing.

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Instead of freaking out now, how about we see what they implement and then give constructive feedback?

They've changed many things based on community feedback in the past.

Try it out, see how it goes, adjust as necessary.

If all that fails, then freak out.

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solution is very easy:


pvp gear from pvp schematics, only dropping in pvp crates.

also with materials from pvp crates.


problem solved.

Great idea! Materials from the daily missions, schematics from the weekly? That limits progression to something closer to that of PvEers.

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Instead of freaking out now, how about we see what they implement and then give constructive feedback?

They've changed many things based on community feedback in the past.

Try it out, see how it goes, adjust as necessary.

If all that fails, then freak out.


Since when has Bioware reversed a bad decision. If you wait to give feed back about an idea that seems bad on paper till after they release it, then it’s too late. Freaking out after is too late.


It’s better to express your concerns now incase they haven’t thought it all the way through. Then they have time to change how it works.

Edited by Totemdancer
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Since when has Bioware reversed a bad decision. If you wait to give feed back about an idea that seems bad on paper till after they release it, then it’s too late. Freaking out after is too late.


It’s better to express your concerns now incase they haven’t thought it all the way through. Then they have time to change how it works.

it'S ******** to express concerns without any information... they will tell us on 11th october in the livestream. after that you can complain. and it will be time enough to complain

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it'S ******** to express concerns without any information... they will tell us on 11th october in the livestream. after that you can complain. and it will be time enough to complain


Ok, that’s your opinion, not mine or others. Don’t tell us not to complain, we have every right to do what ever we want and you have no right to tell us we can’t. I’ll express my concerns till they actually decide what they are doing in the hope they hear those concerns and don’t implement anything that we are concerned about. If you dont like that, then don’t read threads that are voicing those concerns.


Plus, where did they say that the new gearing system would be discussed in detail during the live stream?

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I don’t need to know 100% how it will work because I’m voicing an opinion on what they have already said. Which was crafted tier 5 gear with the mats and schematics obtained in MM ops.


Myself and others are pointing out our concerns if that is the only way to obtain the gear. We are pointing out the pit falls if it was introduced in that fashion. We aren’t over reaching if we base our concerns on what Bioware have already said.


Those concerns are valid to pvpers and as a supposed pvper yourself, I would think you would be equally concerned to a gearing system like that. You are of course able to voice your opinion on wether you think it is bad or not, like others have. There was no reason to tear into my comment about it being too late to wait till it’s released and hope they would change it. There are better ways to have a civilised discussion.


Regardless, we are voicing opinions and concern. You have no right to tell us we can’t discuss it. If you feel we have broken the terms of the forums by voicing our concerns, then you know what to do about reporting it.


I will end this post by pointing out that a whole new gearing system takes many months to work on. By the time it goes on the pts, the only thing they’ll be able to change are drop rates or bugs. The idea they could change the gearing system more than that in a 2 week pts is just naive. It took most of last year to try and make this current gearing system better than it was. Those things they did change on the last two pts releases were minor in comparison.

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I don’t need to know 100% how it will work because I’m voicing an opinion on what they have already said. Which was crafted tier 5 gear with the mats and schematics obtained in MM ops.


Myself and others are pointing out our concerns if that is the only way to obtain the gear. We are pointing out the pit falls if it was introduced in that fashion. We aren’t over reaching if we base our concerns on what Bioware have already said.


Those concerns are valid to pvpers and as a supposed pvper yourself, I would think you would be equally concerned to a gearing system like that. You are of course able to voice your opinion on wether you think it is bad or not, like others have. There was no reason to tear into my comment about it being too late to wait till it’s released and hope they would change it. There are better ways to have a civilised discussion.


Regardless, we are voicing opinions and concern. You have no right to tell us we can’t discuss it. If you feel we have broken the terms of the forums by voicing our concerns, then you know what to do about reporting it.


I will end this post by pointing out that a whole new gearing system takes many months to work on. By the time it goes on the pts, the only thing they’ll be able to change are drop rates or bugs. The idea they could change the gearing system more than that in a 2 week pts is just naive. It took most of last year to try and make this current gearing system better than it was. Those things they did change on the last two pts releases were minor in comparison.



it is a maximum two hour work for a developer to change the place where those schematic/materials will be dropped.

A lot of players asked for a way to "make crafting great again". and there should be no problem at all to have bis been craftet...


the only problem there is is where the schemes/mats will drop. there is just an information about mastermode operations. that's it ...thats the basic of all 50k threads here.

So it is overreacting. maybe the schemes are bind on use and tradable on gtn. problem solved.


and pts will be on air for much longer than those 2 weeks for pvp map testing. there will be a whole operation which needs to be balanced. izax was one boss and was on pts for more than 5 weeks. so easy to do those 2 hours of work to change te metric.

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Since when has Bioware reversed a bad decision. If you wait to give feed back about an idea that seems bad on paper till after they release it, then it’s too late. Freaking out after is too late.


It’s better to express your concerns now incase they haven’t thought it all the way through. Then they have time to change how it works.

Name some bad decisions that needed to be reversed? Generally their data has shown improvements with most of the changes this current regime has made. Unless of course, when you say bad decisions, you are talking about your opinion with no supportive data.

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