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Everything sounds interesting to me except the craftable gear thing. I guess it depends on how it's implemented but I was already bitter that the 240 aug schematics only dropped from PvE when they're just as important for PvP. Luckily they dropped like candy even in story mode so it wasn't a big deal. But if they're keeping PvE and PvP gear the same I'm going to be really annoyed if the only way to get the new gear schematics is Operations or something. I mean yeah maybe they'll let you buy them on GTN but not everyone hoards tons of credits. But I'll wait and see I guess.
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Keith's Fall Roadmap is now live! You can check it out, here.


Thanks everyone.




Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ - Fall Roadmap 2018

Companions Return


* Doc - Jedi Knights will be able to reunite with the galaxy’s most lovable, charming, roguish, brilliant, skilled, and--above all—a handsome doctor. (Doc actually wrote this intro himself)


* Nadia - Jedi Consulars will be rejoined by their former Padawan, who has grown into a skilled Jedi Knight in her own right.


*Jaesa - Sith Warriors will be able to reunite with Jaesa provided they turned her to the dark side in her original storyline. We’re still tracking down light-side Jaesa and we’ll let you know if we can convince her to return!


Please bring back the companions for every Class!

Make it right like 4.0!

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*sigh* So after fostering peace in the Alliance my Sith have to return to attacking Jedi bases. I can't even.


The new gear is only craftable and can we place wagers that the mats will only be available in multiplayer areas like PvP and Ops?


At this point just tell me when we can legit get the Twi'lek pirate guy to join our team and call it a day.

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Anyone remember all those useless schematics in the command crates?


Another gear grind with another currency is just what this game needs.... Not.


That's some Jedi mind-trick to had-wave away all the mistakes and mis-steps this game has made in the previous six years, only to repeat them all over again.

True story. Craftable t5 gear seems pointless and another grind locked behind forcing players do one kind of content is what the game needs....NOT.

I hope the story is not done again in useless bad-made FP's. Really pissed of about Light Jaesa and no Kira.

So after working with the opposite faction and making one large organization our characters now decides they have to fight the Rep/Imp again....what the???? Not that I am against a Rep/Imp storyline, but please make it well written and believable/justified.

Edited by ExarSun
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I'm meh on the gear.


On the other hand, I am completely ok with daily areas becoming main story hubs.


At this stage of the game, older daily areas are kind of pointless and optional. It's content I think few do.


If they make it a focal point, then it could up the replay value.


The key here is to not make it feel grindy. Incorporate the dailies into the story better, and since it's a daily areas, perhaps make it slightly non linear. What I mean is, say there are 10 possible daily missions. Make it so you only need to do 5, and each mission you complete changes the experience in the final mission some way. Boom, more replay value. And if you retake a mission once done with the storyline, allow an option for players to replay story mode, or grab daily missions, which are the missions themselves without the story, like traditional dailies.

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With all the complaints about new gear coming out, you would think people have never played an MMO before.


And as usual, the game rotates around to benefit a specific population of players, like PVPers the last couple updates, conqiesters the previous, and coming up the crafters will be at the height, and MM opsers will get what they want. This is the ebb and flow of MMOs and balance. Do people really not understand how these games work long term? You neglect any portion of the game too long, and then you start losing people, so i completely understand the need to throw a bone to certain populations, and the continuing rotation of focus populations.

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The key here is to not make it feel grindy. Incorporate the dailies into the story better, and since it's a daily areas, perhaps make it slightly non linear. What I mean is, say there are 10 possible daily missions. Make it so you only need to do 5, and each mission you complete changes the experience in the final mission some way. Boom, more replay value.

I disagree. They tried it with Iokath and it only confused players to get a different quest each time. Especially since the Iokath daily area was so large that you had trouble finding where to go.

If anything, daily areas need a good reward. Not another new mount, pet or decoration but a credit payout. Players ran the old daily areas because they were the best way to farm credits but with the current inflation, it's no longer worth doing them (outside of conquest).

For a new daily area to be worth it, they need to remove the inflation or increase the credit reward, then players will actually repeat it. And then the quests must be always the same so you can quickly figure out what the fastest route to complete them is.

Edited by Jerba
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"Crafted Tier 5 Gear – make your own top tier gear after obtaining rare schematics and new crafting materials"


seriously? craftable? how the **** schould that work with set bonusses?

do you have to have 7 schematics for 1 spec?


you guys should seriously think about the problems that brings for people who have to play different roles in thier particular raid groups... those people will need another stupid grind fest....

havent you learned from the fail that was galactic command... me as an salesman myself i see what you are doing... trying to keep people engaged by giving them smeting to farm but that was your idea behing galactic command, too...


did it work out? i guess not... never seen so few people online..


craftabble top tier gear is simply wrong.. ..

then you for sure will have to do ranked pvp for mats or wait like 2 years for luck...

(about 60% of the nim raiders i play with wouldnt touch ranked pvp even with a forceps)


i guess you dont have a concept yet otherwise you would communicate it.


i strongly suggest you to make that gear available by components just as any other gear...

otherwise a lot of people would be pissed for the new grind.. (btw that was the reason you brought out those components, if you remember)


dont make that mistake to bring it only craftable... you will lose players...


Actually I much rather have it craft able than components. However it all comes down to two things for me, one where and how you get schematics. If you get then in command crates I be fine with that, if its drops from group play then no thank you BW. Secondly where you get all the craft able mats from. Again if it needs mats from group boss fight then again no thank you BW. I guess if its craft able gear it may be possible to sell or trade for gear you still need. However that would need to be confirmed. tier 5 craft able gear actually makes crafting worth while again as long as BW do it right and don't just make it for the few elitist players.


As for going back to empire vs republic, well not what I wanted but know it was coming but really do want more info how it going to affect our individual alliances.


Returning comps, well BW you know its been awhile now don't you think that these companions need a make over? I mean would Nadia look exactly the same after all this time? Same hair style same outfit. You made us wait a long time for these characters how about giving us a few new customizations

Edited by StormForceDax
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*sigh* So after fostering peace in the Alliance my Sith have to return to attacking Jedi bases. I can't even.


The new gear is only craftable and can we place wagers that the mats will only be available in multiplayer areas like PvP and Ops?


At this point just tell me when we can legit get the Twi'lek pirate guy to join our team and call it a day.


I think it’s a sure thing that most of those mats will be in ranked or HM ops or NiM ops.

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I really not sure what to think of the content this time. I didn't want my characters to have to go back to their original factions but it seems once again I don't get that choice.


That's my concern as well. I was hoping I could pick which faction my characters would support, but these news sound worrisome... Not all my characters are happy to support the faction they originally belong to!

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If my Imperial characters are forced back to the Empire after twice siding with the Republic, I'll just stop playing them because no way would they return. Also gonna sit here twiddling my thumbs waiting for Light!Jaesa to return and hoping it doesn't bug and give my Warrior the wrong version. :(
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If my Imperial characters are forced back to the Empire after twice siding with the Republic, I'll just stop playing them because no way would they return. Also gonna sit here twiddling my thumbs waiting for Light!Jaesa to return and hoping it doesn't bug and give my Warrior the wrong version. :(


Same holds true with my Republic players who went Imperial. I will stop playing them rather than send them back to the Republic.


Also sounds like we are heades to stereotypically good Republic/ evil Empire with no room for nuance if they are attacking Jedi bases so frankly I dont think I like this at all.

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Same holds true with my Republic players who went Imperial. I will stop playing them rather than send them back to the Republic.


Also sounds like we are heades to stereotypically good Republic/ evil Empire with no room for nuance if they are attacking Jedi bases so frankly I dont think I like this at all.


No kidding. My Imp's would not be down for attacking Jedi bases after twice siding with them. It would be a rather lame and useless 'choice' on Iokath and at the end of Nathema if what we did regarding our faction comes to nothing and our character just gets a slap on the wrist and a welcome back to the faction they turned again. :rolleyes:

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Craft gear or buy them from GTN to pvp sounds legit :rolleyes:.I guess the augment experiment worked well according to your metrics.

No, i don't want to craft or pay millions on GTN to pvp.I am getting tired of this.Introduce cheap pvp gear or allow us to purchase the new tier with our unassembled components.




Or let us fight naked again.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Question! If we are seeing the Sith Empire vs Galactic Republic conflict come back, could we please see Lord Cytharat return (for those that left him alive) as a romanceable companion? Perhaps he can be involved with the events on Ossu-eh I mean, the ancient Jedi planet?
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