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The hk-55 chapter


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I've been there, done that on hk's currently available. I say leave HK55 and 51 as is, if an HK becomes available on cartel market, make it HK 47. That way the rewards stay rewards, the one you have to work for stays just that, and there can still be one on cartel market.

And we will all still know who's who.

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I've been there, done that on hk's currently available. I say leave HK55 and 51 as is, if an HK becomes available on cartel market, make it HK 47. That way the rewards stay rewards, the one you have to work for stays just that, and there can still be one on cartel market.

And we will all still know who's who.


Truthfully I don’t really get all the hostility when it comes to this. It’s 3 or 4 yrs old. Just release it and get money to help with this game. And don’t say we kept this game going back then and we deserve it. Well we helped also and right now we are helping keep the game going now. We have been in a dry spell for a while now and it’s story content so yeah I think it’s time to release it.

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I'm fine with it being a subscription reward again as long as you have to subscribe for as many months conclusively.


I think it was something like 7-8 months we had to keep our subscriptions going to gain access to it in 2016. As long as the requirements are the same now, it's fine by me.


Selling it for less would be a problem, though.


I agree with other posters that you can always watch it on YouTube if it's not offered. A lot of us paid more than half a year's subscription for it. It's not reasonable to demand it be put on the CM for $10-$20 or whatever lesser amount than what we had to pay during 4.x.


After all, if everyone had stayed, the chapter model wouldn't have been abandoned, and we would have gotten 3 "seasons" of the KotFE story instead of it being cancelled and rushed to a conclusion in 1.5 seasons. Even folks who weren't that enthusiastic about the KotFE change agree the story could have been much better if it had been given all 3 expansions to work with, especially for lost companion chapters. There were some great stories to tell, and instead we just see a 2-3 minute cutscene return now for these characters.

Edited by arunav
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I'm fine with it being a subscription reward again as long as you have to subscribe for as many months conclusively.


I think it was something like 7-8 months we had to keep our subscriptions going to gain access to it in 2016. As long as the requirements are the same now, it's fine by me.


Selling it for less would be a problem, though.


I agree with other posters that you can always watch it on YouTube if it's not offered. A lot of us paid more than half a year's subscription for it. It's not reasonable to demand it be put on the CM for $10-$20 or whatever lesser amount than what we had to pay during 4.x.


After all, if everyone had stayed, the chapter model wouldn't have been abandoned, and we would have gotten 3 "seasons" of the KotFE story instead of it being cancelled and rushed to a conclusion in 1.5 seasons. Even folks who weren't that enthusiastic about the KotFE change agree the story could have been much better if it had been given all 3 expansions to work with, especially for lost companion chapters. There were some great stories to tell, and instead we just see a 2-3 minute cutscene return now for these characters.


No no. It’s story content that people want is why people are asking. I’ve been subbed since day one. I let it laps for one week due to issues. I’m still a sub and probably will be till the game dies but the issue is that it’s story content. So I’ve been just as supportive to this game just like a lot of y’all. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask for this to be sold now especially after this long. It is story content. Doesn’t matter how long it is or if you can watch it on YouTube. Most people want to play STORY content. $10-$20 bucks is more than fair considering how old said content is

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This issue is such a quagmire.


One of the things complicating this, IMHO, is that HK-55 was an actual story companion, not a bonus, that everyone had. He was taken away and AFAIK is the only ongoing story companion that cannot be restored via the portal (I don't know about Tano Vik, can troopers summon him?). People may have invested to raise his influence, etc. So people do have a legitimate reason to want him back, and turning him into a subscriber reward was probably a very bad mistake.


It's a bit weird to me that I can use the portal to summon Elara Dorne, who was never in my story at all other than a brief cameo, but I can't use it to get back HK-55 who spent five chapters as a companion.


Then there's the fact that we have had next to nil story content, and people are starved for that, and that the Alliance era is about to come to an end with 5.10.


And then there are subscribers who feel that since they put out a specific sustained effort to get the chapter/companions, it shouldn't be cheapened.


I don't know what the answer is. Perhaps allowing HK-55 to be returned via the console for those who went through KOTFE and want him back would be fair, since every other story companion can be retrieved that way. Perhaps putting a price on the story, or requiring the same subscription length, or giving it out without Z0-0M.

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This issue is such a quagmire.


One of the things complicating this, IMHO, is that HK-55 was an actual story companion, not a bonus, that everyone had. He was taken away and AFAIK is the only ongoing story companion that cannot be restored via the portal (I don't know about Tano Vik, can troopers summon him?). People may have invested to raise his influence, etc. So people do have a legitimate reason to want him back, and turning him into a subscriber reward was probably a very bad mistake.


It's a bit weird to me that I can use the portal to summon Elara Dorne, who was never in my story at all other than a brief cameo, but I can't use it to get back HK-55 who spent five chapters as a companion.


Then there's the fact that we have had next to nil story content, and people are starved for that, and that the Alliance era is about to come to an end with 5.10.


And then there are subscribers who feel that since they put out a specific sustained effort to get the chapter/companions, it shouldn't be cheapened.


I don't know what the answer is. Perhaps allowing HK-55 to be returned via the console for those who went through KOTFE and want him back would be fair, since every other story companion can be retrieved that way. Perhaps putting a price on the story, or requiring the same subscription length, or giving it out without Z0-0M.


Yes then there are those who subbed and let it lapse for a few then we have new players or returning players who may also be sub and want this content. Just release it and be done

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Yes then there are those who subbed and let it lapse for a few then we have new players or returning players who may also be sub and want this content. Just release it and be done


I don't have the chapter and I would like it, so I'm agreeing with you. AT the end of the day I'd like to see it released.


But I do think it's important to acknowledge the concerns of past subs and give them something to sweeten the deal, and I really hope that Bioware has learned from this mess and will never gate story content or a previous story companion behind a sub reward like this again.

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I don't have the chapter and I would like it, so I'm agreeing with you. AT the end of the day I'd like to see it released.


But I do think it's important to acknowledge the concerns of past subs and give them something to sweeten the deal, and I really hope that Bioware has learned from this mess and will never gate story content or a previous story companion behind a sub reward like this again.


I agree with you. This content should never ever have been released like this.

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Out of curiosity, what would happen if I said I wanted all Ops to be a single player experience? I'm a solo player and don't have time to look for a group to complete Ops and I want that story content. Even if I do manage to get into an Ops group everyone is always telling me to skip the cut scenes and they don't like that I'm learning parts of the game that have been released for years and sometimes get kicked from the group. Should the game be changed to allow me to do that content solo so I can enjoy the story?


For the record, I'm not actually suggesting that. I accepted a long time ago that I'm a solo player and will miss out on the larger multi-player content like Ops. I'm just gauging the field to see what others think of that idea and if they're against it, why they want the HK-55 chapter to be changed to suit them?

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For the record, I'm not actually suggesting that. I accepted a long time ago that I'm a solo player and will miss out on the larger multi-player content like Ops. I'm just gauging the field to see what others think of that idea and if they're against it, why they want the HK-55 chapter to be changed to suit them?

I feel this is not exactly a fair comparison. It would require a certain amount of developer hours to "convert" an operation into solo-friendly content. Mechanics would need to be changed (or removed), fights would need to be returned, etc.


It could be fairly argued that time spent doing this could be spent making new content for players, to a better effect.


The HK-55 chapter, however, is already a solo experience, and would hardly require any resources at all to make it available to other players (if they chose to do so).

Edited by Khevar
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So, out of curiosity. If they unlocked the chapter but you could not gain the companion (Z0-0M) outside of the chapter, would that be an acceptable compromise. I mean, there's not much to the chapter. The "prize" is really the companion.
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So, out of curiosity. If they unlocked the chapter but you could not gain the companion (Z0-0M) outside of the chapter, would that be an acceptable compromise. I mean, there's not much to the chapter. The "prize" is really the companion.


Yes, I'd be 100% fine with that. I don't need Z0-0M.


I would prefer if they let us have HK-55 back though, since he *is* a companion that players actually had in the game for numerous chapters, and as mentioned he is the only (non-temporary) story companion who cannot be reclaimed via the console.

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Out of curiosity, what would happen if I said I wanted all Ops to be a single player experience? I'm a solo player and don't have time to look for a group to complete Ops and I want that story content. Even if I do manage to get into an Ops group everyone is always telling me to skip the cut scenes and they don't like that I'm learning parts of the game that have been released for years and sometimes get kicked from the group. Should the game be changed to allow me to do that content solo so I can enjoy the story?


For the record, I'm not actually suggesting that. I accepted a long time ago that I'm a solo player and will miss out on the larger multi-player content like Ops. I'm just gauging the field to see what others think of that idea and if they're against it, why they want the HK-55 chapter to be changed to suit them?


Truthfully I wouldn’t mind if they made all this soloable. Especially since it is part of the story and right now it’s getting harder to find groups that are up to it. And like you said you got people that want you to skip the cut scenes so they can get thru it faster which is fine but some of us want to see story and not worry about getting kicked cause we took to long to watch the cut scenes. It’s happened a few times. So yeah I’m good with that. It might make people mad but it’s also a story driven game as well as a multiplayer game which some people seem to forget. If they added a solo mode to the ops and uprisings I wouldn’t have a problem with.

As for the bonus chapter if it’s there release it for others to enjoy now.

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I've been there, done that on hk's currently available. I say leave HK55 and 51 as is, if an HK becomes available on cartel market, make it HK 47. That way the rewards stay rewards, the one you have to work for stays just that, and there can still be one on cartel market.

And we will all still know who's who.


It’s not only about getting the companion, it’s about doing the chapter

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Yes then there are those who subbed and let it lapse for a few then we have new players or returning players who may also be sub and want this content. Just release it and be done


Also, what if you were new to the game before the chapter was released and didn’t qualify at the time, but have been subbed ever since. That’s over 2 year now and they deserve access to it, theyve more than paid for it,

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Yes, I'd be 100% fine with that. I don't need Z0-0M.


I would prefer if they let us have HK-55 back though, since he *is* a companion that players actually had in the game for numerous chapters, and as mentioned he is the only (non-temporary) story companion who cannot be reclaimed via the console.


Easy way to get HK-55 without terminal or having the bonus chapter? Replay one of the KOTFE missions, like chapter 3 or 4 when you crash on Zakuul. Then you don't have to finish the mission and now you have HK-55. Granted that doesn't solve the chapter issue, but at least you'll have your companion again.

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Easy way to get HK-55 without terminal or having the bonus chapter? Replay one of the KOTFE missions, like chapter 3 or 4 when you crash on Zakuul. Then you don't have to finish the mission and now you have HK-55. Granted that doesn't solve the chapter issue, but at least you'll have your companion again.


And what happens when you try to play 5.10 and it auto completes? Then you lose him again.

This is no solution at all.

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And what happens when you try to play 5.10 and it auto completes? Then you lose him again.

This is no solution at all.


Exactly. Everyone knows that workaround but it's a very temporary solution.


Given all the bugs that have happened with KOTFE content I'm not in a hurry to take any characters back through it once it's cleared, either.

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No no. It’s story content that people want is why people are asking. I’ve been subbed since day one. I let it laps for one week due to issues. I’m still a sub and probably will be till the game dies but the issue is that it’s story content. So I’ve been just as supportive to this game just like a lot of y’all. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask for this to be sold now especially after this long. It is story content. Doesn’t matter how long it is or if you can watch it on YouTube. Most people want to play STORY content. $10-$20 bucks is more than fair considering how old said content is


If you subscribe consistently, then the point I made shouldn't be a problem.


Let it be a subscriber reward again, but you need to subscribe for as long as we did in 2016. No other reward has ever required roughly 8 months of constant subscription.


The story told in the chapter is of little to no consequence to the rest of the game. It basically better explains something that barely anyone plays, the macrobinocular quests.


I've played since launch, and really want some things on my characters that were missed, primarily the ones that didn't exist in 1.x through 3.x. For example, Revanite/Dark Reaver armors, or other cosmetic items that used to be available in the leveling game or endgame that were removed. For the most part, you can't get them anymore.


I'm not saying I don't sympathize with your argument, but this particular subscriber reward was very different than others. It wasn't just for subscribing one month, which is typically what all the others were. I'm sorry you missed out, but it was really clear what was necessary to gain access to the chapter in 2016.


Just as many of us can't go back in time and get rewards for our characters that no longer exist in the game, I don't think it's reasonable to demand the HK chapter unless BW puts it up as a reward again, with roughly the same requirements as before for access.

Edited by arunav
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I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask for this to be sold now especially after this long. It is story content. Doesn’t matter how long it is or if you can watch it on YouTube. Most people want to play STORY content. $10-$20 bucks is more than fair considering how old said content is


I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for the chapter to be sold on the CM, but the price needs to be in line with other CM items. This would make it $20 for the story with no rewards on one character. Gold unlock. $20 for HK-55. Gold unlock. $20 for Z00M. Gold unlock. $5 for the Jollo decoration. Everything together would cost little more than one high-end lightsaber. The added benefit would be that, as CM items, they could be sold on the GTN for credits.


What I'd prefer to see them do is revamp once in a while on specific days subscriber rewards to a proper loyalty system. Every month you subscribe you'd get Subscriber Loyalty Currency to spend in a Subscriber Loyalty Shop. All of the old subscriber rewards would be there plus a slew of new ones to choose from. The HK chapter and all of it's rewards would cost 8 months worth of SLC.

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Here is an idea...


Make it a yearly event to celebrate HK-55's anniversary. That way other people that did not make it "This Time" would get a chance to try again "Next Year"


How it works....


You must be a continuous subscriber from the original dates which I believe were January or February to August if I remember correctly.


You Must log in on the start date as a "Premium Player" (subscriber), complete a simple mission ie.. Talk to Oggrobb about trying to rebuild HK-55, you will need to help Oggrobb with this task. You will pickup a HK-51 style hunt and find mission where you find the necessary "Special Parts" Oggrobb needs to rebuild HK-55. The last thing you must do is also maintain your subscription "UN-Interrupted" for the Whole Duration of the Event. (No Exceptions).


If you do that, then you can qualify for HK-55 as your permanent companion at the end of the event in September.


That would be a fair way to make HK-55 available to players that missed him or where not a part of SWToR when he went live the first time.


Hows that for a compromise where Everybody, including BW, WINS...

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To me, it always seemed like HK-55's character was created specifically FOR the sub reward. Bioware knew exactly what they were doing. They took a fan favorite character (an HK droid), made a new incarnation, stuck him into the new story for a few chapters -- and then killed him off.


Then they told you you could get him back -- IF you subscribed for him.


That irritated me so much that I only actually played the chapter itself recently (I was subbed all along anyway, so I got the reward). Anyway, I'm not gonna sway anyone either way, but because of that, I fall in the camp of "let people have the chapter" -- or at least HK himself. KotFE is a couple of years old now, and new players should have a chance to resurrect him. He was killed as sub bait.

Edited by nahteby
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