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The hk-55 chapter


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it was essential to the main story.

No it wasn't. it's *related* to the main story, but it isn't *part of" or "essential to" the main story. It's rather like a "real" Star Wars story about something that Wedge Antilles did in between leaving Tatooine at the beginning of the Star Wars ("ANH'") novelisation and Luke meeting him again on Yavin after the Death Star escape.


Such a story does not advance the main story of ANH in the slightest, and it is therefore neither essential to nor part of the main story. It might be interesting, but it is not essential.


(If you read the novelisation, you'll know that there were elements in it that were not in the film, and the interactions between Luke and Wedge were among them.)

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Whatever. They never ever said anything about not selling it or offering it at a later time. You are to hung up on the word exclusive. Answer this for me. Didn’t you also get other stuff while this was going on? So connect it to a sub that’s been active for the same amount of time y’all were and sell it. If not been active sub put timer in there so they know how long before they can get it for. $10 to $20 is not unreasonable if they do it this way and we have basically spent the same amount as you plus extra since we couldn’t get it when y’all did.


Yes, I did. But the HK chapter required me to subscribe through ALL of KOTFE, the other rewards were monthly rewards you could possibly get even if you cancelled mid-through then subscribed for the new HK underwear or something. You're completely missing my point here, 7 months worth of sub were required to get the chapter, hence the exclusivity. It's not a "sub for a month and get a new HK-55 skin for all of your companions" deal, it's a "you have to be subscribed 7 months in a row to get this" kind of deal, it required a good deal of money and it would screw over the customers who did had to go through that hassle to get the HK-55 bonus chapter if someone else could get it for just 1 month of subscription. If they implement it they better make it so there's an effort required otherwise it cheats the custome who had to pay 7 months worth of sub for it.

TLDR: You're not entitled to it just as much as I'm not entitled to a founder's title, the chapter required months of subscription and implementing as a one month sub reward would be screwing over the people who had to pay the 7 months.



I would be very unpleased if everyone could get this chapter now for a few bucks. I don't mind if more people can get the chapter per se. I just don't want its value to lower. If I paid some 120$ for it (including getting sub access), then this is what it should cost now, too. BW can offer a "HK-55 bonus chapter addon including [what was it?] 6 months of subscription" on their website for 120$. This is a fair deal. If you don't take it, you're not really that interested in the chapter. You just want free or almost free stuff.


I want Z0-0M to stay exclusive though. The companion should not be part of the deal.

This, I agree with everything you said but the Z0-0M part. I think if someone is willing to fork out the cash for it then they should get the full deal, either that or if they're not getting all of it then they should pay less than 120 bucks for it. Either way it was quite an investment so it should remain so if they ever decide to implement it again.

Edited by FlameYOL
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No it wasn't. it's *related* to the main story, but it isn't *part of" or "essential to" the main story. It's rather like a "real" Star Wars story about something that Wedge Antilles did in between leaving Tatooine at the beginning of the Star Wars ("ANH'") novelisation and Luke meeting him again on Yavin after the Death Star escape.


Such a story does not advance the main story of ANH in the slightest, and it is therefore neither essential to nor part of the main story. It might be interesting, but it is not essential.


(If you read the novelisation, you'll know that there were elements in it that were not in the film, and the interactions between Luke and Wedge were among them.)


Are you actually trying to tell me that RotHC is not essential to the main story for the characters in this game? That's only true if you consider that they could pluck our characters out from any point in the story and drop us into KotFE and then it wouldn't make any difference.

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I have the chapter. I liked it. I don't mind if other people get it, but I do think they should have to pay something similar.


Offer a six month subscription plus the HK chapter. Price it at the normal 6 month cost plus $20. (It has been awhile and my memory is not great, but I think those of us who subbed had to do so for more than six months).

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There have been hints that they are at least thinking about selling it. I wouldn't expect it for anything as low as $10 though. Have a look at the prices of other items on the CM. A companion without any story content already costs $20, top end weapons $40 and another $5 to account unlock them. The HK-55 chapter and it's associated items would surely be priced higher than a single weapon.

I got the original chapter reward for subbing I don't see a problem with them opening it up for others now. I missed out on the original Nico companion and I was very pleased they brought him back for the rest of us. The HK chapter was good when it was first out but now I find it a bore to re-run. Let those who missed out have their fun. For a price. Selling an unlock for the chapter at 1000CC seems a fair price to me.

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I got the original chapter reward for subbing I don't see a problem with them opening it up for others now. I missed out on the original Nico companion and I was very pleased they brought him back for the rest of us. The HK chapter was good when it was first out but now I find it a bore to re-run. Let those who missed out have their fun. For a price. Selling an unlock for the chapter at 1000CC seems a fair price to me.


That or re-run the 7(?) month subscription requirement.

Edited by Paulsutherland
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In January 2016 I canceled my sub, because I was very annoyed at how BW handled certain exploits going on in 2015. A few days before my sub expired, they came up with their HK bonus chapter incentive.


It was this chapter - and only this chapter - which made me continue my sub.


I would be very unpleased if everyone could get this chapter now for a few bucks. I don't mind if more people can get the chapter per se. I just don't want its value to lower. If I paid some 120$ for it (including getting sub access), then this is what it should cost now, too. BW can offer a "HK-55 bonus chapter addon including [what was it?] 6 months of subscription" on their website for 120$. This is a fair deal. If you don't take it, you're not really that interested in the chapter. You just want free or almost free stuff.


I want Z0-0M to stay exclusive though. The companion should not be part of the deal.


Well if I’m not mistaken you could buy a 6 month sub for $75 even back then so who ever did the math is wrong but that’s not the point. Your telling me that you don’t think people should get access to a story that is in the game cause you did something a few yrs ago. Let’s see we have new players asking for it. We have people returning after a break or whatever And have been asking for it. Sorry but your “exclusiveness” to a story that is apart of the main kotet has past and others should be able to enjoy it for themselves now considering it’s been a few yrs. That’s why I said sell it but stick it to a sub. If you been a sub for such and such time you can access it. For a few extra bucks as well since we did miss it originally. But trying to tell me you’ll get mad if they do sell It is just plain silly. And sure who don’t like extra stuff but if we are a sub and have been for a while then yes I think the extra stuff should be in there as well. But like i said there are a few ways they could do this without it turning into a pissing match between the “but there mine” group or the others who have been curious about this as well. But $120 is total bs and you know it. That’s why I said connect it to a sub and sell it.

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Are you actually trying to tell me that RotHC is not essential to the main story for the characters in this game? That's only true if you consider that they could pluck our characters out from any point in the story and drop us into KotFE and then it wouldn't make any difference.

Oops. Sorry, misread your post. For some reason, I thought you were talking about the HK chapter, and *I* certainly was. My mistake.


But anyway: I'm not 100% convinced I'd call RotHC *essential* to the main story. Part of it, for sure, even an important part of it, but if you skip it, there aren't many things you'll notice that refer to it.(1) For sure, there aren't *none* either, but there aren't many. The one that sticks out is a Republic character's interactions with Doctor Oggy in KotFE Chapter IX, since Republickers have already met him if they follow RotHC.


(1) It's less trimmable than, say, Tom Bombadil in The Lord of the Rings, but more trimmable than, say, the events on Yavin and Ziost if you're following the whole story of SWTOR. They *are* essential since large chunks of dialogue in KotFE/ET refer to them.

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No Common business would be to sell a two yr old story content to those that want it. And yes $120 is the most unrealistic thing I’ve seen considering your “exclusive” content is that old. So congrats you had something for this long that lots of people don’t but now it’s time to let others enjoy it as well. And I’ve already said what could be done to sell it


How about if the relaunched it, with the same sub requirements as before? Maintain a sub for 6 months, then get it off cartel market for like 100cc.

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Well if I’m not mistaken you could buy a 6 month sub for $75 even back then so who ever did the math is wrong but that’s not the point. Your telling me that you don’t think people should get access to a story that is in the game cause you did something a few yrs ago. Let’s see we have new players asking for it. We have people returning after a break or whatever And have been asking for it. Sorry but your “exclusiveness” to a story that is apart of the main kotet has past and others should be able to enjoy it for themselves now considering it’s been a few yrs. That’s why I said sell it but stick it to a sub. If you been a sub for such and such time you can access it. For a few extra bucks as well since we did miss it originally. But trying to tell me you’ll get mad if they do sell It is just plain silly. And sure who don’t like extra stuff but if we are a sub and have been for a while then yes I think the extra stuff should be in there as well. But like i said there are a few ways they could do this without it turning into a pissing match between the “but there mine” group or the others who have been curious about this as well. But $120 is total bs and you know it. That’s why I said connect it to a sub and sell it.



In other words, you want the content but don't want to have to do what we had to do to get the story. Yea, that sounds fair. I don't care if they offer it to new subscribers but under the same conditions we had to do, which was you had to be sub for xx amount of months before you could get it.

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In other words, you want the content but don't want to have to do what we had to do to get the story. Yea, that sounds fair. I don't care if they offer it to new subscribers but under the same conditions we had to do, which was you had to be sub for xx amount of months before you could get it.


Did you not read what I said. I said sell it but connect it to a sub past present as long as it equals the same amount of time y’all did. That’s part of the problem nowadays no one reads befor they jump to conclusions

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This topic again? SO marginalize down the fact that people who subbed for like 7 consecutive months while others abandon the game and went else where but now you're back for another month, and once you get what you want you will be gone again and all the others like me who haven't abandoned this game with our sub dollars will be like why did we sub if all we have to do is come on the forums and whine about the injustice of bonus content for being loyal customers. If they want to open this back up it should be 5400 cc's or 6 months of continuous sub, than after 6 months you can unlock the quest.


The excuse of I wasn't around or playing when they offered this is total bs. Not my problem. If i started playing wow today i'm sure there are aspects of that game unavailable to me. Maybe I should take to their boards and start whining like a 3 year old saying how I should have everything the game has to offer. I'm sure I would get some really sympathetic responses. Sometimes I feel like people come on here and post topics like this just anger other people.

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I remember paying for RotHC back in 2013... lots of other folks who came along later didn't have to pay for that content. I wasn't bothered by that, because I enjoyed the content when it was new (and, at that time, it seemed like it mattered! :D ). I got my money's worth.


This. Also, I wonder how many subs are aware that last October, BW released all the expansions, and level increases, not including KOTFE/KOTET to F2P and preferred players, for free, permanently. It was a limited time deal over the course of a month, but they didn't have to pay money or win something, just register for it on the website. Meaning that not only did subs get those expansions simply by paying fifteen bucks for a sub [as is normal], but people who NEVER paid for this game got them too.


Personally, I hate HK-55, and I think the Knights expansions are mediocre anyway, so I don't care if BW releases the chapter. Even if I thought it was great though, I still wouldn't care that much, because if history is a good indicator, BW will eventually do it anyway, and all the people saying 'oh you'll have to pay what we did' or 'too late, you missed it and it's never coming back!' are pathetically naive.


One of the big reasons I keep coming back to this forum is to rub it in the face of long-time players who think new players are 'entitled' for asking for these things, then watch gleefully as BW ignores their painfully constructed objections completely and gives in to the 'entitleds'. It was the same for legacy Datacrons, increased XP, solo FPs and Heroics [yes, all of these had legions of naysayers who claimed people asking for them were selfish], and it'll be the same for this too.

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That’s has got to be the dumbest thing I’ve seen. Story content as a reward for a sub that gets other stuff for free as well was the most assanine thing ever. but asking to buy said content is still up in the air after two yrs and people that already have it say no you can’t have it is just crazy. Yeah I’ve seen the older post that’s why I started this one to see if there was any luck.


See what I mean now? If they try to offer it again for anything less than what it was the first time.... there will be rage.


Me personally..... I don't care. If they wanna bundle it with a 6 month sub, sell it on the CM for 15,000 CC (ridiculous number....I know ;) ) or include it as a bonus included with a new "sub for X months" chapter about Theron getting that new hair cut.


For what it's worth, I understand the frustration. I missed getting the founders title by a week. I've been subbed continuously EVERY day since, but I'll never get that title. :confused:

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IMHO it would be completely fair for them to offer the chapter for the same terms as the original promotion, ie, you subscribe for X number of consecutive months and it's yours. When they offered the original promotion they never said they were burning the masters for the chapter, after all.
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See what I mean now? If they try to offer it again for anything less than what it was the first time.... there will be rage.


Me personally..... I don't care. If they wanna bundle it with a 6 month sub, sell it on the CM for 15,000 CC (ridiculous number....I know ;) ) or include it as a bonus included with a new "sub for X months" chapter about Theron getting that new hair cut.


For what it's worth, I understand the frustration. I missed getting the founders title by a week. I've been subbed continuously EVERY day since, but I'll never get that title. :confused:


It is upsetting becuase when bioware needed peoples sub dollars they offered a bonus chapter to entice people to stay subbed and support the game. Now every time some newbie starts playing they act like everything should be available too them. Like you said you missed the founder title that will be the next thing people who just started playing last week will want. It's non stop .


Yes iI agree make people have to pay what we paid to get it. 6 months continuous sub and you get the chapter unlocked or 5400 cc. Seems fair to me.

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LOL last post on this. But again they will never offer this a sub reward again. And I also don't see them dropping for 5800CC (as someone proposed). After the outrage of releasing old sub rewards, Eric clearly stated in a Live Stream that all future Sub Rewards will be completely new and they will not be old sub rewards. As it should be. Bottom line, you missed out, but you did not miss out on anything important. One small chapter (that doesn't really effect the main story line) and two companions - one a reskinned HK unit, and another droid comp. If you seriously want more droid comps, check the gtn. and if you want more story, stick around
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It just bugs me looking at the chapters list and always having look back at me incomplete because they put the bonus chapter in the chapter list..


I don't mind not having the chapter, but I'd only get it to complete that stupid list, or even better, can't it just be moved to achievements or something.

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It just bugs me looking at the chapters list and always having look back at me incomplete because they put the bonus chapter in the chapter list..


I don't mind not having the chapter, but I'd only get it to complete that stupid list, or even better, can't it just be moved to achievements or something.


Why should they need to change their system for you?

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My official opinion on the matter (not that anyone cares) is that I'm ok with them selling it now. It's been long enough for those of us who earned it at the time to enjoy it and then ignore it for a couple of years. Certainly, it should not be given for free. Certainly, it should not be a reward for subs again. But, it's ok to lift the embargo at this point and let people buy it with real money. It should not be able to be sold on GTN. Just let people pay $20 or whatever. I don't think it would be a windfall for the company, but they may make a few bucks off of it.
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My official opinion on the matter (not that anyone cares) is that I'm ok with them selling it now. It's been long enough for those of us who earned it at the time to enjoy it and then ignore it for a couple of years. Certainly, it should not be given for free. Certainly, it should not be a reward for subs again. But, it's ok to lift the embargo at this point and let people buy it with real money. It should not be able to be sold on GTN. Just let people pay $20 or whatever. I don't think it would be a windfall for the company, but they may make a few bucks off of it.


Yeah. I agree so let’s see what happens

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If they want to sell it as a cartel market item for 5400 cc's or a 6 month continuous sub i'm fine with that. But, 10 dollars is a slap in the face too everybody who subscribed during that period to get it.


Agreed. If they're going to sell it that cheaply then it should be a character unlock, not an account-wide unlock.

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